How do you select duplicates, twice? Give me a freaking break with this already people. It's pathetic.

@vagimon_psn said in Never mind:
Nothing to see here.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
He's 45k XP. That's all. Move along.
For me, I put in my 8 hours but it's constant mind games all day, eat lunch at my desk while working and then I bust my [censored] at the gym for an hour and a half, come home to the wife and 3 kids. Everyone goes to bed so I start up the show to hit some dingers, complete collections and just destroy the CPU for fun. Online is too toxic for me, so I stick to offline modes. I just want to play to clear my mind and relax (so no moments when I'm stressed, lol)
What is the driving force for you?
Doesn't help me on PS4, lol. I'll just play at Shippett
I was going to say something about this. I'm playing casually (Competitive mode) on Rookie and Veteran doing conquests and such, and the CPU is hitting all my dots and their pitching is freaking insane! The break on their pitches, the dotting, etc. It's like I'm playing on HOF or Legend and I just want to progress on a conquest map. I'm not looking to play Pitching Rebel or anything. This year's game definitely has the sliders jacked all the way up in the CPU's favor.
And also, am I the only one where the CPU literally throws 95% of their pitches at either the very bottom of the strike zone or below in the dirt? I seriously see almost every pitch at the bottom of the zone. In a 9 inning game vs CPU, I literally ground into 6-7 double plays because I have no choice but to swing at a low pitch or I'd strike out. It is ridiculous. Of course, when they finally get something up in the zone I either pop it up or mash it, but really tho?
And, my last rant, if I have someone on first with zero or one out, no matter the pitch or swing I put on the ball, 99% of the time it ends in a double play. It's like a guarantee for me. I don't get it. It was like that in 20 for me too and I'm a good player. My RS records was 70-29 last year and I got up to ~800 at one point, so I know how to play the game. It's not just that I suck or something. I just don't get it! I high fast ball and suddenly I swing and it's dropped halfway down my PCI? Ugh.
You can always bank your stubs by putting in multiple buy orders for like 50k or 100k on Trout and when you are ready to start collections, cancel them all. That way the stubs are not burning a hole in your pocket as you try and save up.
Yep, 100% worth it.
Took me 5 minutes...
I wish I could hide all threads and posts with the word "Jeter" in it...
This is the #1 reason I don't play any online. Trash players. Shippet is a joke of a stadium. I love how all the main streamers usually only play there so they can get cheap homeruns. I've literally stopped all viewing of any streamer. They're all so pathetic.
@tylerslikewhoa_xbl said in I am so done with PCI BS:
Your opponents pci isn't shown to you properly. What you see and what he sees are two different things. Just play a friend and compare and you will see that looking at your opponents PCI is pointless
Not 100% true. I watched two twitch streamers (Zo and OhChev) and I had both screens up on my PC. I watched every pitch and their PCI placement showed exactly where they moved it to during their swing.
There may be cases where it didn't work like that, but I've seen this multiple times and it showed correctly.
@tylerslikewhoa_xbl said in Need more offline content/modes:
No other online mode has more stuff to do singleplayer. Not even close. So start a franchise or road to the show if that isn't enough try going outside a bit while it is still summer.
Worst suggestions ever.
Because people that pick out Shippett are scum. That park is a cheat and if you can only win there, you suck.
All you gotta do is the RIB conquest 10 times. Sell the cards. Buy Ricky. Easy.
@jeezy-e_psn said in Companion App:
Why the 🤬 have I not been using this all year?!….
It's only been around a few months. It's legit but I wish you could quick sell through it.
I'm happy for Dee, no sympathy from me regarding JF.
@gohardgrandpa said in Just give me all the XP and stubs you cheated me out of...:
@doihearbossmusic said in Just give me all the XP and stubs you cheated me out of...:
...since early access and we're square
If they do that they will owe a lot of us
It's just fake currency and xp in a video game. No skin off their back. Sadly they'll probably just give us packs so we can just all pull bronze cards...
Yay! Another worthless card!
We all make mistakes. I did it too. I never thought I would, but it happened.
Now, I'm just going to sit back and wait for some jacka$$ to come in here and harass us for being human.
42 series packs issue...
Never mind
Milestone Whit
What makes you play this game?
All Star Program Easy Method
They changed somthing with TAs
How to complete the LS collection without spending money
Chipper still worth getting?
14k’s for 1 point
If SDS drops Jeter….
Okay what's with the hard on for Shippet?
I am so done with PCI BS
Need more offline content/modes
Why shippett?
Companion App
This was such a special moment.
Just give me all the XP and stubs you cheated me out of...
Brian Roberts Headliner
I accidentally picked a duplicate for the AL WEST Choice pack. Now I can’t unlock ACUNA.