Conquest Extreme
@Hikes83 said in Conquest Extreme:
Here’s what I did:
Tigers in turn 1. Restart
Entire right side of map, stealing on AS every turn. Al the way to turn 6. Restart
Entire left side of map, same a right side. When turn based was done on turn 6. Finished map
You mean Twins in turn 1?
@raesONE said in Conquest Extreme:
@Hikes83 said in Conquest Extreme:
Here’s what I did:
Tigers in turn 1. Restart
Entire right side of map, stealing on AS every turn. Al the way to turn 6. Restart
Entire left side of map, same a right side. When turn based was done on turn 6. Finished map
You mean Twins in turn 1?
Yea my bad, fixed
@Hikes83 said in Conquest Extreme:
Here’s what I did:
Tigers in turn 1. Restart
Entire right side of map, stealing on AS every turn. All the way to turn 6. Restart
Entire left side of map, same a right side. When turn based was done on turn 6. Finished map
This method will take you forever, you really should accomplish as much as you can first go around then restart and grab the ones that you couldn’t get the first time. Should only take 2 and not more than 3 tries to accomplish everything
I knocked out 8 of the team turn objectives on the first go by playing steal fans 3 times and only playing Hall of Fame twice. Then I completed the the rest of the map before restarting 3 times to finish the team objectives and the steal fans objective. I dont think I could have been more efficient playing primarily on All Star. It might be a little better on HOF or Legend.
@FightingPossum24 said in Conquest Extreme:
I knocked out 8 of the team turn objectives on the first go by playing steal fans 3 times and only playing Hall of Fame twice. Then I completed the the rest of the map before restarting 3 times to finish the team objectives and the steal fans objective. I dont think I could have been more efficient playing primarily on All Star. It might be a little better on HOF or Legend.
Would’ve been more efficient if you played HOF and Legend. I finished in 2 goes by playing HOF and Legend games. What have you got to lose, it’s not like you’re being penalized for losing
Here's the method I'm doing which I've found works reasonably well. For this method, you need to be able to beat the CPU on HoF regularly (although I think it's a lot easier when you face mostly bronze pitchers with a predominantly 99 team).
My method is to conquer the map and complete all turn based missions except for Rockies, White Sox, Astros, Rangers, Angels Athletics. You could probably take Houston and maybe 1 other if you steal on legend, but these teams are all easy to do through a quick restart.
Turn 1: Straight down to Minny, continue towards Wash with remaining fans. Steal fans on HoF.
Turn 2: Reinforce at original stronghold, take Cleveland, then Toronto, then use remaining fans to continue towards TB. Steal on HoF.
Turn 3: Split reinforcements. Enough to get to Wsh and take them, remainder at spot near TB. Take Wsh, TB and NYY. If any extra fans, move them towards Bos or Philly (depending where you have the extra fans). Steal on HoF
Turn 4: Reinforce at spot closest to Philly. Take Phi, Cin, Chc and Arizona. Move any additional fans towards LAD. Steal on HoF
Turn 5: Reinforcce at NYY Chc and Cin with enough fans that you can comfortably reach the Brewers and Braves - maybe with an extra fan or two in case you lose a game. If you have enough. Take the Red Sox Brewers, Braves. steal on HoF.
Turn 6. Reinforce enough to finish off dodger/padre route, reinforce the remainder at the Philly stronghold and take NYM and STL.
Once done those, finish off the rest of the map, taking every hexagon in a more relaxed way like you normally would.
Then when you're done, you can quickly do the others. Go straight for Hou, beat them, restart. Take Col, restart. Take CWS, restart. Then go straight for Texas steal fans, go up and do angels and Athletics all without restarting. You might be able to do all of these on a single turn but IMO it's not worth it.
Edit to turn 5 as I forgot about the Red Sox and missed them with my original post.
I have had to restart a few times as you have to in order to get all the turn based ones ones done. It try to get a many strongholds done in one shot as I could. The Astros definitely have the trash can banging in the extreme cause I had them 3-1 and the game grooved a Rollie forkball and slider to guys who had pretty much no power and they hit bombs.
I wish you started off with a few more fans cause it is hard to move in a single turn when the strongholds are just far enough away that you have to do all star or higher to get farther.
My plan is to get the one side done then restart and do the other side.
