The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games
@rsetzer13 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
That's pathetic. Just prestige the card normally. You don't have to ruin everyone's fun, because you are impatient. I have prestiged several cards this year just using them normally without robbing others of the enjoyment of playing the game.
If you feel this way my suggestion would be to solely play RS. I don’t think there’s an event that players haven’t used to boost and prestige their players. I think your anger is misplaced, be angry at SDS for making prestige only attainable through online play.
Wins do not equal enjoyment. I guess the instant gratification society does not understand that. I'd rather enjoy a game and lose than play somebody that is either trying to cheese or pretty much boost prestige player stats. I enjoy real competition -- I guess I'm in the minority there.
Pitchers that can't bunt and power hitters who are amazing at it is what frustrates me.
@rsetzer13 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
Wins do not equal enjoyment. I guess the instant gratification society does not understand that. I'd rather enjoy a game and lose than play somebody that is either trying to cheese or pretty much boost prestige player stats. I enjoy real competition -- I guess I'm in the minority there.
I think you may be right. For sure, the way we as a community play this game, is part of why it can be an exercise in frustration.
If the motivation of SDS were less about turning profits from micro transactions and more about making gameplay satisfying, things might be different, but who can blame them nowadays? Video game business is about business first and games second.
@mike32_08 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
What does "RNG" mean?
Random Number Generator.
Its a known conspiracy theory, from certain people that don't realize things can happen that don't work in your favor , so instead of sucking it up and dealing with a loss, they start stating that SDS has put in place a coding that will kick in if someone of lesser skill is losing to a person with better skill; so the game stays competitive. That way the so called lesser skill player jeeps playing, and spending money, instead if not playing/spending money.
Not cheesing if they are quitting... if your goal is to win the you should be happy and move on to the next one. Play RS if you want a real baseball game.
This post is deleted!
I get what he saying. It’d be nice if everyone played straight up but that will never happen. The truth is that people generally ruin everything.
RNG exists in every computer programming game that has attributes that contribute to the outcome.
There is no conspiracy theory about it. Conspiracy talk is related to DDA which is dynamic difficulty adjustment or "little billy" code, which people claim keeps inferior players in games they should have no business being in.
@rsetzer13 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
That's pathetic. Just prestige the card normally. You don't have to ruin everyone's fun, because you are impatient. I have prestiged several cards this year just using them normally without robbing others of the enjoyment of playing the game.
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
@mike32_08 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
What does "RNG" mean?
Random Number Generator.
Its a known conspiracy theory, from certain people that don't realize things can happen that don't work in your favor , so instead of sucking it up and dealing with a loss, they start stating that SDS has put in place a coding that will kick in if someone of lesser skill is losing to a person with better skill; so the game stays competitive. That way the so called lesser skill player jeeps playing, and spending money, instead if not playing/spending money.
Found the SDS shill. It's not really a conspiracy theory if anyone with at least 2 competing brain cells can take notice of the blatant RNG favoritism in-game. The wildly inconsistent hitting outcomes lead to all the frustrating losses and cheap, unfulfilling wins
eatyumreplied to AGENTSxOFxCHAOS on Jul 9, 2020, 11:18 PM last edited by eatyum_PSN Jul 9, 2020, 11:19 PM
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
@mike32_08 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
What does "RNG" mean?
Random Number Generator.
Its a known conspiracy theory, from certain people that don't realize things can happen that don't work in your favor , so instead of sucking it up and dealing with a loss, they start stating that SDS has put in place a coding that will kick in if someone of lesser skill is losing to a person with better skill; so the game stays competitive. That way the so called lesser skill player jeeps playing, and spending money, instead if not playing/spending money.
That's not entirely true. RNG absolutely exists, games like this could not work without it. It's just not the nefarious behind the scene force that only works for your opponent and never you. Like for example, say a card has 95 power and you square it up, that outcome has a certain percentage of being a hit, it takes into account the batter stats, user input etc and spits out an outcome
What your describing is comeback mechanics, which is different, though often associated with the term RNG.
