Joe finally gets a decent card after the disrespect of last year. If you don’t understand the greatness of Joe Carter it’s because you never saw him play and base all of your baseball opinions on poorly understood and over used sabermetrics. Thank you SDS. Now if we can make sure that his card is better than the likes of Hiuf, Hafner and Gordon who were all inferior

I am I the only person surprised that Alan Dershowitz isn’t his lawyer
I think getting a loss is fair. No more needed. If i am killing a dude 8 nothing in the 7th, I actually prefer they quit. There is no fun or suspense for either person. Personally, being behind by a lot won’t make me quit. When I am hitting good there is no lead I can’t overcome. You just need to have patience. However, some days I don’t have that patience and just want a quick fun game not a grind
I have actually quit winning or losing when I just don’t have the patience to get through a 9 inning or sometimes extra inning game. Also, if something more I retesting grabs my attention I will quit no problem. It’s an online video game the commitment shouldn’t be that big.
I also play EA UFC the commitment to an online game is like 5-10 minutes maybe. With a quick KO it could be 1 minute. The commitment of time to a 9 inning ranked game or even 6 inning event game can be a lot and the chances of something coming up are very high. A phone call, a door bell, taking a deuce, having to leave because the extra inning game is going too long, so many reasons.
Anyway, taking the L is enough for me.
To answer your question. No. There is no way to block the person. Honestly if the lag is that bad just quit. Losing points isn’t the end of the world. Why waste time if you are enjoying the experience
@Ryan_2713 said in top guys cant lose?:
beat a top rated player for this season. hit pretty for once and now my PS messenger is getting hit with insults. ramone helped me...... etc. can't you just take your loss like a man. definetly didnt cheese this guy into a loss. brutal to see this honestly.
Are you in anyway surprised. You hear all of the self proclaimed “elite” complain about how their input should matter more and how they should win more because non-Elites beat them. They are whiny and entitled. Good for you for sticking it to them
I think like all true big brothers...the big brother is us. We all now have extra time and are trying to hit up the market. Also if you are buying tons of a particular player. YOU ARE BIG BROTHER. When that happens nobody is buying at a lower bid. They are forced to buy higher than you. Then we all end up selling at a lower amount because we need to flip it because we know once you put your 10 cards on the market it will lower the overall price.
The market was cruising until I noticed dudes buying and selling like 8 of the same card. It just makes everything worse. Here is some market and stock market tips. DIVERSIFY your portfolio
@raesONE said in Petition to allow us to quick sell collected items:
You can quick sell duplicates. You can exchange duplicates. The only thing they don't want is that you get double value out of your collected cards. So once you lock in a diamond, it's gonna stay there and you won't be able to get 5K each like previous years. I have zero issues with this whatsoever, I actually think it's a good thing because it makes the collections a tad harder to complete since you're not getting double value for your diamonds anymore.
Why is making collections harder so they can make profit a good thing? Do you have stock in SDS
@T-Rox_09 said in Petition to allow us to quick sell collected items:
@Concon3400 said in Petition to allow us to quick sell collected items:
Sign on the post if you agree, I’m sitting on about 50K in quicksell value of cards locked in that I’ll never use and I haven’t even completed a division yet.
Sign on the post? What does that mean. The reason they don't let you quick sell your collections is easy. They want you to buy stubs.
Yeah, it is a real [censored] move by SDS. Probably the biggest BS ever.
@xxfireflyxx69 said in This is starting to get a little out of hand.:
Itt, people who thought they were good and with the introduction of an actual skill gap, realised they weren't but can't accept it.
Pitching needs tuning and fielding needs fixing. That is all.
That is coming from me, a subpar player. A couple of people on this forum need serious therapy.
The people who agree with this are as pompous as the person who wrote it.
First off, winning at this game is as much about, cards, Internet connection and the type of monitor as skill. So Stop. The gap is more of a pay wall gap and internet gap.
Secondly, I didn’t realize the game was designed for mediocre former baseball players who want to relive their former glory by fantasizing that they are “skilled” and that somehow they were better than their sub par High school stats. I thought the game was meant for anyone buying to have fun. This game has issues with hitting and pitching. It needs serious tuning. The tuning so far has only made it worse.
@GrandpaShaft said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
@aaronjw76 said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
@GrandpaShaft said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
@aaronjw76 said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
@GrandpaShaft said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
@Maverick31762 said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
@the_dragon1912 said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
@SaveFarris said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
@Synonymes said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
Then why do the best players ever have the highest WAR? Why do guys like Trout, Mookie and yelich always have the highest WAR year in and year out. Hmmmm. Must be terrible.
And only 1 of those guys has a world series
So in your view, Enos Slaughter (4 rings) is better than Ted Williams (0). Got it!
