There are plenty of perfectly hit baseballs in the MLB that go for outs, especially liners. I also get frustrated when a P-P ends up being an out, but generally speaking I end up catching an equal amount of breaks on the other side that makes it all even out. Plus one or two swings shouldn’t be the end all be all in the game anyway.

He’s easily my best lefty in the pen, and that includes SS Chapman. Usually play on HoF and legend.
Give it some time. When I first got him, I was struggling as well and was down around 200 (play mostly RS on HoF and legend). I’m now up to 330 or so and he’s easily one of my best hitters. Just took a little time getting used to him.
I have him and he’s easily the best catcher I’ve used. I generally play RS on HoF and Legend, and he hits great and with pop. And his defense speaks for itself. Definitely can’t go wrong.
You mentioned it in your post, but you really just have to wait for the mistake pitch and not miss your chance. They’ll usually give you at least 1 per at bat.
I’m probably in the minority, but I absolutely love Ricky. Hes one of my best hitters and despite his power, hits a lot of HRs.
While all the gameplay aspects you mentioned are annoying and I do get frustrated when they occur, I benefit from the same thing happening to my opponent roughly the same amount. I just take it in stride and try my best to not let it bother me.
Though a perfect-perfect line drive I had with POTM Tatis last night against a righty that went right to the CF was tough lol
I just put him in for prestiged Torre at the beginning of last week when I got the 300 starts and I’m a fan so far. Definitely has a bit more pop than his stats suggest
Currently have Pudge at C (previously had prestiged Torre) and then a combo of Castellanos and prestiged Chipper at 3rd (Sheffield on the bench)
This is my first year playing DD and when I first started playing RS, I was on my TV and hitting was a nightmare. I then found game mode and it made a difference. I then decided to try out a monitor as I wanted to try to be more competitive and it was even better than game mode (at least on my TV).
I was probably batting like .210 before the monitor and now the average is up to around .268-.270 (in RS). Finally made WS for the first time last season. It doesn’t help you make better swings necessarily or make up for swinging at everything, but it does make things easier if your patient and makes fastballs nothing to worry about.
Do you play on a TV or monitor? And if you’re on a TV, is it on game mode? Definitely makes a difference with pitch speeds
I love Ricky. Got him a few weeks ago and he’s been absolutely killing it for me. Plus with his speed in the OF you basically get an extra out on defense every game that almost anyone else wouldn’t get. His arm is real good, too.
When I first started playing DD earlier this year, I used the 95 Madrigal as my 2B and lead off hitter. He actually hit a good amount of HRs for a guy with little power.
Ruth hands down. He won’t be leaving my lineup for the rest of the year.
I have MVP Ricky in LR and Walker in RF. Walker is so good all around and honestly plays above his stats against lefties, too. Since I have Ricky, I likely won’t take Cobb and will probably choose Pudge, but you won’t go wrong with Walker in your OF!
Great swing, top tier speed, and even against lefties you can smash HRs. He was a constant bench bat until I unlocked Ricky a few days ago and moved Belli to the bench.
My first year playing DD. Prior to this RS I was playing predominantly on AS with a late push into HOF. This season was spend almost entirely in HOF and its certainly true that AS is a complete [censored] shoot. HOF is much better and generally speaking the better player tends to win. Sure there are occasional WTF moments, but far far less than on AS. Hopefully I start above that threshold in the new RS!
I think 915ish. Finally got into WS last night and won’t have time to play today before the new season starts up. Definitely frustrating game to game as you play.
I also made WS for the first time earlier this evening. It was a good run to pull it off. Went with Ricky, curious to see how he does. It was a good feeling getting that last out.
I know he’s not the best, but I’ve loved using Torre and have him prestiged. One of my best hitters and always comes through in big spots.
Ok SDS... Perfect-Perfect needs to be fixed.
Can't Hit With Mantle
Pudge Reviews (HOF and Legend)
Need help here......Yelich 3 x HR mission
Outfield help
when does everyone
Review on Pudge
Who do you run out at 3B, C?
Awards Rickey or Vlad reviews?
Does SDS know contact hitters aren’t good?
Good First Baseman?
Cobb or Walker??
Jacoby Ellsbury
Officially hardest Ranked Season to date
Officially hardest Ranked Season to date
Made WS 1st time
Best catcher in DD?