
@Finn_Scotus_MLBTS @Pergo_MLBTS
You just use the left stick now for direction. Right stick is only ambush inputs.
They’re effectively just placeholders as there will eventually be vouchers like the Jolt one for collecting a higher numbers of cards than the one pack amount, where those vouchers can be collected for a legend or flashback card. They’re just there to show people that there will be legends & flashbacks collections. They’re not supposed to be overly rewarding or anything.
I believe this is because button select doesn’t show the speed, but analog select does. Do you have it on button select as your baserunning interface?
@dap1234567890 said in Daily XP Cap Times:
I don't like how the times for the daily XP cap changes regularly. I've seen (in SDS time) the times being Midnight, 2am, 8am, and Noon. If it was truly a daily XP cap, it should be the same time every day.
That SDS refuses to explain basic things like how the XP cap actually works, or tell people they’re ineligible for certain cards based on location-locking, or a variety of other things is just ridiculous. If they’re so confident in what they’re doing it, they shouldn’t have to try to confuse their customer base about it.
Here is how it works: there is no daily cap. SDS misled people in their update notes by suggesting that. SDS misleads its customers a lot. It is a cap of 15,000 XP per 16 hour block.
So, if you start playing at 7am and play until you hit 15,000 XP (which is 3 to 5 hours of playing depending on your hitting ability since it is offensive-driven), the cap will reset at 11pm — 16 hours later.
If you play just one game at 7am, get 500 XP, and then go do life stuff and come back at 3pm and then grind out the remaining 14,500 before 11pm… the cap will still trigger because it is 15,000 within 16 hours. And it will still reset at 11pm because you first earned XP at 7am within the 16 hour period. If your cap resets at 11pm but you want to go to bed, you can play at 11pm, gain 100 XP, and then go to bed and wake up and start playing again. The 16 hour period (11pm to 3pm the next day) will still group together and if you hit 15,000 by 3pm, the cap will reset again at 3pm.
It is just 16 hour blocks. The 16 hour block starts when you start playing so they are not the same for everyone. Mine reset over a two day period of 7am & 11pm on day one and then 3pm on day two. Consequently, you can average 22,500 XP per day and not 15,000, if you time things right and know how to trigger the start of the 16 hour block.
If one morning I didn’t start playing at 7am and instead started at 8am, all of my resets would shift by an hour. They’d all then be 8am, midnight, and 4pm.
Source: I’ve discovered the last 9 cards from the XP reward path.
@BadaBing_0 You cannot quick sell items that don’t have marketplace listings, regardless of if the specific item is labelled as no sell or not. They have to have a marketplace listing.
They didn’t make marketplace listings for all Nike equipment on launch. It isn’t a reply to the dynamic challenges program stars glitch in RttS. They screwed up on launch. Based on replies I’ve received about the issue from support tickets as well as certain items that had the same issue in 23 (like a specific silver animation unlockable), they do not appear to be able to subsequently add marketplace listings for items added to the game without them. They’re either listed when added to the game or they’re not and it’s stuck that way. That seems to be incredibly stupid program design that, if true, should result in like 50 redundant checks of every item’s status before adding them to make sure this doesn’t happen (when in reality, they apparently do 0 checks — as noted by multiple diamond perks being in the diamond perk collection at launch in 23 when there was no way to actually obtain them in-game).
The biggest problem though isn’t that SDS made a mistake. No person and no company is perfect. The biggest problem is that they’re too terrible of a company to bother to actually address and explain the situation. It’s not hard to say “we made a mistake and this is how it’s going to be.” At least people could know to not pick Nike items out of choice packs. Instead, you can be told they forwarded the issue for investigation followed by months of pretending the issue doesn’t exist because they have no problem with making mistakes that screw their customers. It’s only when they make mistakes that screw themselves that they care.
Theoretically they’re the same difficulty but they won’t play like it since in most mini seasons, at least 7 of the 8 CPU teams will be significantly better teams than conquest teams. Sometimes the Kaiju suck though.
Pretty sure it’s on purpose. Cats and Whales are typically the two best teams. I believe they’re word-plays on the term whales meaning people who spend a lot of money on the game and fat cats meaning rich people. Cats have a horrible batters eye in a big ballpark with no elevation and Whales have the highest elevation ballpark in the game. Pretty sure it’s on purpose to try to make them harder than the rest.
@Blind_Bleeder They didn’t end it early. I’m assuming many of you were confusing reward XP with gameplay XP when talking about what you earned on Friday and Saturday. Double XP and the 60,000 cap are both still applying this morning. Personally, I’ve earned 39,000 so far this morning.
@Blind_Bleeder With normal XP in effect, 24 runs per game in play vs CPU corresponds to 4-5 games played in order to hit 15,000. That’s because you average between 3,000 and 4,000 XP. You said you earned 6,700 or so for scoring 25 runs. That’s exactly in line with double XP (double the normal 3,000 to 4,000).
Like I’m not some SDS shill. I discovered all 3 boss cards because I have the most XP among every player in the game. I know how much it takes to hit 15,000. I hit the cap every single time. They did not end it early.
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Event Durations are Too Long
Event Durations are Too Long
Did they turn off double XP?
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Legends & Flashbacks Rewards
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Daily XP Cap Times
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