Yea def worth locking in for Tatis. He's been my best hitter since I added him to my team. I do really like Rollins too and I think there is room for both. I play Tatis at 3rd and have Rollins at SS, Hornsby at 2B. Even if you had Tatis at SS I think its worth keeping J-Roll around the team
Sep 25, 2020, 5:57 AM
Sep 17, 2020, 3:59 PM
Thanks everyone - I'll chill at 99% and hit it when TA4 becomes active. I'm a no $$ player so need to scrape every bit I can get
Sep 17, 2020, 2:35 PM
I haven't hit 100% for any yet but I'm at 99 for quite a few. So, I'm wondering.....for example, if I'm at 67/70 and do a 10 point exchange will I get 4 points credit in TA4, or does it just hit 70/70 and the excess is lost?
If it's currently lost perhaps I wait until TA4 is open and it might carry like other programs?
Thoughts and Cheers
MD4 -
Sep 11, 2020, 2:00 PM
thanks mate - better get exchanging before these dudes lose value then
Sep 11, 2020, 1:58 PM
Sep 11, 2020, 1:20 PM
Will todays upcoming roster update have rating upgrades/downgrades or just updating with new players on/off roster? Figured I'd better check so I can go through and exchange guys I'm holding before they get downgraded.
Sep 10, 2020, 7:12 AM
I absolutely smoked one with Olerud and it was still caught well inside the fence. I couldn't have hit it any sweeter so I don't expect to hit any HR's in this event. I have hooked a couple of long ones foul so I guess if I do jag a HR it will be to the corner.
Aug 24, 2020, 11:18 PM it could be like in previous years where there are some monthly awards cards released in packs only, some available via monthly moments etc. , and then need to collect 24 out of a pool of maybe 30 cards?
Pretty much back to the way it was for monthly awards last year?
Aug 24, 2020, 11:04 PM
Guessing this might have been covered in a recent stream......and apologies if this has been covered elsewhere on the forum but I'm a combination of swamped at work and too lazy to sift through...
So have they clarified the requirements for unlocking the August POTM? I'm assuming that it is a purely collection thing based on the section set up in Collections....and that once the cards are named there will be someone matching each tier along the player path? Or is this still guess work and there could possibly still be a missions/moments component like previous months (I much prefer that to "collect $$$ worth of stubs)?
If it is all collection based is this to suggest that you'll need all 24 for Tatis and so he'll essentially cost $200k+? Any chance these cards will become available through other means (i.e. purchase packs, program path, conquest etc.) and the cards will go down to around quick sell, or more likely they'll sky rocket once Tatis is named?
Again, apologies if this has been covered but I'm struggling to find the time to keep up with all the content updates so any guidance would be super appreciated.
MD4 -
Aug 14, 2020, 4:23 AM
Cheers for the insights guys
Aug 14, 2020, 4:18 AM
@SchnauzerFace said in Uniform / logo help?:
Just look at what the Astros did in the 80s and then do the opposite of that.
hahahah......tip of the cap, sir
Aug 14, 2020, 2:40 AM
@SaveFarris said in Next market crash / dip?:
@markdavo4 said in Next market crash / dip?:
Are there any minor dips within each month such as timing of RS rewards or anything like that? I know that used to be a thing.
It was thing because before 19, Ranked Rewards would all drop at once when the season ended, so you had a brief moment in time when everyone was selling off their rewards and the market dipped.
Ever since 19 when you earn Ranked rewards as soon as you level up, there's no dip because it's no longer a 'all at once' situation for the entire user base.
ahhhhh true - that makes complete sense. cheers
Aug 14, 2020, 2:38 AM
Hey guys,
Just wondering if anyone can give me some tips / guidance on sorting myself a decent looking uniform.
I am one of those guys that is missing whichever side of the brain that gives you the creative juices....I am pretty much useless with that stuff. But I am just sick of playing in plain uniforms and having no logo. I thought I found a logo that suits my team in the vault thingy but it never shows up in game.
Last year I had a dude that created uniforms for me (for agreed reimbursement) and I was really happy with them, but unfortunately he's busy. Not sure if there are other reliable guys that do this service.....or is there are some easy tips so that I can at least get something that isn't completely plain.
MD4 -
Aug 14, 2020, 2:28 AM
cheers guys - will hold off until after new content
Aug 14, 2020, 2:24 AM
Ok, thanks heaps mate. Def not going to wait until Jan.......would save me some coin but defeat the purpose if I don't have the guys to play with for the bulk of the game.
Are there any minor dips within each month such as timing of RS rewards or anything like that? I know that used to be a thing....?
Aug 14, 2020, 1:55 AM
Hey all,
Just looking for some guidance on if/when we might be able to expect a market crash or even a bit of a dip?
I've probably saved enough stubs to afford the top LS guys and complete the LS collections now but given I'm a no $$ player I need my stubs to go as far as they possibly if there is a chance for a dip in prices just around the corner I might try to wait for that.
I know there are usually dips around the timing of flash sales, holiday promotions or release of significant new content so am just wondering if any of the market experts or guys that have been playing the game for years might have an inkling as to whether I can expect this anytime soon or whether I just bite the bullet and spend all my stubs now?
MD4 -
Aug 13, 2020, 4:46 AM
Prestige Henke for me, although I haven't had time to play online lately so haven't really game tested him in that environment.
Does anybody use Henke? Surprised that he hasn't even received a mention in this thread.
Aug 9, 2020, 5:23 AM
I presume these games are just within "Moments" and innings don't count towards Team Affinity? Also presume you can't just go into Conquest and play a 3 inning game on All Star to kill two birds with one stone or anything like that?
Jul 17, 2020, 1:11 AM
I love Grandal cards in this game. His live series rakes for me and so I can't wait to get this one. The only thing that annoys me (and others have mentioned) is how bad his speed is. I don't think I've ever seen a version of his card with speed above 10.....yet the dude stole 5 bases last year. Even if he was 20-30+ speed he'd still be slow but it'd be a lot more playable (and realistic).
Jul 14, 2020, 7:49 AM
@royalslover said in Impact on LS collections from roster updates?:
Also, any team you have finished and locked won't be affected by a roster update. Those teams are done no matter what.
yea true - not worried about those. just wondering that if I don't find a way to finalise the others now whether I might be faced with something more onerous. Sounds like it should be fine either way, although I know sometimes those new bronze/common cards added to roster can usually cost way more than usual.
Lightning Tatis vs Sig Rollins
Does TA3 excess carry to TA4?
Does TA3 excess carry to TA4?
Roster update?
Roster update?
Roster update?
Any HR in Deadball yet?
Requirements for monthly?
Requirements for monthly?
Next market crash / dip?
Uniform / logo help?
Next market crash / dip?
Uniform / logo help?
Next market crash / dip?
Next market crash / dip?
Next market crash / dip?
Who is your closer?
If you have Ruth, or are close..
POTM Grandal
Impact on LS collections from roster updates?