I loaded up on a ton of Julio's cards and quick sold all the diamonds today.

Supercharged? 50 hits, 16 hrs, and 39 runs in 3 games against the Rangers. And yes, I am just joking, kind of.
So, I had a game tonight where my LF was tracking a ball down. I have had players make much difficult catches and he seemed to be under this ball pretty well. However, it hit off his glove and bounced over for a HR. It happens in real life, so I understand -- I just haven't seen it in the game before.
The Boys Are Back In Town: Why are these verses edited: "Well, this chick got up and she slapped Johnny's face" and "And if the boys wanna fight, you better let 'em"
Slapped and fight are removed, which doesn't make sense with what is allowed on other songs. Also, it makes this song seem a lot worse than it is with the innuendo caused by the removal.
You have to have them done before the new season starts. If you do them after, it will apply the checkmark, but it doesn't actually give you the reward.
There have been some really good BR and RS rewards, but it is a little hit and miss.
Also, people complain about cards being behind packs, but stubs are still abundant. I bought stubs to start the season and spent them right away on my team, collections, etc. However, since then I haven't bought stubs, but have a ton of them. It's not hard to make stubs, so buying your favorite card or packs, isn't really an issue.
@Oreo-Thomas_XBL said in Event Restrictions:
@CDNmoneymaker93_MLBTS said in Event Restrictions:
Events is a joke, what's the point of having another mode where you can use a 99 squad. Events should always being facing the use of lower cards the 95s and below. No 99 cards should ever be used in Events
You aren’t wrong. I’m find it silly to see guys rolling out P5 players in events , that’s the ultimate “try hard” guy, but each their own.
Why would the parallel level bother you? A lot of people have P5 set 1 and 2 players they would like to use. It's about putting together the best roster you can, using players you like and winning the games.
@CDNmoneymaker93_MLBTS said in Event Restrictions:
Events is a joke, what's the point of having another mode where you can use a 99 squad. Events should always being facing the use of lower cards the 95s and below. No 99 cards should ever be used in Events
Events are awesome. They are quick games, decent rewards and I like the changing restrictions. This event allows you to use players from any set, which you can't do in RS.
You can have eleven 99's and then the rest need to be 75's. I do eight 99's in the field, one 99 SP and two 99 guys in the pen. Most of my starting line-up players, are switch hitters, so I don't have to worry about subs.
I pulled the WBC Ohtani during the Chase 1 packs. However, since then, I have had blanks on around 40+ chase packs. I bought one box today and pulled Trout with my Chase pack. Sold him for a million at the time and bought Elly. So, today was a good day for me.
I had a lot during The Show 22, but I have yet to have a game freeze on 23.
I pulled Ohtani in the first Chase packs, at the beginning of the game. However, since then, I have opened 40+ chase (2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) packs and none were beyond a common diamond.
Pinpoint was OP in the past. However, this year, it's meter or analog. Personally, I am now using meter and can dot with it.
EDIT- Meter also allows you some control on the velo of the pitches. I throw the change-ups, with no velocity on the meter and they come in slower than other pitching modes.
120hz is good, but you also need to look at the response time. You want something that is 1ms.
Also, with the nickname stuff, it would have been a perfect introduction for his card.
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Lance Berkman card:
Berkman is an Astros legend undoubtedly but he gets lost in the David Freese madness of Game 6 where he knocked in the tying run with two out I. The bottom of the 10th. He saved our bacon too.
100%. He got his first ring and really shined with the Cards. SDS just needs to find a way to put him in the game.
As an Astros fan, I would even accept the card being a Cardinal. It wouldn't be ideal, but it would be better than no card.
How come we can't ever get a Big Puma card? Please make it happen, SDS. Thanks.
@Honor_The_Game44_PSN said in did they remove the collection cards for extreme?:
This is not a complaint, but I do think this is an excellent example of why "it was in the stream" is not the best system for a game. I am playing very little this year, so watching a stream is even less important to me than ever before. I saw the collection for Extreme and thought about the possibility of them being removed, but there have also been plenty of times over the years that they left things like this around. They were there for people who didn't have to be the absolute first to complete something. If you wanted to be first, you had to be good, grind or pay. If you didn't mind waiting, the price might go down...sometimes it would backfire and prices would go up.
Again, I really am not complaining because I could care less if I complete Extreme or any other program this year, but I just think SDS expecting their entire player base to watch and pay attention to every detail from a livestream isn't the best practice for 95% of the player base. Three members of my family play this game significantly more than the average person, but not a single one of us watched "the stream".
I have never watched a single stream, but I knew the collection was going to be removed. If you clicked on the collection, each card had a warning about only being collectable during the event. So, they did communicate this in multiple ways. Outside of personally calling or texting, I don't know what more they can do.
I am not making a judgement on your theory of difficulty. However, I do have a question: If you were beating the CPU 30 to 0 and hitting around multiple times, wouldn't that keep you playing longer than the current 9 to 0 games? There are times when I bunt into outs vs the CPU, so I can just end the games earlier.
I have seen people say this is due to lag. However, I am on a solid gigabit connection, I have it only set to play PSN players, etc.
My last game, I had 15 to 20 balls float as very late pitches, when they should have been perfect pitches. My opponent didn't have any. So, if we're on some laggy connection or that is the culprit, how come it didn't alter his pitching?
The roster update is a joke.
Are we going to get the whole Astros' team.....
Crazy new animation and a song question
Didn't receive head start reward
New BR Rewards
Event Restrictions
Event Restrictions
Event Restrictions
New 99 Mike Trout
Freeze off
120 Hertz TV
Lance Berkman card
Lance Berkman card
Lance Berkman card
Lance Berkman card
did they remove the collection cards for extreme?
One of the biggest bs moves sds has pulled
Floating perfect pitches??