@Cubsfan217 I mean “dorks” lovingly. Like how nerd used to be bad but now it means you’re worth like $10M.

Most of the complainers here would call me an MLB apologist. Love the game, gameplay is fantastic, you can compete easily NMS, and overall it’s the best sports game ever made (not close in my view).
But here’s the thing with the XP cap. Who does it help? I play the game a lot and I’m just ok skill wise. Get into the 700’s all the time, occasionally touch 800, then start getting crushed by good players. But I travel quite a bit and don’t play for multiple days all the time. So despite me putting a lot of hours in, I have no chance of getting any of those 3 99 players.
Beyond that, how does preventing someone else from getting those 3 99’s “too soon” help me at all? If some loser wants to crush 20 hour days of playing the game, more power to you. If I get matched up with you and your team is way better, it’s not like I can’t still win. Those players don’t make your team THAT much better where it ruins my experience. I get beat by better players and better teams all the time, but it’s still fun to compete.
The reality is I believe the cap has the opposite impact of what it’s intended to do. Now ONLY the dorks get them. I play a ton and I’m at 500k XP. I think that means I have no shot. But the dudes that can put the time in every single day are the ones that win.
I still love the game, love the content, and have a blast competing. It’s just a silly rule with unintended consequences. -
Love them but I switch between 2 controllers when I play. One for hitting with the ring, one without for fielding. I get sweaty hands so switching controllers helps with that too.
Same. I go a little further and wrote down the players I currently have going and once I get close to hitting their mission, I’ll write down how many points I have so if I get to that number during the game, I can sub them out and not “waste” stats on them. Perhaps you guys can keep all that straight in your heads, but when I grind I usually get baked and that doesn’t help me remember much.
It’s a super cool game mode. Fun to build a team and try out new players. I always get my d$&k kicked in once I get to like 5 or 6 wins, but it’s fun for sure. I like busting it out when it’s getting late and I don’t have time to play a full ranked game.
Lots of reasonable responses on here which is a pleasant surprise. For the last 3 years, I’ve been blocking people with stupid opinions and perhaps it’s finally paying off!
Like many others have said, this game is WAY better than other sports games for “DD” type of stuff. Other than buying the fancy version every year, which gives you a nice head start, I never consider spending real money (it’s cool if you want to obviously). There are so many ways to earn packs and if you play the market smartly, even without flipping (which I only rarely do because it’s so boring). My team is pretty stacked and while I likely won’t be getting Chipper, I can compete with anyone from a roster perspective. -
@ssamy777_NSW said in LS Collection:
@ImDFC_PSN said in LS Collection:
@ssamy777_NSW said in LS Collection:
I’ve got about 200k stubs from selling pulls I’ve had and playing the game.. what’s the best approach to finishing all the collections? I’ve done the rough math and wouldn’t it take like a million stubs to finish all the collections?
Save up for the high value golds first is what I do (Until I botch the math and realize I won't have enough to buy all the cards and end up a degrom short)
Ya I mean some of these diamonds are 100k stubs or more so I’m not sure how it’s even possible for me to collect all these cards without at least a million stubs. Just curious how people are able to do this. Definitely not about to purchase stubs just cause I’m against micro transactions. Not concerned if I can’t complete these just curious how people do it
I finished it all a few days ago, which is like 3 months sooner than I’ve ever done. Some keys for me:
- Buy the fancy edition of the game and immediately start grinding the maps, showdowns, all that
- Make sure every player you’re using has program goals/missions attached to them when doing maps/mini seasons
- Sell everything I can the first week of the game when prices are inflated. Jerseys, players, equipment, everything
- Smartly do any collection that’s worth it
- This year, once the app got fixed, I’ve been flipping a few Gibson/Ricky cards here and there because those ones are super easy, but I don’t have the patience to flip all that much
I did get some solid luck. Think I pulled 2 Mookies, Scherzer, and Ohtani. But I’ve earned a lot of packs.
