Some of you may know that I had complications with my neck surgery, back in June (15th) and ended up having what’s called a Spinal Cord Infarction. In layman's terms: a stroke.
I lost full function in my extremities (legs/feet and arms/hands) on both sides of my body. I also was, technically in a coma, as I couldn't wake up from the anesthesia until June 20th.
I then spent a week in the ICU (Presbyterian Hospital) a feeding tube as I had a tube down my throat to breathe. After that was removed and I was put back on solid foods; I was moved to the MICU of Presbyterian Hospital in Pittsburgh.
I stayed in the MICU until July 6th when I was transfered to the Spinal Cord Rehab Center at Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh. This was the same facility that Ryan Scherzer(sp), from the Pittsburgh Steelers, stayed at when he had his injury.
When I got there, even though I could move my left side (leg/foot and arm/hands) and could move my right leg/foot; I couldn't lift my left hand/arm off the mattress. And I couldn't walk more than 10ft without collapsing and had to get around in a motorized wheelchair.
Well, after a little over a month there a.d with the help of some of the best and most awesome nurses, PCTs, Hospitality Workers, Occupational/Physical Therapists students and aides inc) I was able to walk 350 ft by myself, with a walker, and I can lift my right arm/hand to the top of my head.
I had to learn how to dress myself again, bathe myself again, train my bowels, among other things.
I still have a long road of recovery. I just finished 4 week of in home PT and OT and should be starting Outpatient PT and OT back at the Mercy Pavillion (across the street from where I was at (Mercy Hospital) for the above mentioned rehab.
That will last for 6 weeks. They'll mainly work on my right hand, along with touching up the other areas of my issues m so I don't lose any progress, and will also work a little with teaching me Joe yo write with my left hand. I'm a right and I can even grip a pencil with my right hand. I was told that it may take until June of 2024 to find out how much function I'll regain in my right hand. I have a long road ahead if me.
Now, if you read all that, even though that socks, that's not what the title of this thread is about.
Since I can't even hold a PS5 controller, on my right hand, I haven't played The Show since June 14th and today was the first day I even turned on my PS5.
I loaded up the game, just to see how far behind I am and it's frightening. The last program I completed was the one before the Father's Day one. That (FD) and every other program after that is not even touched. I also think I have half, if not less, of the June TN done.
I have exactly 0 Set 3 cards and 0 Set 4 cards.
However, I did sell off some investments that I forgot I had, to get up to 556,000 in stubs and finally bought the last few cards I needed to complete the LS Collection.
The part that sucks is that unless, by some type of miracle, I get function in my right hand earlier than anticipated, o probably won't play 23 again and probably won't get 24 until July of 2024.
Oh well, it's been a fun run and I'm hung to chill on TSN just to talk with everyone.
And just a little point of advice, take it or don't take it, when you complain on how the game plays or how the content isn't up to your liking. Remember, whole some of us want to play and can't, you have the option to chose YOURSELF if you want to keep/quit playing.