Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.
This mode is so rigged its ridiculous. I can't believe the game would force you to win without swinging the bat. Doesn't SDS value our time? All these walks make these Showdowns last an extra 5-10 minutes longer than they should. They should let us grind these on Rookie with unlimited re-tries. That way we could close our eyes and swing the bat and still win instead of closing our eyes, not swing the bat, and still win like we can now.
@eatyum said in Showdown is rigged: episode 100:
@frizbgirl22 said in Showdown is rigged: episode 100:
@thizzlyadams said in Showdown is rigged: episode 100:
This mode is so rigged its ridiculous. I can't believe the game would force you to win without swinging the bat. Doesn't SDS value our time? All these walks make these Showdowns last an extra 5-10 minutes longer than they should. They should let us grind these on Rookie with unlimited re-tries. That way we could close our eyes and swing the bat and still win instead of closing our eyes, not swing the bat, and still win like we can now.
Exactly!! All these fanboys don’t realize how valuable our time is? How am I supposed to get prestige level 100 if I have to take 100 pitches in showdown because they want to code Hader to throw balls?
It’s a win-win for them. If I chase, I lose. If I take the walks, then I won’t be able to progress as fast in the XP path for those free stubs. Then I gotta pay $200 to get Trout instead of waiting until diamond level 85 to get him for free.
If you can’t see that, you’re a fanboy. Plain and simple
It's hilarious you liked and responded to his post, it's obviously sarcastic.
No, these Showdowns are too hard. I win about 95% percent of them and I'm only a Silver level 35. If SDS was an honest company that didn't rig modes like this they would code it so I would only see meatballs every pitch. That way I could win 100% of the time and be at LEAST one level higher than I am now since I wouldn't be wasting time talking all those walks. This mode is rigged.
I don't know what's more cringe
Him thinking people should be able to make WS playing on Veteran.
Him thinking he "owned" anyone in this thread.
Yikes. Thanks for the laughs though.
@boduke82 said in Showdown is rigged: episode 100:
@frizbgirl22 said in Showdown is rigged: episode 100:
@eatyum said in Showdown is rigged: episode 100:
@frizbgirl22 said in Showdown is rigged: episode 100:
@thizzlyadams said in Showdown is rigged: episode 100:
This mode is so rigged its ridiculous. I can't believe the game would force you to win without swinging the bat. Doesn't SDS value our time? All these walks make these Showdowns last an extra 5-10 minutes longer than they should. They should let us grind these on Rookie with unlimited re-tries. That way we could close our eyes and swing the bat and still win instead of closing our eyes, not swing the bat, and still win like we can now.
Exactly!! All these fanboys don’t realize how valuable our time is? How am I supposed to get prestige level 100 if I have to take 100 pitches in showdown because they want to code Hader to throw balls?
It’s a win-win for them. If I chase, I lose. If I take the walks, then I won’t be able to progress as fast in the XP path for those free stubs. Then I gotta pay $200 to get Trout instead of waiting until diamond level 85 to get him for free.
If you can’t see that, you’re a fanboy. Plain and simple
It's hilarious you liked and responded to his post, it's obviously sarcastic.
You’d think a Cardinals fan would be familiar with and understand shady organizations and cheating . Never forget the Astros were victims before all this went down.
But, back on topic. If you can’t see it’s rigged, then you’re a fanboy. Plain and simple
The reds are dog [censored]
I agree. They're almost as bad as these Showdowns that are rigged to make you win everytime.
@tfrog76 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@skepple15 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
It takes what like 3-5 games online? I think you'll survive lol
Using lol to disagree with someone shows emotional immatureity.
Saying that everyone who plays online lives in their mom's basement shows emotional immaturity.
Not being able to spell immaturity shows immaturity.
Hopefully you got that whopping 30 bucks back from Sony after your son downloaded all that DLC. I know times are tough right now.
Do you want Trout to cost 500k again? Because this is how you get Trout to cost 500k again. My Career inflated the market big time.
"So glad I didn't purchase this game this year. Looking at all the bad reviews reminds me just of how much I'm not missing. They purposely destroy the game with 3rd to 4th patch every single year. They won't get my coins!"
"So funny at how they did the same exact thing to last year's game 2 weeks after launch. I did not buy this game this year because they do the same thing every year. They start off good, then here come the patches. Too bad they suckered you all in! They won't get my money this year! I will wait until a new developer releases a baseball game sometime in the future. No way I'm letting this company get me out of 3000 dollars in a yr again!"
