XP Cap and Offline Players
@Tusken_Raiderz said in XP Cap and Offline Players:
@Easy_Duhz_It_ stop being deliberately obtuse.
Some people just assign too much value to how good they are at a video game.
@Doctor-Fauci910 He must’ve just watched “Shawshank”. He said OBTUSE.
I am an average player at best, but play quite a bit online. It is significantly more enjoyable to be versus playing against the computer. Even if I get destroyed, it is better than just beating up on a computer. The last two years of this game were 100% catered to offline players. I spent countless hours doing meaningless offline tasks and was left with hardly any time for online play. This is the first year I feel like I have been able to just load up the game and play the game. In my opinion, it seems that you get rewarded for playing...not manipulating.
I haven't paid any attention to the XP caps as I have just been able to play the game and have fun, but I will say that I think a daily (or weekly) XP cap is needed. If not, people will just load up CPU games and play at max elevation stadiums for the simple purpose of getting more cards.
If you want a great way to get online XP, as an offline player, turn off crossplay, go into co-op with a friend on the same console, and grind innings. Seriously, give it a shot. Sure, you’ll lose some games, but you’ll win some too. When co-op is working, it’s the most fun, low stress online mode in the game.
@crash447 said in XP Cap and Offline Players:
I am an average player at best, but play quite a bit online. It is significantly more enjoyable to be versus playing against the computer. Even if I get destroyed, it is better than just beating up on a computer. The last two years of this game were 100% catered to offline players. I spent countless hours doing meaningless offline tasks and was left with hardly any time for online play. This is the first year I feel like I have been able to just load up the game and play the game. In my opinion, it seems that you get rewarded for playing...not manipulating.
I haven't paid any attention to the XP caps as I have just been able to play the game and have fun, but I will say that I think a daily (or weekly) XP cap is needed. If not, people will just load up CPU games and play at max elevation stadiums for the simple purpose of getting more cards.
So everyone should have to play your way? No, thank you. I would much rather they do what they say and let everyone play our own way. There should be multiple roads to the destination.
I’ll offer to play co-op with any player on here on PS5, especially if you don’t play online. I’ll do it with you. Hey, I’m not great, but I can hang, and love co-op. Add me on PSN, and we’ll get you so XP
@BJDUBBYAH said in XP Cap and Offline Players:
If you want a great way to get online XP, as an offline player, turn off crossplay, go into co-op with a friend on the same console, and grind innings. Seriously, give it a shot. Sure, you’ll lose some games, but you’ll win some too. When co-op is working, it’s the most fun, low stress online mode in the game.
Nobody I know plays this game anymore. Right or wrong, most tell me it's all about the shop and buying packs and stopped playing
@BJDUBBYAH said in XP Cap and Offline Players:
I’ll offer to play co-op with any player on here on PS5, especially if you don’t play online. I’ll do it with you. Hey, I’m not great, but I can hang, and love co-op. Add me on PSN, and we’ll get you so XP
Your offer is very kind, Let me think about it, ok?
@Doctor-Fauci910 Oh yeah? It would probably surprise you to know that im a mostly offline player who rarely plays events and BR. I havent touched ranked in about 4 years because a 9 inning game watching people bunt dance and pause every 30 seconds is brutal.
But what i also dont do is cry in the forums about people getting more than me in a video game. Because im adult enough to know that i have the OPTION to play online if and when i want to.
if i want to grind to get rewards quick in a game i paid for i should be able to, the xp cap is just ridiculous
@DivineFury75 add me on PSN and I’ll run co-op with you. We’ll get you some XP
@Easy_Duhz_It_ Different rewards have been kept behind a skill gate forever in this game and I see no problem with that. If people thought they should be able to grind offline for flawless or WS rewards I would tell them they’re being ridiculous. There needs to be some sort of reward for being good at the game. But they always had the option to grind the reward path offline at their own pace and buy those cards. Now the game has been changed so that a good chunk of XP to contribute to the main reward path is behind online modes. Modes that are miserable to play if you’re bad at the game.
