@Weshill627_PSN You don't play conquest. It is the most played offline mode though. But it won't be for long because there is no replay value to any conquest anymore. I find diamond quest extremely boring and the rewards are not worth the time put in. At least not at this point.

@kingdutch_PSN it is embarrassing how bad they are with stats all around in a baseball game of all things. Baseball IS statistics and the statistics seem to just be lazy assed into the game.
@BLAISEBLAISE_PSN I prefer playing actual games in the sports games I play. Never been a fan of showdown and diamond quest is full of Showdown missions. For me it's a big "meh".
@rdio2222_PSN the team at SDS gives little to no respect to statistics which are an absolutely amazing and integral part of the sport of baseball.
That box with your players ratings would be better served by showing player overall stats with some space for current game stats.
I made my lineup. I don't need to see my player ratings all the time.
Diamond Quest
Mini seasons pet peeve…
Mini Season Farming Dead ?? ....