Jorge Posada.

“It’s not a loss until you sell”
How high are you?
@eatyum_PSN said in How do you get WBC Trea Turner card?:
@LuvMyXBOX_XBL said in How do you get WBC Trea Turner card?:
@SaveFarris_PSN said in How do you get WBC Trea Turner card?:
Collect Set 1
Is that something I have to buy in packs?
No you have to collect 75 set 1 cards
110 for Trea.
All I know it Tony Gwynn is relevant with this hitting engine and that makes me happy. Stay Gwynning.
@MrMcGibblets_MLBTS said in Ok. Now what?:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Ok. Now what?:
@MrMcGibblets_MLBTS said in Ok. Now what?:
Just finished the BR Program and have all those packs just sitting in my Inventory.
I could open them but still can't sell the cards.
Guess I'll try the Event next.
Why can’t you sell the cards? They’re only “No Sell” if you collect them, or are you talking about different cards?
What @Blue_Hour_Six_PSN stated. I'm already at 5M.
Not sure why they limit you at having that much banked.
I may just sell them to help some people out.
Put in a bunch of 100k Randy buy orders and open the packs.
The only usable Pujols was the chase pack RotY that came out at the start of the year. Good on SDS for making his MS cardstraight up free and no program to grind. Just giving the people a godlike 99 Pujols before he disappears for a few years. Judge will be in next years game, and this card will likely appear in other years.
@the_dragon1912 said in Favorite New Legend in 22?:
There's a lot of good ones this year. Durham is unexpectedly awesome. There's Randy and Utley. We haven't even seen the best cards yet for Mauer, Napoli, Gibson, and Granderson, who all I'm excited for
Granderson is not new.
@the_dragon1912 said in Top 5 cards in the game today.:
@TheGoaler_PSN said in Top 5 cards in the game today.:
Finley, really? I hit well with him in past games. Picked him but haven't used him yet.
Finley has the best swing in the game and it's not particularly close imo
Kyle Stowers is up there for best swing IMO.
You don’t get to 685 with a losing record...
Ketel Marte.
@parradox-cam_psn said in RS Reward Path needs improvement:
@mrfoodmonsta_psn said in RS Reward Path needs improvement:
@warpedzilla_psn said in RS Reward Path needs improvement:
@mrfoodmonsta_psn said in RS Reward Path needs improvement:
Jesus Christ shut up. Your paragraph of crying makes no fucken sense anyways.
It was actually pretty straight forward. Maybe understanding just isn't your thing
The third sentence negates the first sentence. The second sentence says make the rewards worth it EXCEPT the ones at the end.
Lol…reading and comprehending is not working for you…try harder you fucken little B…you might make the 2nd grade level soon.
@warpedzilla_psn said in RS Reward Path needs improvement:
@mrfoodmonsta_psn said in RS Reward Path needs improvement:
Jesus Christ shut up. Your paragraph of crying makes no fucken sense anyways.
It was actually pretty straight forward. Maybe understanding just isn't your thing
The third sentence negates the first sentence. The second sentence says make the rewards worth it EXCEPT the ones at the end.
Jesus Christ shut up. Your paragraph of crying makes no fucken sense anyways.
@go4stros25_psn said in [New RS rewards](/post/501029:
Should be 250.... I said it.
Should be like it used to be and not hand it out to anyone but those who make it to WS.
Jorge Posada beats the balls off of lefties and is clutch at the back end of the batting order.
@ericulous1_psn said in Collection tomorrow, next month, ever?:
Anybody think there will be a big collection announced anytime soon....or ever?
Ever? Yes. Anytime soon? The game hasn’t even been out a month. Go get some fresh air.
@vipersneak_psn said in Account Banned:
I think selling things for twice their value might have something to do with it. I can understand the allure, but don't do it.
What a stupid [censored] statement. What is twice the value of a digital baseball card? There’s cards out now that in a couple months are gonna be selling for 4x times their sale price. Value is determined by the market.
People crying about servers need to buy an Ethernet cable.
@autiger7222_psn said in April Topps Rewards Program:
Can someone explain to me how I get stage 2 open when stage 1 goes from levels 1-29 and I've already did all the moments for stage 1? How do I get up more levels to open up stage 2?
Hop in a time machine and travel to next week.
Who is everybody using at catcher?
Talk about a punch in the gut.
Put in a buy order for LS Edwin diaz got WBC Edwin Diaz
How do you get WBC Trea Turner card?
Hitting needs a major tune up
Ok. Now what?
Incoming...Milestone Aaron Judge program
Favorite New Legend in 22?
Top 5 cards in the game today.
Match Making Ranked season
Ray Owen or Ty
RS Reward Path needs improvement
RS Reward Path needs improvement
RS Reward Path needs improvement
New RS rewards
Who are yall using at catcher
Collection tomorrow, next month, ever?
Account Banned
Should The Show Have Remained PSN Exclusive?
April Topps Rewards Program