@so-icy42_xbl said in It's Official: MLB the Show is Just as Bad as Madden:
Sounds like you can’t hit and got burned trying to steal a run on the base paths multiple times. The game isn’t as bad as Madden. I usually am cool with people voicing their concerns with the game, but your post is so far off base.
Yea he already admitted at the top of this page that he uses game exploits like slow animations and whatnot all the time. That confession just completely blew the microscopic amount of sympathy I had for him. I would not be the least bit surprised if he got gunned out through user error in all of these. I swear these clowns are the worst. They expect that just because a guy has 99 speed that they should be successful in stealing EVERY SINGLE TIME. Any time they get gunned out then they throw a fit and blame it on the game. I can honestly say that I’ve NEVER once tried using any of the exploits that exist. Yet this clown uses all of them and then complains when they don’t work 100% of the time. OP is such a cheap cry baby.
Not looking for sympathy. Just illustrating how this game (much like Madden) has exploits you can take advantage of. After flying out to the warning track 3 times and going to the 4th extra inning in what was supposed to be a 3 inning event game, you tend to just want to get the game over with. If that means bunt cheese, using the stealing home glitch etc. I will do exactly that. Why? Because this game is broken and I no longer feel obliged to play it respectfully. I started off by only going for the wins with a legitimate hit...but that only means I'm going to inevitably line out to first or a warning track fly out and open up an opportunity for my opponent to beat me with a game exploit or a walk off home run by Ozzie Smith.
And after my 7 day ban (For what exactly? I don't know. I didn't swear, make threats, etc...I guess we just have a lot of soft males in this forum who feel powerful reporting someone
) I can absolutely confirm...MLB the Show and Madden are one of the same. I knew it was over for this game when my 97 Lou Brock (you know, the one with 99 speed and 99 steal) got picked off at 1st after taking a one step lead and making no input to steal 2nd.
I said to myself, heck with it, let's play again. Bottom of the 3rd in an event game, I'm up 1-0. My opponent hasn't been able to touch me all game. However, I wasn't surprised when a 2 out, 2 strike pitch was taken deep to tie the game. Okay, let's go to extra innings. I take the lead again, going up 4-1. Next inning I put in 99 Mariano. Bam, first pitch single...followed by a game tying home run! Only made possible with DDA/Game Scripting/Come Back Logic/Buffing and Nerfing etc. No worries, just come back and score another run and take a 5-4 lead. No way the game is going to keep giving him everything right? Wrong. Game scripting decides he will get 2 home runs on 2 pitches and win the game 6-5.
The fun thing about it is...for all the simple minded players...the easiest response is "git gud" or "pitch better" or "this happens in real baseball" but what I see is exactly what other people who have abandoned this series see. The game (like every major sports franchise) is scripted. Player input matters maybe 50% and the other 50% is whatever the game decides to do. Maybe pepper a throwing error here, a routine fly ball drop there, and bam...the guy who I was beating can have fun again, now that the game is tied or he has taken the lead. None of that has to do with my skill as a player. I can appreciate going for authenticity, but at the end of the day this is a video game...and wins and losses should be decided by the PLAYERS.
The only difference between The Show and Madden, is they aren't predatory with micro transactions. They give everyone the same bloated cards, so no one feels like they have to grind endlessly or spend $100...this takes some heat off SDS's back, so they don't get held accountable for churning out heavily flawed products. But don't be fooled. The gameplay is inconsistent and broken. There should be no exploits, no getting tied into an animation, no letting runners score because your fielders have no sense of urgency...but yet we have all these things, because SDS...just like EA and 2k...has gotten lazy. Who wouldn't? You literally have no competition.