just pulled him today for the 3rd time this year and third time ever.

joey wendle
@tylerslikewhoa_xbl said in Fix Baserunning:
You might want to watch a video or 2 because it sounds like you are stealing incorrectly. Gotta time it right
Seriously you are an idiot bro. I know how to steal this is an ONLINE issue.
@tylerslikewhoa_xbl said in Fix Baserunning:
@dewrock_psn said in Fix Baserunning:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in Fix Baserunning:
That's what I'm saying it's so random. If you take a second or third lead with a 99 speed player, they should not be thrown out on a regular pitch. Half the time it's like they're running in cement or something. Meanwhile I can try and hit and run with someone like Chipper or Clemente, not swing and they make it by a mile.
You are not timing the button press at the right time
Guys, do not listen to anything Tyler says when regarding online play. No offense dude.
The issue is not my timing Tyler. The issue is they are trying to sync up pitching and hitting so there are no delays on the hitters end but this causes baserunning issues because the player running has to match up with the speed of the game but we all know that the pitcher and hitter in online play are not seeing the same game in real time during mid-pitch.
nvm guys sorry I found it in moments as an extra bonus program
I can't find him. I finished field of dreams program but there are some extra moments now that got added after i finished it and those points don't seem to be going towards anything.
It's Ruth on far right, Pedro in middle and a contact hitting lefty or switch hitter from an older era as you can tell by the small hat, baggy jersey and also the short bat tells it's probably not a power hitter.
Nope. Made world series twice, it was fun for awhile but i mean i'm hitting like .250 on hof i thought i figured out cabrera but my last few outings have just been awful. im done. hardly playing i play chise here and there but i wish they could incorporate a franchise mode right into DD with new cards being released as free agents in your franchise.
the match making is a joke in play now. i swear sometimes you get matched up with kids because of the ANY setting. legitimate kids who try to throw pitches out of the zone and when you don't swing they come right down the middle, then up high, then change ups low, now sliders outside, you walked, thank god cause he just quit. the amount of times i've offered friendly quits when ahead in that mode is just embarassing to admit that i played that mode.
HOWEVER, once you get up in rank you can shrink your meter but you could be waiting awhile and you are gonna be facing the same 2-7 teams.
i just play offline franchise. im sick of DD hitting and crazy 125 ratings and the same petty little modes and grinding only to be frustrated trying to get more than 4 hits in a game. they need to get rid of timing windows and find a way to just make it bat on [censored] ball. the amount of times i've seen my player's bat go through the ball is astounding. in years past this was not the case, this means my swings are on plane and on time but don't fall under the players programmed swing path in which only during that path is the ball allowed to make contact with the ball and that is why you see a lot of swings and misses on pitches you thought you were on AND You were on it but not how the game intended because the programmers want to appease the sim-heads, the types of guys who don't think Derek Jeter should be allowed to pull all his hits in the game. (Just an example: MEANING that even if you applied a good pull type swing and you placed it perfectly. The batters swing type won't really allow a complete pull swing because it's Derek Jeter and he's the oppo Taco King and so the swing path is predetermined by the pitches location and the batters specific swing type. this is why so many of us players are so particular with certain hitters(and it wasn't always like this for me) because it's likely in line with how they see and time the ball themselves and since the introduction of these timing windows we have less ability to apply the types of swings we want based on our own internal timing.
so how do the good players accomplish such consistency.?
I dunno maybe this was just a really well written excuse for why I suck OK.
I actually don't suck that much. I've made world series twice using zone plus analog with stride. my left thumb pci skills are just atrocious though it's comical really. things got a mind of his own.
the only way to save franchise is to find a way to incorporate it into DD which I would be okay with in which you'd have to pay your franchise players in stubs with optional budgets.
instead of trying to win every season maybe we could be like the mariners and just try to make money in which you would get actual stubs.
quick counts, fast play.
I glued the controller to my thumbs at night and did a mantra before I sleep.
Think of that ludacris song...'shots, shots , shots shots"
well i did,
"Dots, dots, dots dots"
i've had issues with him but he's come up with some clutch hits and im starting to figure him out a bit.
the idea of a timing window is what's wrong. we should just have control of a bat and the moment we press the button to swing we have a chance at making contact with the ball if we placed our bat in the the path of the ball. there should be no cosmetics and what we see on screen is what should happen.
instead now the ball goes through the bat because the game decided that because Jacob Degrom has supreme Chad-like confidence your swings are too late even though on the feedback and in the replay it shows the bat was on plane and on time to hit that pitch and even though it may not have been a good hit you at least would have control.
now its these tiny little windows in which you have to so delicately place your swings in less than .250 ms. .
the pci doesn't even make sense graphically either the wedge pci makes it look like im swinging a giant whisk. wtf.
I think its good for now i generally miss where i can afford to miss and yes i've thrown more meat balls since but i truly feel responsible.
i think pin point is fine.(post-update)
on higher difficulties it's harder to hit your spots.
i think they should nerf pitcher confidence and imo it seems this is a huge problem in the game.
If only I could walk outside and chicks could see my 'confidence' meter, ohh life would be so much easier..
can you at least pinch hit with him on his days off?
@ironeyes_cody_psn said in You can play people out of position and still have insane defense.:
@the_fools_sip_psn said in You can play people out of position and still have insane defense.:
i don't do this myself but i have no problem with good defensive players being able to play out of position. they are legends and professionals. moving 20 feet to your right shouldn't mean you are physically incapable of diving or fielding a ball.
Well, when you can have single A pitchers that will likely never make it to, or have impact in, The Show (odds are against them) and give 'em a 97 rating you might as well just let them play catcher as well. Why not?
It's the wonderful, wacky, happy, syrupy world of MLB the Show where anything is possible and everyone takes home a trophy.
Here we go again with 'participation' trophy nonsense.
LOL yes.
i was awful last night.
Are Trouts just easier to find now?
Who are the Topps Now guys you like using?
Fix Baserunning
Fix Baserunning
Fix Baserunning
Where do you get Tim Anderson?
Where do you get Tim Anderson?
6th inning boss # 1
Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?
bunch of clowns in online rated.
SDS Dev - would love your help/answer please
How do you guys deal with how long each season is?
How long do you think it takes an average-ish player to get Pinpoint down?
Alfonso Soriano
Timing window
Why did they revert pitching results to the show 20?
pinpoint pitching stamina
Does the 99 Shohei Ohtani even work how it should?
You can play people out of position and still have insane defense.
playing RS after playing moonshoot event for 50+ games