@JoeSelser_PSN said in PC is the only way this feature gets changed and fixed.:
@PriorFir4383355_XBL everything you're saying isn't wrong....I know it will never come to PC. All I'm saying is that this game being on PC would be the only way things we've asked for would be able to get down through modding. SDS isnt changing anything with this mode. This is pretty much it.
I certainly agree with the truth that SDS isn't going to upgrade SC. They've had four years of constant, accurate, fair, and professionally worded feedback to do it with.
The only chance it changes is a wholesale change of senior management at SDS, with a new senior leadership team that values what customer-based customer created content can do to keep a game title vibrant longer.
This philosophy isn't alien to the entire video game genre either, it just seems alien to the suits running SDS at this time. There are a lot of video game titles out there with robust options for customers to customize their version of the game.
Think of this for SDS ...
The custom uniform, logo, and stadium options are finally upgraded the way reasonable customers have been asking for over four years now. Common sense stuff like patch options on the uniform sleeves in uniforms, the ability to take a logo and scan it and directly upload it into a custom logo file, and the many reasonable changes to SC so we can design stadiums that are realistic. If those were done, there would be nothing preventing a group of customers from pooling their talents and creating a custom league using the existing options and forming a league of teams all the way back to the late 19th century, playing in stadiums that look and function like those first generation ball parks, which were polo fields, fairgrounds, and city parks.
Take it a step later to the 1920's and the first generation of what we'd call the dedicated baseball parks, with outfield walls (or not) some stuff like flagpoles and trees in the outfield that were in play, and the same league is created for the deadball era of baseball. Imagine playing in a few of the truly "modern" parks of that era but still play in a few that had no outfield walls, and the fans stood around in the deep outfield.
Then, another league with realistic stadiums and team uniforms from the 1940's, 50's, etc ...
I bet that would boost initial sales as well as retain vibrant interest in MLB The Show for more than a single year. Then go to a two-year upgrade with yearly changes in modern era uniforms and rosters throughout the season and at the start of the next season.
What makes baseball so unique in sports is how the ballparks can be so varied and by that variety add spice to each game, giving each home team unique home field advantages in how they tailor their rosters and play games. This is why custom uniforms, logos, and stadiums were implemented in the game. Unfortunately, along the way, the suits at SDS focused on other areas and turned away from these three customizable features.