Stadium Creator Issues/Requests
DISTANCES ON THE HR WALLS/FENCES (ISSUE): EVERY MAJOR and MINOR League stadium has the distances from home plate labeled on at LEAST 4 or 5 spots on the HR wall. WE NEED THAT In STADIUM CREATOR mode. When you adjust a the distance of a HR fence, the distances show up near the fence. Why can't those distances be RIGHT ON THE FENCE then stay there when you are finished adjusting. If for whatever reason that system can't work, maybe CREATE a HR FENCE prop like windows and IVY and make them numbers so label the distances ourselves. You could also add more NUMBER PROPS as something separate so we can label the distances elsewhere in the stadium, but distances SHOULD BE RIGHT ON THE FENCES!
BLUE WINDOWS (ISSUE): If you are creating a stadium with a BLUE HR fence and want blue windows or doors, they CAN NOT be placed directly next to each other, only green windows and doors can, without the props turning red. This was an issue in the 23 edition of the game too. (SEE B WINDOW PIC)
SIGNS and SCOREBOARDS on HR Fences: Again, show me a MAJOR or MINOR leagues stadium that DOES NOT have a sign or scoreboard on them. There aren't many. Maybe certain signs and/or scoreboards could be HR FENCE WALL ONLY props like windows, doors and Ivy.
QUIRKY HR FENCES (ISSUE): If you have a HR fence with sharp turns either in or out, you can't place props ANYWHERE NEAR the area of the fence where the wall shifts. The props red-out, leaving ugly blank spaces in custom parks. (SEE QUIRKY PIC)
LIGHT TOWERS (ISSUE): Light Towers tend to red out in random places sometimes stating it's too close to the batter's eye or HR fence, but they CLEARLY are not. (See LIGHT TOWER PPIC)
LETTERING and NUMBER PROPS: You only have one LETTERING PROP that has numbers included and it happens to be the UGLIEST prop. Please expand lettering props to include numbers with all the different lettering props. Also, could we get an option with BIGGER letters and numbers please? (SEE LETTERING PIC)
FAN INTERACTION WITH PROPS: Having STANDING fan groups is a GREAT start to solving this, but it would be AWESOME if some the the FEATURES props, and FURNISHING props had fans interacting with them already. Empty benches tables and restaurant seating looks terrible.
PROPS SEEM TO DISAPPEAR (ISSUE): Sometimes when I save a stadium, I go back in to work on it and a bunch of props have disappeared. Concourse pieces, statues, letters and fences are what I notice most. (SEE MISSING PIC)
KEEP GIVING US MORE: PLEASE don't abandon this feature like you seem to have with LOGO CREATOR and UNIFORM CREATOR. Keep giving us more props and options. Maybe new props can be included in some sort of package and people could BUY them as DLC.
SMALLER STANDS PROP: Sometimes we would like to add a SMALLER section of seating that aren't bleachers close to the field, but all of the seating options are HUGE. A good start would be a FIELD LEVEL seating option that was NO BIGGER than the BACK portion of the FIELD LEVEL seating options. 2 -5 rows would be nice.
BULLPENS (ISSUE): There are currently 2 stadiums in the MLB that have BULLPENS STILL on the fields, and one of them is in the last year of it's MLB life span. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us the option to take BULLPENS OFF the field of play! THESE HAVE TO GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
DOMES/ROOFS: It would be nice if we could if we could have a permanent or retractable roof option for stadiums. if that isn't possible, or easy to create, how about at the very least a GIANT prop that looks like an open retracted roof. You have Aircraft carriers, aquatic stadiums, buildings and other LARGE COMPLEX props that prove something as big as a retractable roof prop is feasible.
OVERHANG: Target Field and Citi Field both have parts of their stadiums that HANG over the HR fence and onto the field of play. I think it would be INCREBILY fun to able to have a similar feature in STADIUM CREATOR MODE.
MIX and MATCH GRASS PATTERNS: There are certain OUTFIELD grass patterns I like and certain INFIELD dirt patterns I like. I would like the option to pick an INFIELD pattern, and not be stuck with the OUTFIELD pattern that comes with it. I think they should be their own separate options.
DIRT COLOR/STYLE and PATTERN: This is similar to the grass pattern situation. There are certain Dirt colors, or types that I like, but I'm not fond of the PATTERN they are cut in around the bases or at home plate. I would like to be able to select a dirt TYPE, then a choose a dirt pattern, or cut.
TOO MUCH JUNK ISSUE: It is SOOOOOOO hard to find GOOD stadiums in the vault because it is FILLED with crappy stadiums. Not every creator is an architect, I get that, but maybe if we were allowed to DELETE our own stadiums, or unable to upload stadiums that haven't been changed, maybe there would be less garbage to scroll through. The logo vault does NOT allow people to REUPLOAD a logo that hasn't been changed. Maybe if the SC tool had the same feature, there would be less stuff to scroll through to find NEW high-quality stadiums. How many times do I have to see COSTCO FIELD, or HATTY RTTS GLITCH, or ROW STADIUM COMPLEX because people keep REUPLOADING the SAME STADIUMS OVER AND OVER.
GRID DISPLAY: I'd like to see the STADIUM CREATOR VAULT adopt the SAME GRID-LIKE display that ROSTERS, SLIDERS, LOGOS And PLAYERS use in THEIR vaults. I think seeing 8 thumbnails on 1 page would make cruising the vault faster. I also would like to see the same statistics (LIKES, # of D-LOADS, Dated uploaded etc.) as in the other vaults added to the thumbnails.
CONNECTION TO THE APP or WEBSITE: I think it would be go if we were able to look at thumbnails of stadiums in the vault OUTSIDE OF THE GAME itself. If thumbnails were connected to the APP or website somehow, then people could check them out on lunch break, at the movies waiting for the show to start, or in line to get into a baseball game.
These are some things that I know myself and countless others would like to see changed, fixed or added to the STADIUM CREATOR tool. Thank your taking the time to read my thoughts.
Well put, but almost all of these have been re-iterated the past couple years but seem to always fall on deaf ears, sadly
@Sarge1387 Copy and paste it into a suggestion ticket. The mor of us that send it in, the harder it will be for them to ignore us!
SDS, we're really done being nice here. We pay your bills by our decision to purchase your game. Get with it, or frankly we're not going to buy your game going forward. We are out of patience here. This is from a 60-year old man who retired after a lifetime of working for a living and knowing the value of quality customer service. Your customer are speaking to you. Listen and heed, or relegate yourself to unemployment!
It's that simple! And yes, companies far larger than you have failed because they became arrogant and aloof.
The bumpty dance is your chance, to do the bump!