I list these complaints simply to get them off my chest. I think other single-player DD grinders probably agree with most of it. I've defended SDS in many threads for making so much content free to NMS players, but this year's game's design decisions have made grinding an unpleasant chore. I'm close to calling it quits.
CPU pitchers on rookie this year throw far fewer middle-middle pitches than in past years. It's not even close. This makes grinding much more frustrating. In MS and Conquest, many players play on rookie and have other things on in the background. We don't want to "focus" and "work counts." There's a psychology behind this, and SDS has ignored that. So many at-bats on rookie have 70-rated pitchers throwing balls feet off the plate followed by painting the black. They jam you inside then spam sliders. It's not hard; it's just not fun. This is made worse by #2 and #3...
Perfect-perfect nukes with power hitters routinely fail to go out. Routinely. This is a baffling design decision that makes "grind 99" even more frustrating. Add to that...
The game is often a line-out simulator. Far too often the ball beams straight to a fielder who barely has to move. Several streamers have observed this.
TA2 is absurd. The grind is ridiculous. The number of raw hours you have to put in to complete it means it's meant to dominate your time with the game, especially now that the clock is running on those cards due to seasons.
Kaiju and other programs are pure filler. Why do we care about 90 OVR cards when our teams are stacked with 99's already? Answer: because the game is now all about preparing for some collection down the line. BUT we're forced to use the cards to complete the programs. Ugh.
Ultimately, my displeasure comes down to single-player grinding on rookie. I've played hundreds of games this year and lost maybe 3. There have been games where I've put up 30, but many more where I've hit well but won 3-0 because of #2 and #3.
Rookie grind is meant to be candy. Pure fun. Domination.
It's not now, and it's not fun.
Just sharing my thoughts on a message board, hoping that SDS sees it perhaps. There have to be thousands of grinders out there who are feel similarly.
Off to play Fallout...peace.