Nobody is crying. They just don’t appreciate the changes forcing them into modes they don’t want to play, and all I’m saying is that I see where they’re coming from. If you want to continue to insult everyone then I guess that’s your right
It continues to amaze me that while SDS is clearly trying to emulate EA and the money they make, they just pick and choose things to copy without thinking about it.
For example, EAFC (nee FIFA) has daily and weekly XP caps. Certain things you do give you XP for the season program, and once you've done them, they're gone and you can't get anymore until they reset. The XP drip feed. But, there are many other avenues to earn rewards when you play, even though you're not earning XP. Those rewards could potentially be better than the ones you earn through the season path, depending on your luck. And I think that EA has figured out that their players love lottery tickets.
It's that last part that SDS missed (or ignored), I think, and why the player base tolerates XP caps on one platform and not another.
@DivineFury75 No, I didn't at all say everyone should play exactly how I play. I am saying it is more balanced than it has been in years. I just looked and there are XP bonuses in Mini Seasons and Conquest Maps. I haven't done the math to see how many XP bonuses are in offline modes versus online modes, but I don't really care. As someone who has played this game a lot, both offline and online, this is the best balance I have seen. I also have zero problem with XP being easier to obtain online than offline, because it is significantly harder to manipulate things online.
You can also play the game as you want to play the game. Progress may be slower than if you play both offline and online, but you can still make progress. It is the same thing for an online player when it comes to something like the "Spring Breakout Program". I think it can be completed all online, but it will take much longer to keep getting the repeatable mission. If I want it done quicker, I will have to play offline. This is different than previous years when you truly had to play a certain way to finish programs. The XP complaint is not about completing programs, it is about how fast they can be completed.
Offline players are just asking for them to be consistent to their own message. Play the way you want too. If they had told us the truth at the beginning that offline would be cut off at the knees this year, we could have voted with our wallets.
@BJDUBBYAH said in XP Cap and Offline Players:
@DivineFury75 add me on PSN and I’ll run co-op with you. We’ll get you some XP
I'll gladly add you but can't seem to find your name on the ps app.
@XxDeathReyxX said in XP Cap and Offline Players:
Offline players are just asking for them to be consistent to their own message. Play the way you want too. If they had told us the truth at the beginning that offline would be cut off at the knees this year, we could have voted with our wallets.
This, a thousand times
@crash447 said in XP Cap and Offline Players:
@DivineFury75 No, I didn't at all say everyone should play exactly how I play. I am saying it is more balanced than it has been in years. I just looked and there are XP bonuses in Mini Seasons and Conquest Maps. I haven't done the math to see how many XP bonuses are in offline modes versus online modes, but I don't really care.
25K Classic Mini, 15K TA mini, 10K USA, 2.5K Spring conquest, 0 TA conquest
52.5K compared to 80K for the three online tracks, two of which still have some time to go on them so perhaps offline can catch upAt the end of the day the 30K isnt a meaningful difference, but we will see how the season plays out
I made a post right after the details were announced about my concerns with it, but I do think we need to see how the season plays out before we can decide if its a big deal or not.
It would all be more accepted if they had actually made some changes to the gameplay and graphics. Instead it feels like punishment and we are still playing the same game we’ve played for years. I still just feel like they are testing business boundaries and titrating dollars. As much as I like Gamepass, I think it may have ruined this franchise.
@XxDeathReyxX said in XP Cap and Offline Players:
Offline players are just asking for them to be consistent to their own message. Play the way you want too. If they had told us the truth at the beginning that offline would be cut off at the knees this year, we could have voted with our wallets.
How are offline players cut off at the knees? Seriously, I don't understand.
The XP cap is the XP cap regardless of the mode you are playing. Reward XP happens in both online and offline programs.
Online players make the same complaint, that they are forced to play moments, conquests and showdowns against the CPU for programs when they just want to play online.