While the ring argument somewhat works for basketball, when people bring up rings in baseball it makes absolutely no sense. There are 9 players on the field. 1 player cant take over the game in Baseball. Their are players that have dominant postseasons, Ortiz for example. But lets be honest, Boston would not have won the 2013 WS if the Tigers didn’t have the worst bullpen in the League. There are too many variables at play to use rings as an argument for player greatness.
The ring thing doesn’t really work in basketball either. It was something Jordan came up with to make himself greater. Unless Robert shorty is better than Malone and Barkley put together. Because as great as Jordan was if Pippen were a Trailblazer we would be saying Drexler as GOAT
You have posted honestly the 3-4 dumbest comments i have ever seen in my life. People called Mike the GOAT before he even won a ring. He averaged 37 his third year in the league. You have no idea what you are talking about .
Clearly you've not seen any tweets, press conferences, or speeches by Trump if you think what he has said were the dumbest in your life.
Four more years
You deserve the Gov't you get. So glad I don't live in that shithole
My current government set record lows for unemployment across all races. They also are giving me 1200 dollars. They are pretty cool.
Oh you are one of those guys. If everyone worked as a slave. Unemployment would be zero. Anyone who spouts that has no clue. You are an example of American Exceptionalism...exceptionally dumb
@Harryhukari33 said in The people defending this game have been silenced:
I’m in the same boat as skepple here. Without a doubt the pitching and defense need some work, but hitting is pretty darn good for me. People complaining about hitting on HOF difficulty just aren’t that good.
I’m not elite, but I can still place the pci frequently on HOF and receive really good feedback for my input. The people who claim they’re getting good/okays on perfect placement frequently are full of
This is arrogant. According to you the game should ONLY work for people good enough to be in HOF. The game should play well on all difficulties. Every aspect of this game is a one step forward and two steps back.
To me the problem with hitting is that good/okay do happen on perfect placement. The game is homerun derby. Perfect/perfect shouldn’t mean moonshot every time. Not to mention the room for error in hitting is too small both on contact and timing to a lesser degree
With Lindor they are a legit contender. Bieber, Carrasco and Clevinger are three top of the line starters. A bounce back year from Ramirez and they are in the playoffs
That was laughable. That is a Rorschach test. I don’t see anything in there other than baseball games.
@cvogsfashow said in Lack of consistency needs to be addressed:
@GOtexas1 said in Lack of consistency needs to be addressed:
MLBTS 18 and 19 have epitomized mediocrity... at best. I know that this complaint is getting repetitive, but we need to go back to the MLBTS 16, and prior days, where user input was much more consistent. I'm a fan of having a game that is playable for everyone. However, having ambiguous outcomes isn't a good long term solution.
The problem with 16 was the fact that if you put the PCI on the ball with good timing it was a hr almost every time, which isn't realistic at all.
I don’t know about that but 17 was real good
People are sleeping on Cobb
When i played with a monitor I started making WS consistently. That is why when people make the argument about how their skill should get them to win more i scoff. Monitors and internet connection impact results as much as skill
Joe Carter is like WTF!!!!
[](link url)
So Alex Gordon, Rick Ankiel, Travis Hafner, and Jason Kendall get a SS but not Joe Carter.
@PoopsyMcDoodle said in Showdown mode is the most pathetic this franchise has put out:
So now I get to waste my stubs, or Dollars, to compete against the same type of ridiculous moments that were free last year?
I'm not surprised at all, almost in awe of the new ways greedy SDS can fork over the fans each year.
Well if you do it right you make stubs off the deal
Maybe Spahn because that dude should have had a SS
@Capt_awesome34 said in One new card each position you want for 20?:
@Maverick31762 said in One new card each position you want for 20?:
C- Campanella or Josh Gibson
1B - Mark McGwire
2B - Chase Utley
SS - Miguel Tejada
3B - Adrian Beltre
RF - Paul O’Neill
CF - Bernie Williams
LF - Jose Canseco
SP - Satchel Paige
SP - Randy Johnson
Rp - Jesse Orosco
Rp - John WettlandWettland dudes a child [censored] offender that wont ever happen
Oh man, I didn’t know that. My bad, screw that guy
Joe Carter most underrated player
Felipe Vazquez
Possible Solution To Prevent "Quit" Games in "RS"
Cheaters. Can we block players to avoid them?
top guys cant lose?
They’re Watching
Petition to allow us to quick sell collected items
Petition to allow us to quick sell collected items
This is starting to get a little out of hand.
Joe Carter most underrated player
The people defending this game have been silenced
César Hernandez
The Equalizer aka rubberbanding
Lack of consistency needs to be addressed
Cobb or Mays or Griffey Jr in CF?
Andruw Jones is the Last SS
Showdown mode is the most pathetic this franchise has put out
New Atlanta Braves legend teaser...
One new card each position you want for 20?