"So glad I didn't buy the game this year! Same ol [censored] with this company! They always mess the game up 2 weeks after launch. They do it on purpose. Sucks to be you guys. What a waste!"
"Just purchased the game 5 minutes ago and hoping I enjoy it! Even might think about not playing ranked at all. Here goes nothing!"
Ryan is going to have more accounts than Kieran by the end of the year.
Showdown has been the best offline mode SDS has ever added. It's challenging but that's what makes it fun. Yeah, sometimes you get unlucky, it happens. Get em next time. But it's a million times more fun than Conquest or Moments and it's not even close. I really hope they don't change it to cater to the "I want all the rewards but only want to play on Rookie" crowd.
IV Hanley is a God. Thanks, Ramone!!
@tfrog76 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@thizzlyadams said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@tfrog76 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@thizzlyadams said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@tfrog76 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@skepple15 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
It takes what like 3-5 games online? I think you'll survive lol
Using lol to disagree with someone shows emotional immatureity.
Saying that everyone who plays online lives in their mom's basement shows emotional immaturity.
Not being able to spell immaturity shows immaturity.
Hopefully you got that whopping 30 bucks back from Sony after your son downloaded all that DLC. I know times are tough right now.
@thizzlyadams said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@tfrog76 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@skepple15 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
It takes what like 3-5 games online? I think you'll survive lol
Using lol to disagree with someone shows emotional immatureity.
Saying that everyone who plays online lives in their mom's basement shows emotional immaturity.
Not being able to spell immaturity shows immaturity.
Hopefully you got that whopping 30 bucks back from Sony after your son downloaded all that DLC. I know times are tough right now.
Yeah let's make fun of a disabled child because someone has a differing opinion. Classy. Just wow.
Can you please direct me to where I made fun of a disabled child? Unless you're referring to yourself, you are incorrect.
Making light of the fact a 12 year old disabled kid charged items to a credit card on a video game because they didn't know it wasn't free is real classy. Stop acting like you don't know why you said that. People like you are the worst kind of human being. Disgusting. You knew the backstory and you chose to attack a disabled kid and my family when my opinion disagreed with you because you knew that backstory. You are the lowest of the low. Feel free to apologize any time.
Okay, first of all, at NO point during your b!tch rant the other day about Sony not refunding you THIRTY DOLLARS, did you make one mention of your son being disabled.
Second of all, again, please point me to where I made fun of him at all. The only disabled child I'm making fun of is you. Only you.
@ItsaCanesthing said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@thizzlyadams said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@tfrog76 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@thizzlyadams said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@tfrog76 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@skepple15 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
It takes what like 3-5 games online? I think you'll survive lol
Using lol to disagree with someone shows emotional immatureity.
Saying that everyone who plays online lives in their mom's basement shows emotional immaturity.
Not being able to spell immaturity shows immaturity.
Hopefully you got that whopping 30 bucks back from Sony after your son downloaded all that DLC. I know times are tough right now.
@thizzlyadams said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@tfrog76 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
@skepple15 said in Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.:
It takes what like 3-5 games online? I think you'll survive lol
Using lol to disagree with someone shows emotional immatureity.
Saying that everyone who plays online lives in their mom's basement shows emotional immaturity.
Not being able to spell immaturity shows immaturity.
Hopefully you got that whopping 30 bucks back from Sony after your son downloaded all that DLC. I know times are tough right now.
Yeah let's make fun of a disabled child because someone has a differing opinion. Classy. Just wow.
Can you please direct me to where I made fun of a disabled child? Unless you're referring to yourself, you are incorrect.
Yo Thizz!!!
How you been brother, its been a minute.Yo! I've been well! Working my [censored] off lately. My work relates to the construction industry so I'm considered essential. Been putting in extra work so I haven't been able to play as much as I like, but I'm happy to still be working. Haven't been around TSN very much because a lot of the people that I enjoyed chatting with in 17/18 aren't around anymore. Hope you've been well, Brotha! Thanks for reaching out!
@not_Jsaac said in 8xp per homerun in HRD:
@BattleBones86 said in 8xp per homerun in HRD:
@DrewshBag420 said in 8xp per homerun in HRD:
@not_Jsaac said in 8xp per homerun in HRD:
That’s ridiculous. I can’t stand SDS anymore. I just hope they understand how pissed of their fanbase is and how many people aren’t happy.
