I don’t play franchise much but this happened to my RTTS save.

All I play is RTTS. Literally the only mode I touch. All of my progress has been lost at random and my only option is to start a new career as an 80 overall minor leaguer which kills any sense of progression. I deleted the game and will not be purchasing again. Last year it was that the progression was broken for months after release. This year it’s saves. I’m sure next year they will have an issue that completely burns the 60 bucks I spent on this game. It becoming a trend.
@druan08_mlbts said in Batting sound effects:
The bootman88, how come you have better sound effects than last year's release? What exactly did you do to improve the sound quality?
Thanks, man!I didn't do anything. It just sounds better. The perfect perfect crack actually sounds the way it did in 20. Maybe you are having an issue with your sound output or maybe its that it's PS5 like someone else said.
@vaxel_15_mlbts said in Next year we need a full next gen game please
@thebootman88_psn said in Next year we need a full next gen game please
We don't need a story in Road to the Show. The best part of RTTS is that there is no story it is just you managing and playing through your career. There is not a single sports game that has a story mode that is not pure cringe.
More interactions with your ballplayer, more cutscenes
after accomplishments, better slides, more cutscenes
after games or before games, interviews after/before
games, be able to spend your contract money, more
cutscenes after clutch hits/playsI like most of these in theory, but the downside is that most of it will get repetitive. You play almost 200 games a season, and if you have interviews with even half of them, cutscenes before and after, and cutscenes after clutch hits, it will get real repetitive because the content will get recycled. I like being able to spend your contract money, and I think it should be implemented like 2K where your contract is a value of your VC that your earn per game. Do that with stubs and it might work and make negotiation meaningful.
We don't need a story in Road to the Show. The best part of RTTS is that there is no story it is just you managing and playing through your career. There is not a single sports game that has a story mode that is not pure cringe.
@gnoobius_psn said in Same recycled game year after year.:
Liking the AI in this season, but then again I haven't seen what happens in the postseason or the off-season. The off-season is typically where RTTS has pissed me off in older versions.
Every team is owned by the Wilpons in the offseason in MLB The Show Cannon.
@druan08_mlbts said in Batting sound effects:
MLB the show 20 had the best batting sound effects in the series!
Why do they keep on tweaking the sounds!
Man, this year's perfect perfect sound is so unsatisfying to hear! You make good contact with the ball, you should hear a loud crack, instead you get this little noise like someone is punching a cotton pillow!
I hope they can re use the sound from the show 20 otherwise the game is a huge disappointment to me!I got this last year, but this year my perfects have the loud crack.
Bumpers are only for leading off.
We don't need a story line. We don't need off the field stuff. Its a sports game, focus on the sport. Every sports game that tries to do a life story fails miserably.
You should have gotten to gold by now. I'm just finishing up silver and am at 70 at the end of the AA allstar game. Are you equipping your attributes and perks?
@major_woody__psn said in Worst commentary change in sports gaming history:
I don’t mind the change … it’s actually refreshing.
At least the commentary is actually useful. You get stuff like "with a pitch like that the best thing he can do is try and push it to the other side. He tried to pull it and that's why he missed." With the last crew it was like "Hey Matty V, that stupid SOB missed the pitch. Next time they should throw a hot dog at him and see if he can hit that! What an idiot. Woo wee this pitchers cooking with napalm!"
Much prefer the new commentary that actually sounds more or less like an MLB broadcast.
@xelrojo44x_mlbts said in What a disappointment....:
@thebootman88_psn said in What a disappointment....:
Why does everyone hate the commentary? At least everything is baseball related and its not just stupid jokes.
Unlike Matty V and co., the new crew has 0 personality and the presentation seems too scripted and dry. This is a big step backwards.
I like the matter of fact tone and lack of personality. They sound like an actual broadcasting crew. The last crew sounded like an improv dup doing baseball themed stand up-comedy.
@ericulous1_psn said in What a disappointment....:
"This seems like a smell blood inning, their little lead is cute but...."
"It's raining cats and dogs, be sure not to step in a poodle"
"Howdy if you're waving at me!"
Why does everyone hate the commentary? At least everything is baseball related and its not just stupid jokes.
Its way better than the same dialogue we've had for years. Which was also repetitive.
The only one I've had a real issue with is with the "MLB debut" of players:
"he's making his Major League debut. He'll hope to show that he can do in the majors what he did in the minors."
It's game 40 of the AA season...
Your timing's off. Use the meter.
Better than the same dialogue we've had from the same guys the last 10 years.
Set your baserunning options to all opportunites and all pitches in settings.
@ny_giants4_life said in Offline content? Not so much.:
RTTS: untouched from 21
That is just untrue. They did multiple things to RTTS to try and improve it from last year. Jury's out on the quality of those changes, but saying it is unchanged is not honest.
Franchise save won’t load
Can’t load RTTS saved career
Batting sound effects
Next year we need a full next gen game please 💆🏽♂️
Next year we need a full next gen game please 💆🏽♂️
Same recycled game year after year.
Batting sound effects
RTTS Baserunning
Same recycled game year after year.
Progression Question
Worst commentary change in sports gaming history
What a disappointment....
What a disappointment....
What a disappointment....
Worst commentary change in sports gaming history
Announcer suck
Every throw to 1st base the player is coming off the bag
Announcer suck
Please bring back the watch while game button after you get on base
Offline content? Not so much.