The game rewards you 100% of the time for making perfect perfect contact. Not sure how anyone can have a problem with that.
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@yankblan_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
@iuyqqasfp0_PSN said in So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?:
Bingo. Exactly! In past years I could build a competitive team to play online using inside edge and diamonds… now 95% of the cards are unusable. All I play against is the exact same 99 cards.. every team online I face has exactly the same players.. I face the same pitcher every game… it’s so dumb. In past years it was fun beating people using a strategically formed team using inside edge.. now inside edge is useless. If you’re not using a 99 pitcher against these teams full of 99s then you’re getting crushed automatically in
If you think we didn't face the same pitchers over and over these last years, you're playing a different game; who doesn't remember facing Randy Johnson, or Kluber, or Fernando or Cabrera all the time?
You're always going to see certain cards more than others. Especially when some cards are clearly a step ahead of all the others.
SDS claimed this change would bring more variety in lineups. The said Captain boosts would help too.
None of that has worked out the way they claimed it would.
All it's really done is make most of those lower-rated Diamonds unplayable. Even with a Captain boost and Parallel'd.
And this is coming from a guy who plays almost every game over matched using Bryce Harper and the All Star cards that he boosts - Sizemore, Strange-Gordon, Chili Davis, Trevor Story, Justin Turner, Thome, etc, etc.
Let me guess…5’6”?
@ChuckCLC_PSN said in Created Stadiums are broken for Online play:
@tear4eddy_PSN said in Created Stadiums are broken for Online play:
Looking at your history, it looked like you played one inning and quit. Got 2 guys out, walked a guy, gave up a bad luck hit, then a 328’ HR. Then you proceeded to bunt for a single (big man!), popped up, flew out, then quit. Yeah, quite the bandbox you were playing in there with balls just flying out of the yard!! Game must be broken
He said he accepted a FQ. Means there is no record of the game.
I’m just looking at the one game I can see in his history. I just like to go check some of these wild claims that get made on here since this one obviously has no basis in fact.
@Xfoufoufou_PSN said in Getting Killed by directional hitters:
@DeleteyourTTVBTW_MLBTS said in Getting Killed by directional hitters:
@horriblepeoplebegone_MLBTS said in Getting Killed by directional hitters:
@The_Canuckler said in Getting Killed by directional hitters:
Also, maybe you’re just not that good
Edit: just checked out your record. Above statement stands true.
Anyone that "checks a record" is a great human being.
It’s an obsession for some people. Some guys haven’t even played a road game for 4 years because their online record in MLB the show is about as important as things gets…..checks game history….ohhhhh crazy…..it’s the guy talking about looking up records everyday lmfao
Yup these pussies that Bat 400
but will do anything to stay on All star and play lower levels to just kill everyone and brag about their records ... Is that you [censored] ? @The_CanucklerDude, nobody is doing this. That’s some kind of Q’anon style claim right there.
Looking at your history, it looked like you played one inning and quit. Got 2 guys out, walked a guy, gave up a bad luck hit, then a 328’ HR. Then you proceeded to bunt for a single (big man!), popped up, flew out, then quit. Yeah, quite the bandbox you were playing in there with balls just flying out of the yard!! Game must be broken
How did you determine that your stadium “no different than playing at a max altitude/shirt fence cheese stadium”? I’m guessing you lost?
I don’t think of myself as a good hitter. I swing at way too many pitches and once I get to the high 600’s and 700’s, I start losing to better players almost immediately. But Showdowns are really easy. Every once in awhile I’ll choke and lose one, but more often than not, I find them pretty easy. Does that mean I’m a better hitter than I think? There’s so much complaining about Showdown that I’m starting wonder. They aren’t as fun as playing a RS game, but I find them reasonably enjoyable.
