With ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the [censored] that is wrong with Stadium Creator mode they fixed THE ONE THING that people seemed to like. Thanks to ONE PERSON posting a stadium with the Phillies' batter's eye all over the field, SDS patched the glitch that allowed creators to use the batter's eyes ANYWHERE in their stadiums.
So many people who used the glitch appropriately now can no longer take advantage of it and now have to abandon, fix or delete a TON of stadiums. Sure, in a lot of ways it's our fault, because we should have known that the glitch would eventually be noticed and repaired, but at the same time, why SHOULD we expect that they would fix ANYTHING when the attention paid to this mode has been SO minimal.
The latest updates were mostly childish props that are NEVER seen in a baseball stadium and there are problems that require what seem to be SIMPLE solutions that have carried over from one game to the next. We have expressed our feelings on this mode time and time again on YouTube, Discord, Twitch, this VERY forum and sending tickets in DIRECTLY to SDS. They must REALL enjoy negative feedback.
The glitch being fixed isn't even the main issue. It just triggers us as this was ONE thing that we actually liked and other, more serious problems are ignored. We still have BULLPENS on fields, no HR distances on the walls, Light towers "reding out" in WEIRD places, DEAD spaces near sharp turns in HR fences, ONE freaking number prop that is found in the WORST LETTERING prop option, blue windows and doors that can't have more than 2 in a row on the HR fences and loads more, a crappy vault system where we have to navigate through 3,000 pages of COSTCO FIELD to find anything decent, and SOOOO MUCH MORE!
We know this tool is capable of SO MUCH MORE because you keep giving us more, it's just not the more we want. Please SDS, this tool is VERY FUN and could be NEAR PERFECT, if you just fix some of these issues. Please look at your feedback before you give us more giant bugs, monsters and buildings that were ripped directly from Alderaan and Coruscant.