@trfatboy22_PSN I am loving those percentile ranks.

Maybe I just finally got my timing back but hitting today seems way easier than it was yesterday (vs cpu).
Anyone else hitting a lot better today than they were during the early release window?
I have been looking at pitch charts since go live and cpu pitchers seem to be throwing a lot more pitches over the middle of the plate today compared to the early release window.
This is definitely not a complaint. Just seems weird.
Last year the early release window had pitchers throwing obvious balls constantly (like half of all my walks for the whole year came in the early release wimdow). But they got it fixed for full release date.
@kingdutch_PSN it is embarrassing how bad they are with stats all around in a baseball game of all things. Baseball IS statistics and the statistics seem to just be lazy assed into the game.
@BLAISEBLAISE_PSN I prefer playing actual games in the sports games I play. Never been a fan of showdown and diamond quest is full of Showdown missions. For me it's a big "meh".
@Weshill627_PSN You don't play conquest. It is the most played offline mode though. But it won't be for long because there is no replay value to any conquest anymore. I find diamond quest extremely boring and the rewards are not worth the time put in. At least not at this point.
@TPRwell_XBL Players are throwing dimes from the RF warning track to third base. And those are pretty much insta-throws too. I feel like the CPU outfields are broken and I just question if they really tested their game or this ridiculousness was intentional.
@rdio2222_PSN the team at SDS gives little to no respect to statistics which are an absolutely amazing and integral part of the sport of baseball.
That box with your players ratings would be better served by showing player overall stats with some space for current game stats.
I made my lineup. I don't need to see my player ratings all the time.
@trfatboy22_PSN now I just have to spam the main mini season for the show packs...until they eventually remove that option too, in hopes of selling more stubs.
@virusts_XBL This is the way. Let things naturally progress for a while. At some point I'll do focused lineups but there is no need for that right now unless you are really justing wanting to finish a specific team's path as soon as possible.
It's gotten more and more ridiculous each iteration since 2021 with how it is so obvious they spend more time thinking of ways to push stub sales than actual game development.
The newest things this year?
No repeatable pack rewards in any conquest.
There used to be two, then we were left with just the US Map's 20 packs last season
Now they split that map into 3 and called it a "favor" to users while making none of the pack rewards repeatable.
If that wasn't enough, they absolutely obliterated the quick sell value of Gold MLB uniforms from 500 stubs to 100 Stubs and MiLB uniforms from 100 to 25.
I'm surprised they didn't hype that as a favor to players too.
Don't buy Stubs folks. They are a rip off at 100 dollars for 150K stubs.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN eh...probably more honestly. I just like to chill, play conquest, p5 cards and do collections. But now I can't get cards or do collections with conquest if there is not one with repeatable card rewards. I was 15th in total games vs cpu in 2024 and I hadn't really played since early january.
Stats for players at the plate or coming in to pitch
Something Changed?
Mini seasons pet peeve…
Mini Season Farming Dead ?? ....
Diamond Quest
Some thoughts about the first weekend of the game
US Conquest = Huge Win
What’s everyone’s approach to TA this year?
MLB The Buy Our Stubs
US Conquest = Huge Win