which showdown requires it to be completed 4 times?

is he worth the stubs if not able to complete collections right away?
i got some packs from the mays program in mlb 24 that i just did this past tuesday, i guess the now or later packs are still transferring to 25?
is it worth it to get the digital deluxe edition over the standard?
is there a way to sell uniforms on the app or community market?
which one is best for earning packs? ive completed team affinity so just wondering which one is best.
who would you guys say are the top 5 players to choose from ta ch 3?
do you have to win on a certain difficulty to earn the cards? ive won 17 games and have not received them.
@ebbets1957 which exchanges?
I know im in the minority but i actually enjoy grinding mini seasons.
@Shauwn whats your buxton boost lineup? im trying to find a good lineup.
@FreddieL215 exactly. how anyone defends this is beyond me.
if i want to grind to get rewards quick in a game i paid for i should be able to, the xp cap is just ridiculous
delete this post please
@Easy_Duhz_It_ maybe to try to continue to get the point across?
what is the point of an xp cap?
if so, that is ridiculous .
sorry if i missed it , but did they do away with the daily moments this year?
I understand its suppose to be hard but i wish the cards were sellable where people who arent good enough to complete the program could obtain the cards , and the people who are good enough could make extra stubs if they wanted to sell.
I understand its suppose to be hard but i wish the cards were sellable where people who arent good enough to complete the program could obtain the cards , and the people who are good enough could make extra stubbs if they wanted to sell.
Showdown 4x revisited
I still have yet to get my Now and Later packs
standard editon vs digital deluxe edition.
mini seasons
top 5 ta ch 3 players
Where did these cards come from?
Tips For TA
Tips For TA
Thoughts on cards being less valuable than ever?
xp cap
XP Cap and Offline Players
xp cap
xp cap
xp cap
Day 2 of 10k xp cap
daily moments
No more Extreme please
Extreme has taken the wind out of my sails