@SotaNice-_PSN said in Please remove or restrict created stadiums in DD:
@tmoneymill_PSN said in Please remove or restrict created stadiums in DD:
Its getting out of hand w high altitudes short fences..esp w timing only and power swinging. Then rewardin them w the parallel advancements due to hr OP at stadium. Its sad and ruins the game.
short fences dont really change anything, max elevation has always been a thing, everyone online plays at higher elevation stadiums, its just the way it is, i personally play at like 3000-2500 feet.
I disagree. I played a dude that had super short fences (both in distance from the plate and in height) and it was so dumb. I won 14-13 and almost every well hit ball bounced over the fence if it wasn’t a HR. 286’ HR’s is just dumb.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Pitch out bug:
@ChuckCLC_PSN said in Pitch out bug:
Was someone on base? Pitch outs are for runners not batters.
So how would someone pitch out to a player that is starting a speed guy like AS Gordon as their first batter?
I think I’d rethink my strategy. It’s kind of like when you’re playing blackjack and you try to do something so stupid they need to call the pit boss over to confirm that’s what you really want to do. The dev’s are trying to tell you to not do it.
@raesONE-_PSN said in To the perfect/perfect crybabies:
@tear4eddy_PSN said in To the perfect/perfect crybabies:
The only valid complaints this year are the base runner preview diamond showing up in the upper right only for the lead runner (can you change that so it’s not so weird?) and Luis Urias distracting leg kick that make it impossible for me to hit with him.
Interesting that you view yourself as such an authority to come here and claim that you are the only one who can have valid complaints.
I bet your fun at parties. I didn’t literally mean that nobody on planet earth can’t possibly have additional, valid complaints about this video game. My point is that it’s a great game with only small problems.
100% of the time, perfect/perfect swings result in extremely hard contact. Not just solid contact, but really hard hit balls. That’s all the game is supposed to do. Hard hit balls don’t guarantee hits. You can go back and look at your perfect/perfect contact each game and see what the result was. So to all the people that post “I never get rewarded for perfect/perfect”, we can all see your history and we know you’re lying. I get that is sucks to perfect one straight to 3B or to the warning track, but it’s part of it. Stop complaining and be thankful you’re not playing Madden.
The only valid complaints this year are the base runner preview diamond showing up in the upper right only for the lead runner (can you change that so it’s not so weird?) and Luis Urias distracting leg kick that make it impossible for me to hit with him.
Setting it at Thanksgiving. I like the change, it’s just going to take my dumba$$ a long time to finally be ready to hold the button down a little longer on the tough plays. Hard to relearn that mechanic after like 1500 games the old way. Gonna cost me a bunch of games I can see it already.
@BeardedPhatCat_PSN said in Perfect-Perfect Flyouts:
If it’s a perfect swing on a pitch then it’s a hit. No one has ever said that was a perfect pop fly. They just need to reword it. But right now the feedback for hitting is crazy.
For me perfect is out- a line drive to infielder or an outfield fly out about 75% of the time. Good contact is almost 70% an out. Ground out or pop up/fly. I get most of my hits with just early or early. Either the feedback window just isn’t accurate right now or you need to aim for early or just early to get your hits.
You’re lying. We can see your game history.
Truth About the XP Cap
Truth About the XP Cap
Controll freaks precision rings?
Grinding. Effectively and efficiently!
LMK if you think this is a crazy take:
Is the Show starting to become more Pay for Players?
LS Collection
I love the fact that SDS has perfect perfects being GIDP!
So DD Has Devolved into a Game of 99's at EVERY Position All Year Round Now?
Created Stadiums are broken for Online play
Getting Killed by directional hitters
Created Stadiums are broken for Online play
Created Stadiums are broken for Online play
My take on Programs that include Showdown.
Please remove or restrict created stadiums in DD
Pitch out bug
To the perfect/perfect crybabies
To the perfect/perfect crybabies
O/U on when I figure out the new throwing meter?
Perfect-Perfect Flyouts