@eatyum said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
@mike32_08 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
What does "RNG" mean?
Random Number Generator.
Its a known conspiracy theory, from certain people that don't realize things can happen that don't work in your favor , so instead of sucking it up and dealing with a loss, they start stating that SDS has put in place a coding that will kick in if someone of lesser skill is losing to a person with better skill; so the game stays competitive. That way the so called lesser skill player jeeps playing, and spending money, instead if not playing/spending money.
That's not entirely true. RNG absolutely exists, games like this could not work without it. It's just not the nefarious behind the scene force that only works for your opponent and never you. Like for example, say a card has 95 power and you square it up, that outcome has a certain percentage of being a hit, it takes into account the batter stats, user input etc and spits out an outcome
What your describing is comeback mechanics, which is different, though often associated with the term RNG.
RNG is increased and decreased by game tilts, expands and contracts the RNG range.
Potawatomi_Kidreplied to rsetzer13 on Jul 9, 2020, 11:53 PM last edited by Potawatomi_Kid Jul 9, 2020, 11:54 PM
@rsetzer13 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
Wins do not equal enjoyment. I guess the instant gratification society does not understand that. I'd rather enjoy a game and lose than play somebody that is either trying to cheese or pretty much boost prestige player stats. I enjoy real competition -- I guess I'm in the minority there.
But youre playing in events which is literally known by all to the be the boosting grounds. Are you that thick in the head?
@rsetzer13 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
Wins do not equal enjoyment. I guess the instant gratification society does not understand that. I'd rather enjoy a game and lose than play somebody that is either trying to cheese or pretty much boost prestige player stats. I enjoy real competition -- I guess I'm in the minority there.
There's nothing enjoyable about losing, sorry that this free win hurt you so much, I hope you can recover quickly we're pulling for you man, please keep us posted!
@rsetzer13 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
Just played a WS guy starting Rivera so he could prestige him (I don't get the rush to do this... the card is pretty much the same prestiged or not) who bunted with every batter. After 1 inning, he quits. I win, but that is so dumb. Next game, another WS idiot starting Rivera in another rush to prestige employing super cheesy tactics offensively and defensively. Why are WS players so desperate and pathetic? I win 70% of my online games without playing desperate and cheesing. These guys make me want to play offline only. The best thing I did was buy Nascar Heat 5. It is refreshing to play a game without predetermined outcomes and people trying to game the game by cheesing or attempting to use every exploit possible. I have loved this game for years, but my enjoyment is zero at the moment. I am losing all interest in online play between RNG and cheesy WS players. It is sad that WS players, the so called "Elite", feel the need to cheese and attempt to exploit meaningless event games. For the first time ever, I'm contemplating not purchasing the game next year. I just decided I will not be buying NBA 2K in September for the first time in years for similar reasons -- it is no fun to play a game where poor shot selection with mastered timing mechanisms for contested step back 3s and button mashing for steals is rewarded. Neither game even resembles their sport in online play right now, and that is truly a shame. I play because I love the sports. When cheesy tactics, exploits, and RNG take over so much, I lose all interest because the game no longer remotely resembles the sport I'm trying to play.
Nascar can suck an egg with the nfl and nba
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
@mike32_08 said in The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back... Super Cheesy Exploiting WS Players in Event Games:
What does "RNG" mean?
Random Number Generator.
Its a known conspiracy theory, from certain people that don't realize things can happen that don't work in your favor , so instead of sucking it up and dealing with a loss, they start stating that SDS has put in place a coding that will kick in if someone of lesser skill is losing to a person with better skill; so the game stays competitive. That way the so called lesser skill player jeeps playing, and spending money, instead if not playing/spending money.
I don't think you understand what rng means. It is definitely not a conspiracy theory. Lmao.
Complains about racking up Ranked Wins.
... Seriously?!?
I for one have ZERO issue with people quitting out of event games. Win win, but people still complain?
I think they should have put in offline missions to prestige the players. Like make the hits or XBHs 3x more offline than online, or something like that.