The higher you are in ranked you can play in the higher league for that Weekend and get better rewards... if someone opts to "goon" this year they are doing themselves a disservice when that weekend comes... I would call them the "p" word but I'mma chill!

@jaychvz_XBL EXACTLY!
You can play the game, or you can not play the game.
With that being said it will be interesting to see how they navigate this... will we get early 99s or will the game have overalls increase as the year progresses with 99s reserved for things like XP Bosses, Program Final Rewards, BR, Ranked, Season Awards and packs?
I'm of the belief that more cards will drop but not many... definitely going to get a Finest Program... might even get MVP, Cy Young and ROY maybe even Gold Glove and Silver Slugger cards for this years Award winners... if not then that is something they need to do in 2025 along with Trade Deadline cards/program as well as Hot Stove cards/program for the final season and have the cards drop as soon as the deal becomes official and drop the card right into the game either as a free card or in a short program or conquest or something... that would be so dope as a way to continue to play the game into the next version of the game!
@stretchxistence_PSN yes you should still get the PXP for your player even if they are "out of season". You just won't get credit towards programs if those programs require in season players like the Season Awards program for example... also once you Parallel no more PXP is counted for the player in that game but once you go into a new game you should start getting PXP towards that next Parrallel.
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS I feel like when you try to rush through Showdown is when you suffer... treat the at-bats like normal at-bats and take some pitches and you'll do just fine... trust I have my moments where I'll swing at every first pitch and then I end up only being able to tie the game and of course you have to score the winning run for "SUCCESS" so that gets real frustrating but then I lock-in and take pitches, even some strikes, and find myself having a much easier time getting through it... it also helps checking the pitchers handedness and the first batters game situation and then you can try to situate your base runners based off that... and don't be afraid to use the common players on your team and other players at your disposal because they make for some awesome pinch runners when your sluggers don't quite hit the ball over the fence.
Also I didn't mean that as a reply to you, meant it for the original OP and anyone else that shakes their first at the thought of NEEDING to do Showdown... I didn't even know you had to play Showdown for the Halloweek Event but I guess I haven't gotten that far in the program as I've been doing the stat missions and the PXP once I unlock the cards in the Reward Path... from there I'll probably finish Conquest and then mess around with the Moments and I guess Showdown at the end.
I'd love for it to be Francisco Lindor but wouldn't be mad at Juan Soto (especially if he signs with my Mets!)
yeah something went wrong because when I left for work I had 20 hrs to go on the Season 2 XP... I was scrambling to try to finish the Moments of Glory program and was hoping I would be able to do that to get the final Head Start reward but to no avail... hopefully I'll be able to complete both XP Paths this go around for Season 3 since we get 2 paths with each appearing to be easier to get through as I think this first path is 350k XP unless I read it wrong.
Double XP until Tuesday 3pm eastern, so if you have a 3-day weekend with no real plans you can really grind this bad boy out... besides watching "Bash In Berlin" and "No Mercy" on Saturday afternoon and Sunday night respectively I think majority of my streaming (like MLB games and shows and such) will be from my phone while I grind the game except for any errands that I might have to run.
I got 2 more Hyper cards and 2 more Barrier Breakers for Vlad and was hoping I'd get a new diamond that I needed, I forgot who I still have left to collect besides Judge since my Ohtani purchase went through... but yeah I quick sold the 4 (I think it was 4) diamonds that I selected since I already had them and made the 20k back so yeah I'd say it's worth it considering the fact that I got my stubs back when I didn't get the pulls I was hoping for.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Season 3 awards drop 1:
@MultiFragz_XBL said in Season 3 awards drop 1:
How are you suppose to get xp for the missions when you can only get a reward card or topps card by spending stubbs? And even then one card would take ages. Problem is season 3 eligible, they should allow you to wildcard season awards and topps to make this smoother
General Missions and Moments.
THIS... like it's not that difficult... lmao
why include LLWS and then make College simulated???
I went with Cruz.
@nymets1987_PSN I'm trying to think who it could be... They just did a Milestone Lindor in Chase Pack and then had Alonso for All-Star and HR Derby... if I had to guess I'm thinking it's one of those two guys unless they go with pitching... which opens it up a little more for another deGrom or another former pitcher.
@sbchamps17_NSW Chipper didn't get the boost last year... Boost started with MLB 06 The Show (David Ortiz) through MLB The Show 23 (Jazz Chisholm & Derek Jeter).
Seeing as the game came out on Monday afternoon for most that pre-ordered I'm going to say no
they released an update to fix the foul ball issue that many complained about... not sure how that impacts this topic but it's not 10 ks in a game so should be fairly easy to get if you are consistently playing Multiplayer/H2H games.
@Akhenaten1313_PSN Last year they had a different structure and the seasons were shorter... Season 1 was Core and S1, Season 2 Core, S1 and S2, Season 3 Core, S2 and S3 and so on with the last season being Season 6 where all cards were eligible... this year we are getting Season 1, Season 2, Season 3 and Season 4 (at which point all cards should be eligible).
@wingspan_NSW there is no season restriction on the stats for London Series... you just won't get progress in Team Affinity Season 2 with S1 players but any Core and S2 players that you use while grinding for London Series will count for TA2.
@TheGoaler_MLBTS yeah it's gotta be some type of algorithm that works so all the content creators make those types of thumbnails... I guess that's why my YouTube channel never took off... lol
oh okay it's a choice pack... meaning most likely get to choose Nimmo or Harper if you get the 91 round, or you get to pick one of the 87s... I was worried that I'd get stuck with a Phillies player upon completion... I definitely want Vientos or Nimmo at the end of this and will get the Phillies players if more opportunities to get this pack come up once I get both of my guys.
My concern about Weekend Leagues
No more sets and seasons
That's it?
Do Parallel XP points accrue for out of season players?
Halloween Program and Mandatory Showdown
2025 Cover Athlete
S2 Reward Path
Double XP
Is the Jump Start pack worth it?
Season 3 awards drop 1
The Show 25
Cornerstone Captain
Season 2: Chapter 3 with the NEW Action Figure Series! 💥
Jackie Robinson captain .. chipper Boost?
Will July 19 hurt The Show?
Dial Back the K Missions
SDS please make Wildcards count towards S2 TA
Your London Series Choice pack
Your London Series Choice pack
Your London Series Choice pack