Not sure where you are coming from with this... the only issue with RTTS and Franchise is that Diamond Dynasty now dominates a lot of the player bases time... I love RTTS and it feels like they are still building it out... I think the issue that I've noticed from some players that play RTTS is that they want to immediately play in the Majors... me personally I've never had an issue with RTTS because I understand what it is supposed to be unlike with NBA and NFL where rookie professionals (for the most part) start as a member of the top level pro team... just me speaking I'd like to see RTTS start you out in A-ball or dare I say Rookie ball... but that's just me.

@akronsfinest1980_MLBTS said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
How is it that the iOS app isn’t out but the android one is? Before you say it’s an apple issue that’s not the answer most of us will accept. If they have a long approval time why wasn’t this sent them way sooner? This isn’t the 1st year the game has come out
What I gathered is that there is an issue with Face Scan on the iOS app... for whatever reason it works on Android although there appears to be some sort of issue with the time it takes for the Face Scan to appear in game. That is the main piece this year as far as new features for the app so SDS needs to get it to work on Apple and then Apple needs to approve the update... I've had my fair share of games where I've done the face scan and I am personally over it as I didn't even do the face scan for NBA 2K23 but it is cool to see yourself in the game and with this being the first Show to have the feature I was kind of looking forward to it but until then I'll focus on other aspects of the game... I might even start an RTTS without it... I guess it also helps that I'm not the biggest market flipper so the app for me is more so a way to keep up with the game (besides Social Media) when away from my work desk and away from the console... all things considered I don't envision this dragging on much longer... it would've been great to have it at launch but we didn't get that... sooner rather than later is all we can hope for now and that once we finally get it the app will work properly.
@Mike__Honcho_361 said in 2023 Cover released!:
“Physical” copy pending
I Understand This Reference... LMAO
The person that said we are getting new cards every year and that this is it for this year is both right and wrong. We aren't getting any new players this year but I'm holding out hope that maybe we get a Negro League Program in DD... first thing you need is PXP with the 90 overall cards you get from Storylines and then give each player one moment and maybe a Showdown and/or Conquest to get the higher overall cards... I'd imagine with Jackie Robinson being in the game for quite some time now that we will see higher rated Jackie Robinson cards like last years All-Star Jackie from the All-Star Collection... SDS not releasing a Dodgers Jackie Robinson would just be weird.
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Really lol:
@Dr-809-Rd-PaPi_PSN said in Really lol:
LMAOO!! Can’t believe Ramone russell put him self as a pitcher on the in ALL-Star week Tasks
Really? I am not playing this year's game, but a self-insert is the sure sign of a massive ego, which after his "working as intended" slap in the face of his customers last year doesn't surprise me either.
It's not actually... cause if that's the case... unless they changed it... all of the developers are usually in the game in the minor leagues but they aren't very highly rated from my recollection of crossing paths with/against the likes of Ramone, Nick, etc while playing Road To The Show.
FYI... you also get stubs with your purchase. I purchased the pack on my main account but leave any other teams/accounts as No Money teams so that I don't spread myself thin... as much as I applaud players that donate directly doing packs like the Jackie Robinson pack and this Negro League Museum pack makes me doing a donation so much easier plus you still get the stub value in return (5,000 stubs) if it was the same as the JRD packs because I did see that my stub count increased after the purchase although unlike the JRD pack I didn't look to see what was also included besides the bat skins and the one banner.
Finally made it back here to The Show Nation Forums... had to let internet go late summer 2019 and barely sniffed Diamond Dynasty the rest of 2019-the first week or two in June this year.
I haven't played as often as I'd like but I think eventually I'll rev up... one thing I don't intend on doing is spending money on the mode (atleast not to the level that I was spending from 2015-2019 before deciding to do without internet for a moment, didn't expect it to be close to 3 years though.)
But anyway I'm back and I'll definitely be checking out the forums and the app and hopefully getting my grind on... I have to get used to these timed programs, was so disappointed that I didn't get a chance to do Future of the Franchise... I'm still getting that Brett Baty but I would've loved to get him from the Program... I thought the program would simply just go to Other Programs and no longer be the featured program and that instead of XP we'd get credited with Program XP (I think that's what the star is)... but yeah anyway this should be fun... feels good to be back.
I missed this, and I missed y'all.
They literally tweeted that they are aware of the issue and are working to fix it... it sucks that you can't play with your team now but I imagine that this isn't an easy fix where they can give a time frame for when it will be fixed... if they say "You will be able to play with your restored account at 8am on 4/5/2024" and then you go to play at that time and still don't have your team you will be even more upset and call them liars.
