High Diamond upgrades
Anyone with their pulse on roster changes think any 89s or below are going high diamond?
I ask because I’m at prestige 44, so the high diamond choice pack is next. If someone goes to 90, and I get a choice pack with that new high diamond, Mookie, and Judge, I’ll throw my controller through the TV...and I don’t want to do that.
Trying to gauge if I need to try to hustle and hit level 45 before noon tomorrow or not.
Son_of_the_Bloodwrote on Aug 28, 2020, 1:55 AM last edited by Son_of_the_Blood Aug 28, 2020, 1:56 AM
It was a choice between four so odds are fair
I had the same thought when it came for me -
I think Bieber and Tatis are the only two that might have a chance to rise, although Tatis is an 88 right now so not sure he'd make the jump to 90 just yet.
You get a choice of 4, so you will get at least one original 90+ whose worth 100+k.
Sweet - thought it would only be 3. I’m pretty comfortable with 4 (and picked Cole in a TA pack two days ago - so not a lot of room to complain either way)
Lol...I already have judge, verlander, betts......so if bieber goes as well I'll be quite pissed if that's my choices when I hit 45 next week.....my odds say it will be just that