This needs to be acknowledged by sds asap. Ridiculous. I don’t think they should have released this game on Xbox until they could have adequate servers. Nothing against Xbox players.

This may be an unpopular opinion but I think all holiday weekends should be double xp.
I’m probably in the minority but I’m kind of enjoying the event.
@tossgawd_xbl said in LOL @ SDS their last hurrah to keep players:
I’ll play rock, paper, scissors by myself before I touch another Madden.
agree 100 percent, i literally have zero interest in madden this year.
Thanks to everyone that has recommended it on here for making stubs, its helping me get really close to obtaining griffey.
so i have been saving up packs and finally got up to 20 chase packs. I opened all 20 and pulled nothing above an 87, very dissaponting.
Sitting here amazed, pulled Scherzer from a twitch pack.
Probably the most mentally tiring thing I’ve ever done. Finally completed it.
anyone else take off work tomorrow and plan on grinding all night? I did and looking forward to it.
I know im in the minority but i actually enjoy grinding mini seasons.
Loving this version . Play 6 hours a night on weekends and 14 hours a day on weekends. Literally love it.
He mashes for me
griffey jr
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in Why should I get mantle:
I did it and am regretting it.
Yes he is the best player in the game; but I'm thinking I could've waited awhile to get him.
So many possible CFers available now.
why regret getting him ? the earlier you get the best player in the game the longer you have him for the games life cycle.
@bigceddibiase said in Can’t wait:
So recently I bought a bass boat. Took it out a couple times... wife asked “so are u taking us fishing this weekend” turned on the TV and showed her the timer!! Fish just gonna have to wait!!!!! Happy release date fellas
I’m like a kid at Christmas
I’m the same way , even took off Friday and Monday to have a long weekend to play .
@speedy44_psn said in mlb the show 21 stubs:
I didn’t know you could buy stubs until the game dropped and they may have a sale of some sort to start
I saw where they are up for purchase in the playstation store.
will be dissapointing if the xp reward path is gone.
hate stub sells.
Ok , I’m a complete moron, internet was down in my area , sorry Sony
Are there no daily moments in this years game ?
Can you please fix these issues, SDS? We paid for a game we can’t play!
Double XP
This event is brutal…
LOL @ SDS their last hurrah to keep players
RIB showdown
Chase Packs
Twitch pack
Ruth program
Tips For TA
Worst version of this game in SEVERAL years!
HRD Ken Griffey Jr Reviews?
Favorite no doubt HR animation
Why should I get mantle
Can’t wait
mlb the show 21 stubs
DD Stream Teaser Tweet
First Stub Sale?
Daily Moments