I feel like most players weren't around 10-11 years ago when Sony got hacked and no one could play online... that was a rough time to get through
Here's the thing about Derek Jeter that people have to wrap their heads around. The guy had a Hall of Fame career, won championships, and was in the spotlight in New York (did you see the list?), and was never in any type of scandals. People rag on his defense but ignore his highlight plays and I'm talking beyond the catch where he couldn't put on the breaks and ended up flying into the crowd as well as the flip to home to get Giambi out on an errant relay throw... Jeter is the reason the jump throw is an animation and has been an animation in The Show for what feels like forever. Say what you want about him offensively but he came through when he was needed most leading to so many iconic moments even if a fan played a role in one of them but still.
The man is a HUGE NAME! For all the [censored] people gave SDS and Sony for going with Jazz Chisholm Jr who is an electric and exciting current player, you would think having someone like Derek Jeter on the cover does for the game what it has honestly lacked since they did the Ken Griffey Jr cover. Especially now with developing the game for Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo... having a face like Jeter will get The Show 23 in more conversations to go toe to toe with Madden NFL from EA Sports and NBA 2K from 2K Sports... because there have been plenty of years where The Show has been the Best Sports game but just didn't have the reach or popularity of a Madden NFL or NBA 2K... am I expecting much innovation this year from the game? No... because that's what game development is... no game gets made from the ground up every year... they develop a base engine and go from there... I'd expect them to make improvements upon the engine but I wouldn't specifically know what to improve because majority of the issues that people have involve online play and how the game reacts to the online environment... same with Madden NFL and NBA 2K
2 hits (1 extra base hit with Acuna)... I cut the game off and when I tried again I started with Jeff McNeil's NL East Team Affinity Moment and went back to Acuna's and was smooth sailing... sometimes it pays not to go in the order of Moments... I'm glad you aren't forced to go in order.
@Ericulous1_PSN said in This games true colors are starting to show.:
@ItsAmeMario64_MLBTS said in This games true colors are starting to show.:
Yes hitting has made improvements, but pitching is absolutely terrible. Pinpoint is almost pointless, if you’re off just slightly it will be placed right down the center of the plate or 10 ft outside. Another thing is that there should be no way you can use supercharged players in BR, the point of that mode is to field teams that are equal. I have played quite a few games where people have 3 or more supercharged players on top of the Diamond and Gold players they get during the draft.
Deep breath…. Disagree with the supercharged players in BR. For those of us who can’t hit, it gives us a fighting chance.Plus, those guys won’t be supercharged by Tuesday. That was just for opening day. Yes there will be more but not at that level. They haven’t supercharged anyone since opening day. So no need for sweeping statements about the game over something that will only last two more days.
I’m a meter guy so I can’t speak to that point:
For all the complaints that people have about Live Series players not being usable when the Flashbacks and Legends cards get released that are OP you would think people would love the Supercharged LS cards being 99 overall... just gotta make sure you play that run during their window... which reminds me I need to get these Showdowns completed lol. I'm right there with you when it comes to pinpoint because I haven't changed my pitching option as of yet since I haven't gotten into online play... while grinding CPU I'm just picking a pitch, selecting the location and throwing the pitch. I never could get into pinpoint though as I tried it in previous games as well as tech test... I hit the pause menu real quick to change to meter, pulse or analog depending on my mood for the day.
Interesting take... see you May 12th for Season 2.
How long do Welcome To My Show packs stay in the store?
I need that 99 Alvarez and 97 Baty!
@go4stros25_PSN said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
@romeischillin said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
@theBlindRhino said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
@romeischillin said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
@DoIHearBossMusic_MLBTS said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
It's time...
By next gen do you mean no longer released on PS4? I highly doubt that as PS5 is still pretty new on the marketplace and the inventory is just now getting there for people to upgrade from the PS4.
By next gen do you mean PS6? Too soon for next set of consoles to remotely be a thing.
I don't recall what PlayStation has in store for PS4's lifespan but I feel like it'll make it until 2025, and then we'll start hearing rumblings about the PS6 which will release at a time when the PS5 has a nice foot hold but those that have had it since launch will be clamoring for the next "it" system/console.
PS5 has been out since November 2020, that’s hardly “new to the marketplace”
It wasn't exactly easily attainable until this year though.
@yankblan_PSN said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
@romeischillin said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
@DoIHearBossMusic_MLBTS said in Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?:
It's time...
