Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.
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Upvoted for sure
I like your idea.
Great idea.
Awesome idea!! Would be cool too to add player awards somehow. Whoever your best hitter was can get some sort of MVP stub boost. Same for world series MVP ECT. SDS needs to see this
I like it and I think at every stage you have to lock in your roster. So that way you would be encouraged to save your SP for the next game rather than burning him in relief in the 3rd
@Serrato32 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
Have an actual regular season, and post season.
Regular season, in order to advance you must win 12 of 20 games. If you fail to win 12 within 20, you miss playoffs and have to start over. This advances you to divisional series.
Divisional series, you have to win 3 of 5 to advance
Championship series is best of 7
World Series is best of 7.
The maximum games played to win your world series is 39, least is 23. Thats a pretty average amount of games for most ranked season runs.
It adds a level of excitement, and would be a nice change of pace.
As far as variable difficulty levels, im open to ideas...but i would love the above
Love this..Put to vote this would win I bet.Wont beuniversal but 22 up votes with more coming says it all..Rarely you see that # of upvotes even if it unanimous sentiments being echoed..I know you see this Colin shouldn't have to tag.You guys probably had something in mind anyway but bet it wasn't this format Those WS cards are expensive for no reason but rare. Build on this.WS winners then go into a WS round Robin tourney.Buncha cheesecakes who won WS but for some reason alot are actually trash. This season and postseason format is great Even a bad RNG game gets offset by a multi game series for those rare cards SDS take note!!!! -
@Serrato32 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
Have an actual regular season, and post season.
Regular season, in order to advance you must win 12 of 20 games. If you fail to win 12 within 20, you miss playoffs and have to start over. This advances you to divisional series.
Divisional series, you have to win 3 of 5 to advance
Championship series is best of 7
World Series is best of 7.
The maximum games played to win your world series is 39, least is 23. Thats a pretty average amount of games for most ranked season runs.
It adds a level of excitement, and would be a nice change of pace.
As far as variable difficulty levels, im open to ideas...but i would love the above format.
Say you dont quality to you still get somekind of reward in your scenario?
@DrewshBag420 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
@Serrato32 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
Have an actual regular season, and post season.
Regular season, in order to advance you must win 12 of 20 games. If you fail to win 12 within 20, you miss playoffs and have to start over. This advances you to divisional series.
Divisional series, you have to win 3 of 5 to advance
Championship series is best of 7
World Series is best of 7.
The maximum games played to win your world series is 39, least is 23. Thats a pretty average amount of games for most ranked season runs.
It adds a level of excitement, and would be a nice change of pace.
As far as variable difficulty levels, im open to ideas...but i would love the above format.
Say you dont quality to you still get somekind of reward in your scenario?
I'm thinking reward scenarios would be as follows:
Regular Season Failure to make playoffs: Separate tier rewards for 5 wins and 10 wins. (Silver cards or something akin to current pennant race rewards.
Making playoffs: Maybe you get a gold card?
Playoff Rounds, You don't get the reward if you don't win the series. And when you do, Division Series, Championship Series, and World Series earns rewards similar to what we already get for those levels in Ranked Seasons.
Scrap the regular season aspect and just make it it's own new game mode centered around the playoff structure. Run it like BR so you pay 1,500 stubs to enter.
Wildcard Round - Must win to continue run *Guarantee a pack for a loss
Division Round - must win 3 games before 2 losses to continue run
Championship Round - must win 4 games before 3 losses to continue run.
World Series round - must win 4 games before 3 losses to win the run.
Difficulty and rewards structure increase as you make your way through the playoff run.
Bonus rewards for any Division, Championship, or World Series round completed with no losses. Higher bonus rewards for completing entire run (12 games) with no losses.
@Serrato32 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
@DrewshBag420 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
@Serrato32 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
Have an actual regular season, and post season.
Regular season, in order to advance you must win 12 of 20 games. If you fail to win 12 within 20, you miss playoffs and have to start over. This advances you to divisional series.
Divisional series, you have to win 3 of 5 to advance
Championship series is best of 7
World Series is best of 7.
The maximum games played to win your world series is 39, least is 23. Thats a pretty average amount of games for most ranked season runs.
It adds a level of excitement, and would be a nice change of pace.
As far as variable difficulty levels, im open to ideas...but i would love the above format.
Say you dont quality to you still get somekind of reward in your scenario?
I'm thinking reward scenarios would be as follows:
Regular Season Failure to make playoffs: Separate tier rewards for 5 wins and 10 wins. (Silver cards or something akin to current pennant race rewards.
Making playoffs: Maybe you get a gold card?
Playoff Rounds, You don't get the reward if you don't win the series. And when you do, Division Series, Championship Series, and World Series earns rewards similar to what we already get for those levels in Ranked Seasons.
I like your idea
@Serrato32 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
Have an actual regular season, and post season.
Regular season, in order to advance you must win 12 of 20 games. If you fail to win 12 within 20, you miss playoffs and have to start over. This advances you to divisional series.
Divisional series, you have to win 3 of 5 to advance
Championship series is best of 7
World Series is best of 7.
The maximum games played to win your world series is 39, least is 23. Thats a pretty average amount of games for most ranked season runs.
It adds a level of excitement, and would be a nice change of pace.
As far as variable difficulty levels, im open to ideas...but i would love the above format.
I like this because you can have separate seasons based on what difficulty level you want to play on (all star, hof, etc). The rewards would be commensurate with the difficulty.
I might be in the minority here, but I'd rather keep things the way they are now. I find climbing through the ranks to be a lot of fun, and besides, I wouldn't want to have to play a mandatory 20-30 games per season.
I like this idea as long as matchmaking works similar to events, so the game will always try to find someone with a similar record in whatever round the player is at. That way even lousy players like me will still have a reason to play, because more often than not we could at least have a competitive game against a player with a similar ability level.
As far as difficulty levels, all star for the regular season then HOF and legend for the next two rounds makes the most sense. Just so the newbs and casuals aren't totally left out, there could also be a 'Spring Training' round played on veteran where a certain win total is needed to advance to regular season, and the number of losses they accumulate to get there doesn't really matter.
The elite players deserve some consideration too, so there should be a higher tier of awards for players who not only make it all the way through a round but manage to pull it off with very few losses. Like maybe making it past regular season would give the player a low gold, but doing it with a certain win percentage would give them one of the better golds in the game and going undefeated would give them a diamond. or something like that.
@Serrato32 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
Have an actual regular season, and post season.
Regular season, in order to advance you must win 12 of 20 games. If you fail to win 12 within 20, you miss playoffs and have to start over. This advances you to divisional series.
Divisional series, you have to win 3 of 5 to advance
Championship series is best of 7
World Series is best of 7.
The maximum games played to win your world series is 39, least is 23. Thats a pretty average amount of games for most ranked season runs.
It adds a level of excitement, and would be a nice change of pace.
As far as variable difficulty levels, im open to ideas...but i would love the above format.
@Serrato32 said in Idea for Reformatting Ranked seasons.:
Have an actual regular season, and post season.
Regular season, in order to advance you must win 12 of 20 games. If you fail to win 12 within 20, you miss playoffs and have to start over. This advances you to divisional series.
Divisional series, you have to win 3 of 5 to advance
Championship series is best of 7
World Series is best of 7.
The maximum games played to win your world series is 39, least is 23. Thats a pretty average amount of games for most ranked season runs.
It adds a level of excitement, and would be a nice change of pace.
As far as variable difficulty levels, im open to ideas...but i would love the above format.
Love this. Only change would be to make regular season a bit shorter. And maybe each postseason only best of 5
And as long as rewards are still the same -