Here’s the secret, turn on batting tutorial under options and start the showdown. Then after each boss you can reset the tutorial at bats again quickly by going into a vs. cpu game in Diamond dynasty and once the game starts, just instant quit the cpu game and it’ll auto reset the tutorial. So that means you can get 5 cheesy meatball pitches each boss, just like it is when using this method for a normal moment. Rinse and repeat.
Go to practice mode on legend and have someone like manoah pitch only sinkers to you and use power swing to hit. You’ll miss a lot, but when you start making contact then when you use your normal swing in game you’ll be really squaring up on those
Anyone having trouble with the showdown extreme at the moment? Let me know and I hope I can give you a motivational kick to finish it much easier and stress free. Still gotta try hard but that’s all I’ll say. Message me to learn the tricks of the trade
Just a happy day for me seeing him on here again pitching!
Why is it that when I use him in center field his fielding shows a gold instead of a diamond?
@theblindrhino said in Read the new Strategy guide, it explains the small things!!:
I don't read.
You are the blind rhino and I have to respect that but have someone read this to you lol
@hobowillie_NSW said in Can I get banned for investing too much in a player for a roster update?:
@Lookattherhino_MLBTS said in Can I get banned for investing too much in a player for a roster update?:
@hobowillie_NSW said in Can I get banned for investing too much in a player for a roster update?:
@Lookattherhino_MLBTS said in Can I get banned for investing too much in a player for a roster update?:
@hobowillie_NSW said in Can I get banned for investing too much in a player for a roster update?:
@Lookattherhino_MLBTS said in Can I get banned for investing too much in a player for a roster update?:
@hobowillie_NSW said in Can I get banned for investing too much in a player for a roster update?:
@LookatTheRhino said in Can I get banned for investing too much in a player for a roster update?:
According to their faqs section
“ Will my account get banned for flipping cards on the marketplace?
No. Flipping cards in the Community Marketplace will not put your account at risk for suspension.”
Neither will spreading joy, humor and/or being helpful on TSN get you banned from the forums.
My statement was that your quote isn't valid. It's sarcasm.
Some people have been banned for "normal" market flipping. Unfairly and they have been fixed in a small number of cases. If your legit transaction was embedded in a flurry of transactions by a bad actor, you were likely banned as well.
Some people post on TSN adding no value to conversations. They run Scott free. People did get banned for liking a post or just being anywhere near a thread. See Ross and Rachel.
If you go to the main page of this website and click faqs, the very last question asked is can I get banned for market whatever it is and that was my reply saying no, read it ma man
I doesn't matter what it says. I'm telling you what has already happened to people this game cycle.
Just a heads up.
If you have legit transactions embedded in with those of bad actors, you risk being banned. How does this happen? When you have multiple orders linked with the bad actors. How does that happen? Having 500 orders in for Joe Random, and the bad actor uses Joe Random for stub transfers.
Well I haven’t been banned so I’ll trust the site’s information before yours no offense
None taken. Kinda like speeding though.
Let's also be frank. SDS hasn't done a great job matching words with actions. Trusting their outdated words on this site isn't a super strong argument. Most investors won't have issues. Until it's you.
No you’re very right on that lol I’m not gonna test their faqs page and my luck lol I was just pointing out where they talked about it
Just played a co op game with a friend against two Xbox players. One player wasn’t playing the field for some reason and we scored 5 runs in the first inning before we lost connection to opponent. So the games final was 5-0 W for us but The after game page shows we lost and our name was switched to “didn’t cheat” uhhhh what?
@JEEZY-E_MLBTS said in If you are not..:
Listening to Enya-Only time while grinding this extreme program you are doing it wrong
I thought I was the only one who knew who enya was?! Lmao
@hobowillie_NSW said in If you are not..:
Just waiting for our return to innocence...
Enigma.. beautiful band lol
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Question about pickoffs/stealing:
OK, I like that idea, but I don't know how to do that. Is it the share button, or something else?
To step off press L1 and then throw to the base ahead of the runner
@TH3L1GHT_PSN said in **Showdown extreme isn’t bad when you know stuff..:
@Lookattherhino_MLBTS said in **Showdown extreme isn’t bad when you know stuff..:
@TH3L1GHT_PSN said in **Showdown extreme isn’t bad when you know stuff..:
That method has been around for a long time. I don't think they are capable of/interested in patching it.
I know it has for moments but I’ve never had it happen for showdown in the past years with tutorials even so that’s weird..]
That's a good point. Now that I think about it, not sure if that was a moments thing or a showdown thing or both. Either way, it's a good trick to share from time to time for people who don't know about it. Kind of like the dashboarding in multi game moments. Just a good thing to know.I had the tutorial on since I forgot about it and tried the extreme, but when I saw it stop I said omg I can cheese this lol plus knowing how to steal almost 100 percent of the time helps in connection with those moments
Have a runner with 70 speed at the lowest (or a little lower) but I use ppl with 75 speed and when you’re on first base wait until the pitcher starts to check on you, and at that time old R2 and hit L1 at the same time, release L1 and while holding down R2 tap the steal L2 and release everything
I also have to agree with op about the cpu going all out with taking territories. Not hard to finish but annoying to keep retaking places
**Showdown extreme isn’t bad when you know stuff..
How Do You Hit A Sinker?
**Showdown extreme isn’t bad when you know stuff..
Finally found my friends card on his mlb team baby!
Live series trout
Read the new Strategy guide, it explains the small things!!
Can I get banned for investing too much in a player for a roster update?
Played co op and something fishy is happened
If you are not..
If you are not..
Question about pickoffs/stealing
**Showdown extreme isn’t bad when you know stuff..
**Showdown extreme isn’t bad when you know stuff..
Central Conquest