By next gen do you mean no longer released on PS4? I highly doubt that as PS5 is still pretty new on the marketplace and the inventory is just now getting there for people to upgrade from the PS4.
By next gen do you mean PS6? Too soon for next set of consoles to remotely be a thing.
I don't recall what PlayStation has in store for PS4's lifespan but I feel like it'll make it until 2025, and then we'll start hearing rumblings about the PS6 which will release at a time when the PS5 has a nice foot hold but those that have had it since launch will be clamoring for the next "it" system/console.
PS5 has been out since November 2020, that’s hardly “new to the marketplace”
Don't be that guy, you know he meant newly widely available on the marketplace.
I got mine Sunday; thought the day would never come where I could just walk in and grab one (and not a bundle either!!)
Exactly... I didn't get mine until the end of July 2022, so coming up on a year with it and only reason I got it is because I was finally able to order it through the email waiting list from Sony Direct and then shortly after I started getting emails that it was available for purchase without having to register.
I always find it hilarious when someone talks about how old something is knowing that not many people had possession of one until a year plus later.
Enjoy your ps4 pro².
no i'm pretty sure it's a PS5
@The_Canuckler said in Showdown:
Showdowns are quick easy ways to get program points, they’re literally just on veteran smh
@Pergo_MLBTS said in Showdown:
I don't mind Shodowns at all. Super easy and quick.
Depends on a players approach... I find I have difficulty with Showdown when I just want to get it over with and swing at every pitch and also when I "run myself out of innings" or in this case runs by getting caught stealing or doubled off a base... but when I focus at only swing at pitches I like and pick and choose when to steal/hit and run I have WAY BETTER results... also taking advantage of some of your default guys works wonders... and as a bonus knowing how to set your lineup/bench for the different situations especially if you already lost a previous Showdown.
Tell me you haven't watched a game of baseball without telling me you haven't watched a game of baseball.
Not sure if anyone noticed in the filters but Set 6 is the highest set in there... so at minimum we are getting 6 Seasons.
1 - Core, Set 1
2 - Core, Set 1 + 2
3 - Core, Set 2 + 3 & WC
4 - Core, Set 3 +4 & WC
5 - Core, Set 4 + 5 & WC
6 - Core, Set 5 + 6 & WCand then maybe a Forever Season with all sets in play (maybe) at the end of the games cycle as we get ready for MLB The Show 24?
@talesofwyn_PSN said in Mexico Series Players:
Some of these cards look like they could be extremely fun (and slightly toxic Tyler Rogers) but my question is why make them core series and not set 1? Seems like a bit of a missed chance to add the "grind 99" type rewards we've been getting.
they made them "Core" because of the Birthplace Captains that were just introduced... now I'm looking forward to more of these... would love to see Captains for all the States (that it would make sense to have a Captain for), not to mention the other countries.
@SotaNice-_PSN said in Buy 99:
@Saberq269_PSN said in Buy 99:
Guys I am kinda worried about certain things in this years game.I maybe be exaggerating of course but it seems to me that most of the 99's this year so far are in the packs.
TA Season 2 is 97 again.In the year of 99's day 1 we don't really get a lot of them through grinding.
This all may change but what if Team Affinity's are 97 all year long with XP reward path bosses being 99s
Do we really have to buy packs for 99 Ohtani and Trout ect?
I wasn't really thinking about this before and I need to see their stats but TA 2 being 97 kinda worries me a bit for the future of this game
the difference between 97 and 99 in this game is nothing, a 97 with a better swing will always be better than a 99 with a bad one. Card overall does not matter.
I love the Brett Baty card.
They didn't mess up releasing 99s early... people need to come to the realization that this will be a new game every season with you having the ability to carry over the cards from the previous season to use and the ability to use 1 card from seasons prior as your wild card... that's the new format... maybe they tweak it for The Show 24 given that the players don't seem too happy about a development that we have been expecting since February/March... shrugs
Should RTTS be scrapped for MLB 24?
Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS
2023 Cover released!
Still no word on better NLB cards?
Really lol
A Message To the No Money Spent Players
Finally Back Online
SDS how about a little communication???
Collector's Edition Reveal on February 2
Stuck in a moment? Post here and purge it from your system.
This games true colors are starting to show.
I am already bored
Welcome To My Show Packs
Will MLBTS'24 be next gen?
I love the fact that SDS has perfect perfects being GIDP!
Set 6 Confirmed
Mexico Series Players
Buy 99
I think they messed up giving 99s as early as they did.