Still should be more usable especially with team affinity demanding team why couldn't they have dropped a negro league team affinity goals with the gates be gibson homeruns, rbi and runs, paige win and strikeouts plus all other stats from the league. Sounds like a very interesting concept and would get their cards used more

Free cards, repeatable for collections and exchanges....all for some conquest games, maybe play the US Map and realize what a prize it is especially since you can do it to kill time til next content release
I will not play diamond quest simply because the theme is to play it your way and wasted time on moments and showdowns where just plain bad luck dooms you, it makes it not worth it at all. But for others the mode might excite them but it is there new direction to reward that mode and reduce rewards in other modes. The non repeatable rewards in conquest is the ultimate insult
They should just let them accumulate stats for all teams thus they would be in demand cards and you would spread the history about them. Such an easy buy unlikely fix. They get used as much as free agent cards especially with the team affinity goals
Arr newly created stadium even working this year or is the whole mod just a wash until they fix it?
So it isn't just me then, I thought I was for sure doing something wrong. I keep trying and so preloaded stadiums work while ones I create keep failing to load for some reason. Was thinking it was the stands or the short field. But its my first year creating them so I wasn't sure
Well thanks....that sucks be nice to have a fix for it or an acknowledgement in some capacity
Country internet....2.5 gb per hour.....yeah needless to say I don't play online with it.
Lol...twice headliner, one 7500 stubs and twice 5 packs....just isn't worth it to me so I didn't even bother marathon playing during bonus xp. Just isn't no drive in the game. I so can see any game replacing this. Collection rewards don't interest me, xp rewards don't as well, hate the weekly and monthly rewards. It's like everything they could do to make the game worse they did. Even conquest you can't see your team logos....they vanish game to game.
Homesteads packs 1 and 2 and perhaps season awards packs as well. Millionaire packs for sure
Lol that's why I can't play online, it is very laggy so I don't even try and can't find any better. It took six minutes to download the 300 mb...for for the full game....quite a while
I miss the big map for the challenge but it's nice not seeing a whole map blown away by two or three teams. I played the us map last year maybe 5 times but gone are the generous rewards. They are good to do for quick missions
Would love for SDS to address this in some way or form or atleast tell us they are going to fix it or just some info
Cool Papa Bell
New Draft Conquest Map Fail
The grid slug/ online program
Cool Papa Bell
Newly Created stadiums
Stadium Uploads
Newly Created stadiums
Really Sds
Odds on "Wheel Spin" (Dev?)
"There's Something in the Water..."
Xbox install
US Conquest = Huge Win
When will Custom Stadiums we built from 24 be available?