Fortunately his stats are shockingly underwhelming.

I’m actually relieved. I went to get in line with my 1 million, saw 300 people ahead of me and cringed...but then looked at his stats. Can absolutely live without him.
@seannydrama7 said in Albert Pujols price:
Generally more time on the market would mean a bit of a price drop. However, this year people are absolutely flooded with stubs, so I’m honestly not sure the BR reward cards will drop much...people gave stubs to burn and little to burn them on.
My bad - I thought he was a BR reward.
Yes, his price will drop as more people make WS.
Generally more time on the market would mean a bit of a price drop. However, this year people are absolutely flooded with stubs, so I’m honestly not sure the BR reward cards will drop much...people gave stubs to burn and little to burn them on.
They are done with LS updates, no? I thought the last one was it.
They usually do a series called Finest, which is the best live series players from the season. Assuming they will do that again this year, that’s where you can expect 99 Betts, Freeman, etc.
A lot of people have speculated those may be the Team Affinity 4 rewards, which isn’t too crazy to imagine.
You get a lot of good stuff on the way to getting him too...overall I think the grind is worth it as long as it’s not driving you too crazy. He’s worth a little effort...his not worth a mountain of busted Dual Shocks
Any of you still running your Caps out there? I feel like the game is starting to reach that point where the players are so good the only reason to keep a cap is switch hitting and swing preference.
I still have my SS in there only because I have hated EVERY 2b in this game (Tatis at 2nd now), but I feel like Honus is gonna bump him - loves Honus last year.
Hornsby. I look at his stats and feel like a blind man should be able to hit with him. But alas...
@Original_Quad said in Edmonds at first...:
@seannydrama7 said in Edmonds at first...:
Has anyone had any success trying to get the putouts with Edmonds at first? I just tried it and he tanked every ball throwing to him. Some guy on Koogs stream was claiming he only drops about half the time - which would still make it faster than sticking him in the OF. I just don’t want to keep wasting time if he literally drops everything.
Side note/gripe: 1B secondary penalty is kinda absurd. You want him to boot every grounder - fine. Fail to catch any dig at first - fine. But not allowing a big leaguer to catch a ball that would otherwise hit him in the chest is pretty dumb.
The issue is that before the penalty was implemented people would just use first base as a DH spot pretty much. I think in 17 a lot of people had Ted Williams there, for example. You should have to try and play people at a primary or secondary position.
Yeah - I totally get it. You shouldn’t be able to just throw Mike Trout at first consequence free. But I feel like you could penalize the move without making the guy incapable of playing catch. Boot grounders, ole liners, even drop some throws to first...but I’m telling you I flipped him like 6 little league warm up drill throws, and he dropped them. For a game that like to tout realism to support trash hitting mechanics, it’s a little silly.
Side note: it was pretty easy to finish the moment just sticking him in Center anyway.
Has anyone had any success trying to get the putouts with Edmonds at first? I just tried it and he tanked every ball throwing to him. Some guy on Koogs stream was claiming he only drops about half the time - which would still make it faster than sticking him in the OF. I just don’t want to keep wasting time if he literally drops everything.
Side note/gripe: 1B secondary penalty is kinda absurd. You want him to boot every grounder - fine. Fail to catch any dig at first - fine. But not allowing a big leaguer to catch a ball that would otherwise hit him in the chest is pretty dumb.
I started using Brett because I wanted another lefty in the lineup (Sheff before that)...I like him a lot, but may have to bump him when I get Foxx (not sure how I feel about his defense at Catcher and I’ve been liking Pudge)
No sense making this list until they release 99 Chipper and Griffey...LETS GO SDS!!!!!
@ilvmyjeep said in Lol. Concerning 9th Inning Bosses:
@BodamEscapePlan said in Lol. Concerning 9th Inning Bosses:
I'm sticking to my predictions I posted earlier this week...
Bosses: Willie Mays, Honus Wagner, and Kenley Jansen
Henchmen: Edgar Martinez, David Price, and Steve Finley
The 9th inning conquest map strongholds belong to the A’s, Pirates, Dodgers, Cardinals, Braves, Reds, and Diamondbacks.
The bosses and henchmen will be from those teams. Honus (Pirates) and Kenley (Dodgers) fit the map, but I think you’re looking at Foxx (A’s) as the other boss.
Finley (Diamondbacks) is a henchman, and two of the other henchmen will be from the Braves, Reds, or Cardinals.
Movie took a stab at this theory on YouTube yesterday, and it was a bit of a dud. There were a couple of times where it was accurate...then other times not at all...then other times he combined the bonus map with the program was a mess, and certainly didn’t reflect a pattern.
Not saying it won’t happen, or hasn’t happened...but it has not been a common enough trend so say SDS correlates the conquest teams with program rewards.
@MathMan5072 said in Conquest Extreme:
@seannydrama7 said in Conquest Extreme:
Thanks everyone. Doesn’t sound like I approached these the most efficient way, but yeah, at this point I may just finish up the whole map as efficiently/easily as possible, then restart and plug away at the rest of the turn based ones.
I’m with you. I started last night and just assumed that it would be possible to do without restarting if you could win some thought games. After stealing on legend after beating the twins the first try I realized it was impossible. Then I captured all the 2 turn ones and thought I could get the three turns next. Not possible. That’s what I get for not actually reading.
So, now I’m going to do all the ones on the right side and then on to completion. Then I’ll do all the ones on the left.
Yeah - I did a weird rout down the right side and knocked off like 5 of the turn based ones, and just figured now that those are done, I can just restart...not realizing, at some point, you have to have the whole map covered. I just didn’t think it would require you to play strongholds twice just to beat it. But hey...extreme.
Thanks everyone. Doesn’t sound like I approached these the most efficient way, but yeah, at this point I may just finish up the whole map as efficiently/easily as possible, then restart and plug away at the rest of the turn based ones.
Do you have to have every hexagon conquered at the same time to fulfill the conquer all territories requirement, or do you just have to conquer them all at some point? If you restart, does it still consider hexagons you conquered previously as conquered?
I’m going though now and did a bunch of turn based missions, stole some fans, then I did all the non-stronghold hexagons - mainly for the rewards, but also to make sure I didn’t miss any later. But if I reset, do I still need to do all of the hexagons again?
Best way I can sum up this tough question to explain: at some point does EVERY hexagon on the map have to be my team (including ones I may have conquered in a previous try), or so I just need to cover each hexagon at some point with restarts, not just one run through.
Recently ran into one Haywood Jablowmi.
Laughed out loud...texted my friends.
Mondesi has a lightning quick swing
Sweet - thought it would only be 3. I’m pretty comfortable with 4 (and picked Cole in a TA pack two days ago - so not a lot of room to complain either way)
Chipper buy orders
Y'all can have Chipper
Albert Pujols price
Albert Pujols price
Stanton going Diamond?
Would SDS release a same year awards series card?
If You Have Gehrig.....
Caps phased out?
Your least favorite card
Edmonds at first...
Edmonds at first...
Who do you use at third base?
What’s the best lineup possible?
Lol. Concerning 9th Inning Bosses
Conquest Extreme
Conquest Extreme
Conquest Extreme
Best CAP Names you've come across (or your own)
Players you think have the quickest swing?
High Diamond upgrades