@fubar2k7_PSN said in Sets for the rest of the year:
@Oreo-Thomas_XBL said in Sets for the rest of the year:
@fubar2k7_PSN said in Sets for the rest of the year:
@SickBuffGuFB_PSN said in Sets for the rest of the year:
It’s no secret that the game is slowing down as far as players and gameplay, I personally don’t have the motivation to grind for another set of cards for set 5! With that said SDS could say hey you can keep one card from set 1-4 as wildcards that way you still get fresh lineups and can keep some of your favorites along the way. It’s not too late SDS
How do you know it’s slowing down? I only know how much I play and you only know how much you play. 
Not hard to figure out, look at how many people are playing events and making WS ( easy info to obtain). Also, watch the market for sold cards.
This is by far the earliest I have seen the huge part of the player base abandon the game ( happened a couple months ago for most part).
I have always been one of their hardcore players, playing all the way to the new version. I’m just can’t do it. For example, I have booted the game up 3x over the last week and literally stared at it and turned it off. I just don’t enjoy what they have done and can’t bring myself to play.
Show the info you easily obtained. At its peak only ~200 people played this game online on PSN. There are approximately 4 times more PS4 and PS5 consoles on the market than XBox One and XBox X/S so I’m being generous to say there were probably another ~100 playing online for Microsoft. Now you playing it less means you’re playing it less not everyone is playing it less. 🥱
Show your info or go away. You said nothing substantial.
Boy, for a guy who is usually fairly cool, not your best day…
All you have to do is go into the current event records or the current RS season to see player activity.
At its peak, there were well over 100k to 300k people playing the events. This one has 23,000 that have played. Last one was similar.
You can do similar math for RS….
But to your last point, when guys like me who have been on here for years that typically play year round are saying they aren’t really playing ( add in guys like Ibonafidescrub, ARVCPA, Roswell25, and I could go on and on), SDS has made some wrong turns.