Still should be more usable especially with team affinity demanding team why couldn't they have dropped a negro league team affinity goals with the gates be gibson homeruns, rbi and runs, paige win and strikeouts plus all other stats from the league. Sounds like a very interesting concept and would get their cards used more
about 7 hours ago
a day ago
Are all your fast players automatically diving at first on close plays or could I be having issues with my controller. Seems like any bunts or infield singles, my players are diving to first for some bizarre reason.
a day ago
They should just let them accumulate stats for all teams thus they would be in demand cards and you would spread the history about them. Such an easy buy unlikely fix. They get used as much as free agent cards especially with the team affinity goals
2 days ago
I will not play diamond quest simply because the theme is to play it your way and wasted time on moments and showdowns where just plain bad luck dooms you, it makes it not worth it at all. But for others the mode might excite them but it is there new direction to reward that mode and reduce rewards in other modes. The non repeatable rewards in conquest is the ultimate insult
2 days ago
Well thanks....that sucks be nice to have a fix for it or an acknowledgement in some capacity
3 days ago
Whata with the servers...can't complete one single game of conquest...keeps quitting out....just is ridiculous. No reason why it should boot me and return me to the menu and not completely out of dd. Internet is fine at the house too.
3 days ago
Is it newly created stadiums or ones from last year
4 days ago
Arr newly created stadium even working this year or is the whole mod just a wash until they fix it?
4 days ago
I got my last one and mays today....weird how I got twenty early and 1 later on.....
4 days ago
Got my packs but not mays yet.....I bet those who got two nabbed mine. Thankfully I'm not into the giants jolt card so no biggie if I don't get him
8 days ago
It was placed all over the menu screen I the game, atleast on xbox as well as on this site as well. Maybe playstation was different this round
9 days ago
I miss the big map for the challenge but it's nice not seeing a whole map blown away by two or three teams. I played the us map last year maybe 5 times but gone are the generous rewards. They are good to do for quick missions
9 days ago
Contreras....ultimate betrayal of a cubs fan, although I already bought Tucker. I was thinking Will Smith the whole time when catcher popped up. I sold him to prepare for possible cubs dodgers program
10 days ago
Yup but hey they said you still could play it but without rewards....why not just do franchise
11 days ago
Thanks to xbox delay and my slow internet I won't finish downloading til 2am and hope, Just hope servers are working then. By that time with all the streams I'll have a better idea. The irony is I took off tonight expecting the game to be ready to play only for xbox to nix that thought
12 days ago
It's starting but so slow as expected
12 days ago
Still no info ?
12 days ago
I can't even find no info and what issues it is but it is ironically there's thus issue when it's no longer on game pass
12 days ago
Lol that's why I can't play online, it is very laggy so I don't even try and can't find any better. It took six minutes to download the 300 mb...for for the full game....quite a while
12 days ago
Seems there's some issue every single year....I could have just ordered it on the switch and been okay with it had I known otherwise
Cool Papa Bell
Runners at First
Cool Papa Bell
The grid slug/ online program
Newly Created stadiums
Game crashes playing at Created Stadiums
Newly Created stadiums
I think SDS ripped me off
Now and Later Packs/ Willie Mays
Server maintenance
US Conquest = Huge Win
Let's get this started... Who is your first LS Diamond pull?
March to October Team Affintiy
Day 1 plan
Xbox install
Xbox install
Xbox install
Xbox install
Xbox install