I don’t think he’ll be leaving my 1B spot for a long time, if ever.

@EvylShaun said in Stan vs Papi:
Ruth is roughly an 8 hour grind. If you're 25% of the way that's 6 hours remaining. I'd strongly recommend spending 1-2 hours a day working towards Ruth, and using him in 3-6 days.
I’d recommend this as well. Once you get Ruth, you’ll most likely stick him at 1st and never look back. Save the stubs to buy another player and hang in with Fred until you get the Bambino. Trust me, he’s beyond worth it.
Not sure about the answer to this, but I can tell you that I did make the switch from my tv to a monitor last week. And I can’t believe how big a difference it is
Be patient and take pitches.
Idk, I’ll take a W and the prestige stats if it means my starter getting drained from only pitching 3 innings. Makes us have to build a complete rotation and have a good bullpen unlike prior to this update.
I just finished the collection a week and a half ago. Whenever you have the stubs available and cards/equipment you can sell to get over the hump, just go for it. Especially now with weekly updates things can change quickly
I also made WS for the first time earlier this evening. It was a good run to pull it off. Went with Ricky, curious to see how he does. It was a good feeling getting that last out.
Ruth hands down. He won’t be leaving my lineup for the rest of the year.
This is my first year playing DD and when I first started playing RS, I was on my TV and hitting was a nightmare. I then found game mode and it made a difference. I then decided to try out a monitor as I wanted to try to be more competitive and it was even better than game mode (at least on my TV).
I was probably batting like .210 before the monitor and now the average is up to around .268-.270 (in RS). Finally made WS for the first time last season. It doesn’t help you make better swings necessarily or make up for swinging at everything, but it does make things easier if your patient and makes fastballs nothing to worry about.
Andre Dawson. Great swing, and elite defense in center.
He’s really good. I took him with the intention of selling him immediately but figured I’d try him out a few games. Elite defense, obviously really good speed. But he hits plenty of HRs. And I think he’ll be one of the few players that will really benefit when prestiged
Be patient with Vlad, and try going with Power swing since the PCI is so big. I think I did it in two tries or so.
Same thing with Grandal. Try power swinging with the larger PCI.
I bought a Samsung gaming monitor that cost about $115. Not knowing how much it would make a difference prevented me from getting a more expensive model. But honestly it’s been great and works incredibly well. If I continue playing throughout the year and into next year I’ll upgrade knowing that it does actually make a difference
Love Rivera. But you can’t spam the cutter or he gets easy to hit.
Me personally, I’d rather 5 true starting pitchers and not see Kluber and Hal come out of the bullpen every other game. Not that I mind hitting them, but it is kinda annoying and now we have to think about our rotations as a whole.
He’s awesome. I think I’ve played 6-7 games with him and I’ve homered in each one along with a bunch of doubles. He’s a monster and well worth the grind for the program.
No, I don’t know much about flipping cards. This is my first year doing DD and when I started I definitely didn’t use my stubs wisely. If I had better understood how things worked (locking cards in, focused on the collection, etc) I probably would have had him a month ago!
I used all my available stubs to by the cards I could get, them sold a bunch of my good cards and all my CAPs equipment to get close to buying the last 2 high diamond cards. Completed some missions to get the rest of the stubs I needed and the rest is history!
Great swing, top tier speed, and even against lefties you can smash HRs. He was a constant bench bat until I unlocked Ricky a few days ago and moved Belli to the bench.
There are plenty of perfectly hit baseballs in the MLB that go for outs, especially liners. I also get frustrated when a P-P ends up being an out, but generally speaking I end up catching an equal amount of breaks on the other side that makes it all even out. Plus one or two swings shouldn’t be the end all be all in the game anyway.
Stan vs Papi
Question for Tech savy players
Ruth Program
I think they nerfed SP stamina too much
LS Collections
Made WS 1st time
Good First Baseman?
Underrated of
Rollins Reviews
Moments/Player Program Help
Another Monitor Question (lol)
SS Chapman or SS Rivera
Thing about the new pitcher stamina
Close to Mantle
LS Collections
Jacoby Ellsbury
Ok SDS... Perfect-Perfect needs to be fixed.