Going against some of the best cards in Mini Seasons makes it way more exciting and separates it from Conquest. I get that it sucks trying to grind stats or win playoff games, but you can control the difficulty when you enter. It also gives you a chance to go against some of the top tier cards without much stress or worry.

Hoping on Events last night, it was cool to get some low stakes practice at how online feels, and work on the multiplayer program and TA missions at the same time. The problem is that there really isn't anything else to play for after that. I knew the Multiplayer program was going to count all three online modes, but I would hope that there would at least be an Event Wins counter to get a specific card at 20 or so to entice people to play. When the game mode was first introduced in 2017 (or 2018) it gave specific card rewards for winning so many games in a row ( 9 wins, 12 wins), but now it is only a diamond.
Seems like it is missing something and was wondering if anyone else felt the same. Even just a win counter towards a special card would change a lot of people's minds and would draw in more action as the year goes on
I agree 100%
Not only should stats count, but Coop should be opened up to other modes. I know we get into the rhythm of 3, 6, and 9 inning games, ... but think outside the box... how about 4 inning games... 2 innings pitching and defense for each player.... coop events, coop mini seasons..with all parallels and mission achievements working towards the programs.
Could be really fun and exciting if they moved forward in that direction
OOP was the worst by far.
We need a Juan Soto that charges your credit card 1.99 every at-bat. Just to get a feel for how much money he makes per game.
It sucks to see great pitchers like Ron Guidry and Jim Palmer only receive a 96 and 98 respectively, when many current players that are normally bronze level have 99 cards through Topps now, PS, and POTM. Why purchase their name and likeness to only use them that way? Makes no sense.
Bert Blyleven!
He has two nasty curveballs that confuse the hitters.
I have to be honest, I have played Diamond Dynasty since MLB 15 and I am struggling to find the excitement for the next version. This version was the first time that I took a massive break and did not log on for 3-4 months during the Summer. It felt repetitive. For the first time in years, it felt pointless. I just wasn't really excited about anything that I witnessed.
I do think the removal of Sets/Seasons will help, but we are desperately in need of a new online mode to keep the game from going completely stale. Aside from Co-op, I do not remember the addition of a new mode in online Diamond Dynasty. I really do hope this will be the year.
Online Mini-Seasons
Modified Ranked Seasons
Weekend Leagues
Something!As for waiting for the new legends, I do agree that is always interesting to see who will be in the game the next year. My point was that even though we do get fresh additions, I hate the fact that we lose some of the players we had access to in the past. (Will Clark, Ted Williams etc). I am fully aware that they have a budget and cannot afford everyone, but many of the legends are already installed in the game.
I just wanted to see where the excitement level was with the rest of the community. Am I alone in my analysis? Is there something I missed?
Seasons and Sets have been the worst thing that has happened to this game so far. I know why they attempted it (to relive that opening day feeling multiple times), but it is brutal working towards a card that has a very limited shelf life. This is on top of the fact that these games only have roughly 365 days to begin with before people move on to the next version.
Finally, to cap this off, we now have multiple copies of the same card throughout the year. 3-4 years ago, the 99 version was the best version of that player. Now they can have three, four, or maybe five 99s in a game cycle. Just seems silly and overkill. I would rather have one 99 and the parallels moved up to seven or eight, then having to level 3 different versions of the same card.
I started using the Wild Card slot for an out of position player recently and the Parallel points were going up (hit level IV)
We need the fan that ripped the ball out of Mookie's glove. Just use him as a captain and make it impossible for the opponent to catch balls in foul territory.
We need access to more core team captains.
When and where can we get more
There were a couple added to this new program but there are 60 altogether! I think I might have 10 total (counting both pitchers a hitters). This is all based on the idea that they are unsellable and not on the market.
I like using theme teams and even though seasons is really the death of great theme teams, I would hope to see more of these captains available in the game now and not introduced in December
Make it happen please
I don't know if I will get all the way to the end. The xp added in events will push me closer to the next reward, but it is kinda sad that I play as much as I do and am still worried about obtaining all the bosses. It really sucks that even IF i get them, I will only have 3-5 days before the next season. Really brings up the point that Seasons need to go.
I think it goes without saying, that a new DD mode has been needed in this game for awhile. I can tell that one of the limitations that SDS has is its inability to code or get too specific when entering certain modes. But I was wondering why something simple has been put out like an All Time Team mode? A mode where you would pick one of thirty teams, and based on your selection, only players that are affiliated with the team (prospects), currently play on the team, or Have played on the team before will be eligible. This doesn't seem too difficult to pull off. Especially if you assume that if a player doesn't have enough players to fill a specific team, then they would just get a message that says "ineligible" until they collect more. So for example Rich Gossage would be eligible on the Yankees team and every other team he has played a Major League game for.