@Boneman05 said in Conquest Extreme:
I have had to restart a few times as you have to in order to get all the turn based ones ones done. It try to get a many strongholds done in one shot as I could. The Astros definitely have the trash can banging in the extreme cause I had them 3-1 and the game grooved a Rollie forkball and slider to guys who had pretty much no power and they hit bombs.
I wish you started off with a few more fans cause it is hard to move in a single turn when the strongholds are just far enough away that you have to do all star or higher to get farther.
My plan is to get the one side done then restart and do the other side.
Don't you have to have all captured at once to complete the map? Does that mean you have to beat every stronghold twice?
I did Min first then I Tor Mistake, then I restarted and did the whole right side. Then I took over the Hex that did not have a stronghold just SIM to get all the hidden rewards. Then I restarted and have the left side of the map to do. Not the best way to do it but I was not in a rush to do it. i did pull Verlander from Conquest Extreme that was nice.
Do you have to have every hexagon conquered at the same time to fulfill the conquer all territories requirement, or do you just have to conquer them all at some point? If you restart, does it still consider hexagons you conquered previously as conquered?
I’m going though now and did a bunch of turn based missions, stole some fans, then I did all the non-stronghold hexagons - mainly for the rewards, but also to make sure I didn’t miss any later. But if I reset, do I still need to do all of the hexagons again?
Best way I can sum up this tough question to explain: at some point does EVERY hexagon on the map have to be my team (including ones I may have conquered in a previous try), or so I just need to cover each hexagon at some point with restarts, not just one run through.
@James97M said in Conquest Extreme:
@Boneman05 said in Conquest Extreme:
I have had to restart a few times as you have to in order to get all the turn based ones ones done. It try to get a many strongholds done in one shot as I could. The Astros definitely have the trash can banging in the extreme cause I had them 3-1 and the game grooved a Rollie forkball and slider to guys who had pretty much no power and they hit bombs.
I wish you started off with a few more fans cause it is hard to move in a single turn when the strongholds are just far enough away that you have to do all star or higher to get farther.
My plan is to get the one side done then restart and do the other side.
Don't you have to have all captured at once to complete the map? Does that mean you have to beat every stronghold twice?
You do need them captured all at once, but you din’t need to do all of them twice. If you do all the right side turn based goals in one go first then you would have to capture the left side twice. So really only half of them will be played twice
@seannydrama7 said in Conquest Extreme:
Do you have to have every hexagon conquered at the same time to fulfill the conquer all territories requirement, or do you just have to conquer them all at some point? If you restart, does it still consider hexagons you conquered previously as conquered?
I’m going though now and did a bunch of turn based missions, stole some fans, then I did all the non-stronghold hexagons - mainly for the rewards, but also to make sure I didn’t miss any later. But if I reset, do I still need to do all of the hexagons again?
Best way I can sum up this tough question to explain: at some point does EVERY hexagon on the map have to be my team (including ones I may have conquered in a previous try), or so I just need to cover each hexagon at some point with restarts, not just one run through.
If I remember right. If you restart, all of your progress will be lost. The conquer all territories, the fans, and the steals missions all have to be in one go.
Based off what you’re saying, just finish out the map and then restart and do any goals you missed on the next run.
@seannydrama7 said in Conquest Extreme:
Do you have to have every hexagon conquered at the same time to fulfill the conquer all territories requirement, or do you just have to conquer them all at some point? If you restart, does it still consider hexagons you conquered previously as conquered?
I’m going though now and did a bunch of turn based missions, stole some fans, then I did all the non-stronghold hexagons - mainly for the rewards, but also to make sure I didn’t miss any later. But if I reset, do I still need to do all of the hexagons again?
Best way I can sum up this tough question to explain: at some point does EVERY hexagon on the map have to be my team (including ones I may have conquered in a previous try), or so I just need to cover each hexagon at some point with restarts, not just one run through.
Conquer all hexagons mission has to all be done on the same map without restarting. If you restart, hexagons you previously conquered will not count.
@seannydrama7 said in Conquest Extreme:
Do you have to have every hexagon conquered at the same time to fulfill the conquer all territories requirement, or do you just have to conquer them all at some point? If you restart, does it still consider hexagons you conquered previously as conquered?
