Ohtani ruins the spirit of the event. And I say that as someone who uses him off my bench for the event.

That card art though. Lovely.
@jonblaze2424_psn said in Let’s all Agree we need change:
It really sucks that all of these problems only specifically happen to you guys, ranked has been outstanding this year on my end. Servers have been smoother than ever and the games/competition have played as good as any other year. Only gripe is location of pitches missing spots, other than that it’s a blast.
This. I’ve only played one really bad game. After the first inning I sent a friendly. They accepted and we moved on.
Sent them a message thanking and mentioning the lag. They said it was bad on there end as well.
I want a prime Bernie Williams.
@whitejw98_psn said in Today’s daily moment:
Earlier today I did the last three daily moments, and they took me a total of about 15 minutes to complete. Anyone complaining about how hard these are, just know that you live in an alternate reality I can't even begin to understand.
Well aren’t you special
@guccigangchuck said in SP coming in as relievers ??:
Mr, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
I got that reference!!!
@sportpimpin_xbl said in New (or returning) legends in 22...:
Bonds mcgwire Canseco Bonilla Manny ramirez
As soon as the Mets are done paying Bobby I’m sure you’ll see him in the Show.
I was thinking about this. I want a Bo Jackson legend card.
@schnauzerface said in Content creators spending 2000000 stubs:
I used to watch McGunski but I just couldn’t listen to that [censored] anymore. Kevin is funny in small doses. Can’t stand any of the other toolbags. Even still, I can’t fault them or SDS. It’s smart marketing and a symbiotic partnership. I don’t know (or care) if every penny they spend comes out of pocket or if SDS gives some the top content creators a monthly stub stipend. Either way, I just know I can’t spend my time listening to any of those Arizona D-bags anymore. Especially how most of them speak in 3rd person all the freakin time. I mean, it ALMOST makes sense when talking about their team as a group (“we scored 4 runs last inning”) but it’s just so grating when they do it when they are clearly speaking about themselves as individuals (“we have the worst pack luck” or “we are taking FotF Luis Robert in our first choice pack”). And I love potty humor (and potty porn) as much as the next guy, but I just can’t hear mcgunski shout the word “c0ck” 40 times per video. “Here comes an 0-2 slide piece to the cawwk!” Good lord.
Try Shelfy. Dude seems like a genuinely good person.
@thegoaler_psn said in Takashi Choice Pack Set 2....:
I still have only 2, lol. Rickey from the preorder and Mickey.
I say IchiroYes. Someone else who took Rickey.
He was such fun to watch back in the day.
Alright I’m going into BR for a while come get your free wins while they last.
I’m not sure if anyone has posted this yet today
Happy Bobby Bonilla Day!!!!
@dlgltal-athlete_psn said in Best way/fastest way to earn stubs?:
Flipping. investing. And NEVER quick sell something. Always list it on the market.
Well if the quick sell is 3000 and the list price is 3001 I’ll quick sell to avoid the tax.
I don’t play Br to win. I play to get the do and stats. Grind out the program that way.
@TheGoaler_PSN said in If I read one more headline: "The new playoffs are an abomination":
Remember when the NBA 1st round was best of 5? The league changed it so the top teams wouldn't be eliminated early. That's what happened here. Top teams left early.
I think there are too many playoff teams in MLB, but this format kept teams in it very late. That's actually good for the league and fanbases.
I don't think there's a way to make everyone happy, so there's no need to get upset over things we can't control. Just roll with it and enjoy the games.I think Barkley said “the best team should always win the best of 7 but anything can happen in the best of 5.”
99 Greg Madux looks good
Who has the best no doubter animation?
For me it’s Griffey Jr. just that slow cocky walk. Nothing beats it.
That’s a drink.
@ericulous1_psn said in How would you play this lineup?:
No backup Catcher? And only Soriano and Ruth have IF secondary positions so you have no backup SS or 3B. Nor sure how realistic you want this.
Personally I like the lineup as is, might switch Turner for Jackie and put Lindor in the 8th spot so you have a secondary leadoff type at the end of your lineup.
Do you really need a backup catcher in DD though?
I guess it depends on how often you pinch run for him.
Lam i the only one who plays him at shortstop?
It appears having Ohtani on your bench is necessary for the event
99 George Brett tomorrow.....
Let’s all Agree we need change
Let’s post the reveals for TA4 here
Today’s daily moment
SP coming in as relievers ??
New (or returning) legends in 22...
New legend Thursday....guesses
Content creators spending 2000000 stubs
Takashi Choice Pack Set 2....
Come and get it.
Not sure
Best way/fastest way to earn stubs?
What’s the matchmaking in battle royale?
If I read one more headline: "The new playoffs are an abomination"
Let’s post the reveals for TA4 here
No doubt animation
Common player in live series is grinding my gears!
How would you play this lineup?