This could open up an entire new mode that has been missing for years at this point. Aside from picking the 30 teams, the idea seems to be a lot like Events (putting requirements on eligible players), and people would have to own the card to use it.
The catch is how to make it so that every player doesn't pick the Yankees or Dodgers, etc. You could easily limit overall team rating to 95 to make it fair for all players. OR you could count stats and attempt to win 5 games with each theme team throughout the course of the year to win a nice card...I don't know, something like that. But the point is that it seems doable. It seems like it would just require a database of players categorized by teams. I know other websites do it for this game, so it doesn't seem far-fetched that SDS could do it too.
The other problem is that a mode like this runs counter to the model of Sets and Seasons that they've been pushing the last two years. It would be rough to almost have a Full Tigers team ready to roll and half of the cards are now ineligible.
Anyways, just an idea like many of the other great ideas that I've seen put on here in the past. I just hope that at some point, SDS will give us a new mode that allows for something different in the future.
The WIldcard spots have one purpose and one purpose only. That is to advance Daniel Vogelbach on to the next Season.
Here are my sports
Wild Card # 1 = Daniel Vogelbach
Wild Card #2 = Daniel Vogelbach
Wild Card #3 = Daniel Vogelbach
Wild Card #4 = Daniel Vogelbach -
I play a decent amount compared to the average person. My play time has dropped this year as opposed to previous years, but to put it in perspective, I have completed all Conquest Maps, the Original Mini Season, Every BR Program, and got 20 wins in every Event so far. I have not played RS or the TA Mini Season, but did start the Bob Feller mini season and I am currently 5 wins in. I have also completed every Team Affinity up until 3 (the new one that just dropped), and I have finished every program that has been added to the game.
Saying that, I am WAY behind on everything! I have yet to even obtain the Kyle Seager in the program experience, and I am 200k XP points behind obtaining my first boss. I am also roughly 60-70 cards away from completing the Season 1 Collection Reward to get the first boss in that line. I know that collecting these new TA1.3 bosses would help with that, but it is frustrating knowing they only have 20ish days left to use the majority of them.
And finally, this position that I am in is after I took advantage of both Double XP weekends that have been offered.
As stated above, I do feel like I play more than the average player, and if I am in this position, then it makes me wonder how someone who can only play sporadically might feel about the progress of the game
I was just curious if anyone had success or implemented specific Captains or theme teams in the new Event. This is just for fun to make the 20 wins a little interesting. I have put together a team based on the David Ortiz boost (Hitters from 2000 to 2009), as well as the Trevor Hoffman boost for pitchers, but have yet to take them out on the field.... I was wondering if there are any others that people have used. Mark Prior standout captain??? Specific Theme Teams using Core Captains? Switch Hitters? Just getting peoples thoughts on what they've tried and enjoyed this round.
I also understand the Arenado and Buxton are out for this event and the best Captain of all (Kershaw) does not qualify because he is a lefty pitcher, but wanted to check in and see if there were some that I was possibly missing.
Jeter should just show up. At least, he did for me. Many of the other cards are actually in packs that you have to open to get. But none of them tell you that you received it when it is finished
The thing with Wild Cards too, is that we don't know how long it will take to earn them when the new season starts. IF they added wild card spots on the Program EXP path, then it might take months of playing to actually get them, especially if they keep limited xp with daily caps.
I agree with the original poster, I think that not allowing people to use certain cards does way more harm to the game than anything good. The only silver lining is these Wild Card spots that were mentioned previously. But I just hope that Wild Card spots themselves are not impossible to get along the way. The addition of new 99s should start to phase out older cards organically.
I do realize that question is based on so many different variables that you cannot control, BUT just assuming that you win roughly 4-6 games a run, and you are able finish the two single entry missions.....
How many games do you think it will take to get to 100 program stars?
I only ask to get a rough estimate to know what other people have ran into while they played..
20 games? 30?
Again, if you are only scoring one run each game.. not getting hits with the BR players, etc etc, then it will drag on, but knowing that, what is the average games that are needed to get to 100.
Mini season God Squads
Anyone playing Events this year?
Show 25- Will ranked CO-OP Stats count?
Snapshot Series
Kyle Tucker
Legend players that don’t have a 99
Best pitcher in 24?
Excitement for MLB the Show 25?
hate limited use of cards
Do Parallel XP points accrue for out of season players?
World Series Card prediction
XP Cap
New Mode in the game
*Your Four Wildcards for S2?*
S1/S2 Must HAVE
Captains in Lefty Event
Jeter Storyline
How many games are needed to complete the BR program for the average person?