I’m going though now and did a bunch of turn based missions, stole some fans, then I did all the non-stronghold hexagons - mainly for the rewards, but also to make sure I didn’t miss any later. But if I reset, do I still need to do all of the hexagons again?
Best way I can sum up this tough question to explain: at some point does EVERY hexagon on the map have to be my team (including ones I may have conquered in a previous try), or so I just need to cover each hexagon at some point with restarts, not just one run through.
I did this as well, I completed the Right side then took over all the hex. Now I have to do the turn based missons of the Left side and take over the whole map to get the final mission complete. Like someone else said you will only have to do one side twice.
Thanks everyone. Doesn’t sound like I approached these the most efficient way, but yeah, at this point I may just finish up the whole map as efficiently/easily as possible, then restart and plug away at the rest of the turn based ones.
@seannydrama7 said in Conquest Extreme:
Thanks everyone. Doesn’t sound like I approached these the most efficient way, but yeah, at this point I may just finish up the whole map as efficiently/easily as possible, then restart and plug away at the rest of the turn based ones.
I’m with you. I started last night and just assumed that it would be possible to do without restarting if you could win some thought games. After stealing on legend after beating the twins the first try I realized it was impossible. Then I captured all the 2 turn ones and thought I could get the three turns next. Not possible. That’s what I get for not actually reading.
So, now I’m going to do all the ones on the right side and then on to completion. Then I’ll do all the ones on the left.
@MathMan5072 said in Conquest Extreme:
@seannydrama7 said in Conquest Extreme:
Thanks everyone. Doesn’t sound like I approached these the most efficient way, but yeah, at this point I may just finish up the whole map as efficiently/easily as possible, then restart and plug away at the rest of the turn based ones.
I’m with you. I started last night and just assumed that it would be possible to do without restarting if you could win some thought games. After stealing on legend after beating the twins the first try I realized it was impossible. Then I captured all the 2 turn ones and thought I could get the three turns next. Not possible. That’s what I get for not actually reading.
So, now I’m going to do all the ones on the right side and then on to completion. Then I’ll do all the ones on the left.
Yeah - I did a weird rout down the right side and knocked off like 5 of the turn based ones, and just figured now that those are done, I can just restart...not realizing, at some point, you have to have the whole map covered. I just didn’t think it would require you to play strongholds twice just to beat it. But hey...extreme.
@James97M said in Conquest Extreme:
@Boneman05 said in Conquest Extreme:
I have had to restart a few times as you have to in order to get all the turn based ones ones done. It try to get a many strongholds done in one shot as I could. The Astros definitely have the trash can banging in the extreme cause I had them 3-1 and the game grooved a Rollie forkball and slider to guys who had pretty much no power and they hit bombs.
I wish you started off with a few more fans cause it is hard to move in a single turn when the strongholds are just far enough away that you have to do all star or higher to get farther.
My plan is to get the one side done then restart and do the other side.
Don't you have to have all captured at once to complete the map? Does that mean you have to beat every stronghold twice?
You don’t have to capture all at once but you have to capture it by a certain turn in order to count towards the extreme goals. You will probably have to beat each team multiple times cause there is not a reall way to complete it in one turn. Unless you steal fans at legend level each round
@Boneman05 said in Conquest Extreme:
@James97M said in Conquest Extreme:
@Boneman05 said in Conquest Extreme:
I have had to restart a few times as you have to in order to get all the turn based ones ones done. It try to get a many strongholds done in one shot as I could. The Astros definitely have the trash can banging in the extreme cause I had them 3-1 and the game grooved a Rollie forkball and slider to guys who had pretty much no power and they hit bombs.
I wish you started off with a few more fans cause it is hard to move in a single turn when the strongholds are just far enough away that you have to do all star or higher to get farther.
My plan is to get the one side done then restart and do the other side.
Don't you have to have all captured at once to complete the map? Does that mean you have to beat every stronghold twice?
You don’t have to capture all at once but you have to capture it by a certain turn in order to count towards the extreme goals. You will probably have to beat each team multiple times cause there is not a reall way to complete it in one turn. Unless you steal fans at legend level each round
If you steal on HoF you can do this in two trys. You might be able to steal some on AS and do it in 2 trys.
So what I’ve taken from this is to just start the map and beat it all, then restart and do turn based. Correct?