When do you usually stop playing the Show?
Normally stick it out pretty long but I play only at night and for 2-3 hours and I dont work the market or buy packs so my burnout factor is pushed to the same level as others
Stopped the weekend before my birthday(3weeks from now) last year.......just isnt that great anymore.....even with the ta. Online is a huge mess and nothing to keep you interested offline. Moments too frustrating even with great pci.
I play until October/November when lots of big titles release...
Then I get the interest and need for baseball again in late January, usually around the time you see dev streams, and play again up to release of the new game.There's usually a month of mid summer I barely play too..
Usually about 9:30/10:00. Unless it's a weekend, then I can go till about 11:30.
I stop playing for a couple months when madden drops. Then I usually come back sporadically after the super bowl for a bit.
Last year I played until the 20 launch date. This year, who knows? Last of us 2 is soon and pga 2k20 might take me away.
All year, if this is the only baseball we get this year then I'm making the most of it even if the game has it's flaws. I played until the launch of 2020 on last years version as well.
I'm not a hardcore Baseball fan only been watching since 2012 and it was this game that got me into it. Picking this game up as a noob is quite the experience but it's becoming very stale and it's not even down to the gameplay for me. Anyway I play this right now as there's quite frankly nothing else of interest and will continue to do so until bored. However i'm 100% done and won't be buying the next edition unless they take a massive step up and deliver something new like a pro clubs type thing just for example.
@Saberq269 said in When do you usually stop playing the Show?:
I wanna know if you guys play all year round or do you stop in summer or after the WS
I ask because I think I am close to the end this year.
I just think I played too much,I am at prestige level 13,1 card away from Mantle and just can't keep going for some reason.
Are you guys still grinding?
I'll be playing through summer at least; want to finish Prestige. Then I'll do Showdown and Moments for fun.... not for the cards. Finally off the "have to have the newest card" train.
Once Madden drops, then I'll get bored of Madden by Halloween..
And go back to MLB for a bit..Its a never ending cycle.
I usually play year round...but was dissapointed by 19 so I didnt buy 20....but I'm still playing 19
So I was 10K away from Scherzer to complete the collections and bought a 50 pack bundle like an idiot.
I pulled Arenado only sold him,bought Scherzer,got Mantle and now I am not sure why am I playing
I will play until 2021 comes out, This is the only game I play
I play less and less every year, this year I was done on may 5th and haven't even put the game in since then. They have neglected everything about the game except DD for years now, so if you don't play that mode it's not any fun anymore. Franchise has so many bugs it's terrible, RTTS was better a few years ago and then they quit doing anything with it to all focus on DD. I don't know why they can't improve the other modes in the game as well as DD
When I’m dead
I play it year-round, not consistently, like last year starting in December I started playing more CoD then MLB until 20 came out, but I'll always play it to some varying degree.
I’ll be stopping soon, game is just really bad still and sds isn’t going to fix anything. They got The money they wanted. Why do any work?
@DirtyDiggler24 said in When do you usually stop playing the Show?:
I’ll be stopping soon, game is just really bad still and sds isn’t going to fix anything. They got The money they wanted. Why do any work?
I propose that this song be added to the playlist next year.
365 days - until MLB21TS is released. Even though I'm mediocre, I somehow manage to stay interested the entire year. It also helps save money as I haven't had to buy any other PS4 games. SDS manages to keep releasing enough content to keep me engaged year round.