Everyone please do each other a favor and DONT BUY STUBS. That’s the only way to make them hurt
I repeat DO NOT buy stubs
Yeah they are sooooo evil for fixing a glitch you used to game the system. How dare they do the right thing and not consider how dumb you are that you need to exploit glitches to get high level items
@DrewshBag420 said in Thoughts on New Patch; XP grinding:
@BattleBones86 said in Thoughts on New Patch; XP grinding:
@DrewshBag420 said in Thoughts on New Patch; XP grinding:
@radinskyFTG said in Thoughts on New Patch; XP grinding:
HR derby was not an exploit. you received 25xp per HR hit. exactly how it was programmed by SDS. shame on them for nerfing that.
and it sets the example that they will restrict rewards in this game whenever it fits their needs, not the player base. it's greed, pure and simple.
Swing and a miss...but pathetic attempt at a point
in every thread all you do is tell someone they are wrong and insult and dismiss them. not one original thought or comment or solution comes from you. you are the prime example of a troll. you add nothing of value to this community. you are the one who is pathetic, offering nothing but swings and misses.
I love irony. Tell me more about yoru original thoughts..."wah wah an exploit was fixed wah wah". You have not a single post with a rational or mature comment or thought. But do go on adding nothing of value while trying to talk down to your superior
LOL. that's exactly what someone who is cornered into a massive loss says. they just repeat what was just said to them.
i bet my life, you bunt dance, pause, replay HRs and are a base running cheeser. i bet my absolute life on it.
you are on block. so reply if you want for the others to read. I'm done with you. i can't read another useless post from you.
Lol you’re so tough dude. My problem is they can fix exploits but not balls going through the wall. Fielding/hitting. And they still have a foul ball into the stands called a foul tip
Can you please post more about how SDS nerfed your RNG because you complained about the game? It's really funny. Thanks.
@C_ypress_H_ill said in Hitting in Showdown:
@thizzlyadams said in Hitting in Showdown:
Ryan is going to have more accounts than Kieran by the end of the year
Where is that guy anyway? Maybe he quit this game. I noticed you didn’t have anything to say about the topic of this post, that eatyum guy would like to talk to you about avoiding/deflecting. Unless he just targets certain members.
You've already been given the answer multiple times from multiple people. The game doesn't punish you for swinging at the first pitch, it punishes you for swinging at bad pitches. There's a difference between being patient and not swinging til 2 strikes.
Being patient means waiting for good pitches to hit that you know you can do damage on. That's a good strategy. Just blindly taking til 2 strikes is a bad strategy (unless it's the NL Central Showdown against Hader).
I've beaten Showdown multiple times coming back from 0-15 right after the draft. The key is to swing at the right pitches and drop the pitcher's confidence as fast as you can.
The game isn't the reason you can't beat Showdowns, Ryan.
@eatyum said in Showdown idea:
You have a good day to Ryan.
TBH I just think that idea goes against what Showdown is supposed to be, it's supposed to be a offline BR type mode. I'd rather them bring back something like SS moments of last year where you used your team.
One successful Showdown is worth 20 TA points. Which is a lower number than the amount of accounts Ryan has created to complain about Showdowns
@dcordash1 said in The psychology of Showdown:
There is no way to logically compare MLB The Show to a Boss challenge in most other games. In all the games I've played and started way back with the original Doom and Wolfenstein.
The difference? in all the other games the "Boss" exhibits the same patterns and traits and the more observant and discerning a player is the quicker they can defeat the "Boss". In MLB the're fighting an AI that just goes off the rails and refuses to be beat at times. There really is no pattern.
Without a consistent pattern...folks are gonna struggle and complain. Which they should. No one wants to waste an hour getting to a final challenge and always lose because winning is not based on skill or pattern's based on an AI randomization algorithm.
This thread is gold
Complains every day about online gameplay yet he has more banned accounts than he does online games played. You're a gem, Ryan
How's 2020 the show??
Showdown is rigged: episode 100
Showdown is rigged: episode 100
Opponent rating
Showdown is rigged: episode 100
Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.
Can we have My Career and Ticket Counter back.
Did I just make the biggest mistake of the year?
Hitting in Showdown
Just had 6 perfect perfect outs against Scherzer in Showdown
Hanley last 2nd inning Boss
Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.
Jackie Robinson missions. Take notes SDS.
8xp per homerun in HRD
Hitting in Showdown
Showdown idea
The psychology of Showdown
Isn't it sad
How can a game with this amount of simulation and RNG be considered competitive?