Of the last 6 online games I've played 5 were freeze/disconnects. Frustrating because I was winning all of them. Restarted game and PS4 after first 2 Anyone else seen an uptick in disconnects?
Oct 30, 2024, 6:27 PM
Oct 18, 2024, 10:26 AM@AdeptOfMemory You do realize that betting on someone to win is still gambling. Doesn't change the fact that he was manipulating outcomes. Maybe he goes with a different lineup because he has money on game. Maybe he pulls a pitcher early to cover the spread. Or leaves a starter and presses him to injury in hopes of getting a W. If you change you normal routine because you have money on it, you are turning it from sports to theater
Oct 3, 2024, 12:14 PM
Given how negatively gambling can impact sports you have to make strong examples out of these guys. He was betting on the outcomes of games he was directly involved in. To me, that demonstrates he was sometimes manipulating the games he managed. In any sport, not just baseball, that person would be banned for life. I recognize Rose was an amazing player, but he brought this on himself
Sep 17, 2024, 3:13 PM
I rarely play franchise but decided to start up one. Been fairly fun, but noticed some glaring issues.
- Rookie progression is just weird and seems focused more on their potential rather than performance
- Quirks never develop. This seems like it would be an easy fix since you can just track certain metrics and see what tendencies/outcones hitters have. Kinda kills rookie development
- Feels like you can trade anybody, which is not remotely the case
Kinda feels pointless to play a dull franchise out as I play for player progression and team building,but it seems free agent acquisition is the only practical way to build. Kinda boring
Jun 16, 2024, 9:49 AM
45 and this is the first year that i can definitively see I'm getting worse at the game. Made WS in past. I usually play on HoF. Now that I'm older my interest really lies in strategy game and mlb the show. I am interested in the new NCAA football though
Jun 6, 2024, 10:03 AM
Plenty of stats already under advanced stats. So many thar I don't even know what many are. I Just want to play the game, not create a baseball savant simulator
Jun 2, 2024, 1:39 PM
I've had 3 perfect perfect foul balls last 2 days. Was actually sitting on location for two of them and was so pissed when perfect just glided foul. Not to mention a ridiculous amount of perfect lineouts. Game can be absurdly frustrating
Jun 2, 2024, 1:36 PM
The field of play is not infinite. There is a wall and definitive boundaries marking territory in play. The poles mark the outer boundary of the fair field of play. After it has left the field of play the only way to determine if it was still in the fair field of play are the foul poles. The foul pole is a vertical extension of the foul line. A ball that hits the foul line is considered fair. As such a ball that hits any part of the foul pole should also be considered fair
May 15, 2024, 8:25 AM
@TR71777 if this game has you stressed enough to consider self deletion please go get help. Seriously. A game should not lead to those thoughts. You clearly have more issues than just a poor customer service experience
May 15, 2024, 7:38 AM
@eatyum two Line drive singles buddy. Rest were lineouts. Had two caught on warning track. No reason to lie about it. I've played this game for almost a decade. Been one of its staunchest supporters. This year's version is almost unplayable. I didn't even mention:
Terrible swing animations on good timing. Why does it look like my batter is flailing at a good timed pitches with good pci placement?
Audio broadcast is completely disjointed. Here's something everyone's experienced. The broadcaster exclaiming basically saying you crushed the ball only for it to result in a routine pop fly that doesn't even reach the warning track.
Pinpoint pitching inconsistent. Even on perfect release and timing, spot gets missed by wide margin too often. The strike zone is way too tight as well. Tight strike zone, constant foul offs and wonky pitching makes it impossible to get anyone half-decent out
I'm not someone that just flames because I lost a game or two. The game is really rough this year. Not having fun
May 14, 2024, 7:10 PM
I swear this has been such a step backwards.
-Crazy long at bats even the higher difficulties because of constant foul tips. I threw it in the dirt on purpose, why did you even swing let alone make contact?
Fluke after fluke after fluke while I get penalized with lineouts after perfect contact. I tracked and counted I had a 9 total perfects over the course of two games and tallied two total bases. Wth??
I'll take a late contact oppo blooper over perfect perfect contact anyday -
Way to basically vomit all content at once while simultaneously defeating the purpose of the grind. I'm not paying more money for pack SDS
I honestly can't see myself playing this much longer. Everything took a huge step back this year.
May 1, 2024, 7:00 AM
I pause to pour drinks and puff
Apr 28, 2024, 1:49 PM
It's funny that Mookie is one of the best defenders in the league yet I can't play him in this game because his speed is so bad
Apr 27, 2024, 10:26 AM
I've played The Show for almost a decade now and have gotten to see how the games evolved. I loved last years version and felt it was the best SDS had put out in the last 5 years. So obviously I was looking forward to this year. I'm very surprised sbout how unpolished this year's version feels after how much I enjoyed last year.
Hitting seems to have regressed. It's like the timing and contact windows are miscalibrated. Tons of fluke hits and foul tips. Terrible flail animations on "good" timed pitches with good pci placement.
Pitching is erratic. I thought the switch to L<>R pinpoint would be awesome, but inputs on pinpoint are erratic when registering (online at least). Good pitching is seldom rewarded as even perfect inputs can have suboptimal results. At bats are prolonged due to constant foul tips. It's not fun pitching right now
Regarding content it simultaneously feels like their is abundance of things to do, but not really anything you'd want to do. The grind is especially stale this year. I don't even care about rewards. I think I'm just over the same grind modes, like conquest and showdown, after 4 years of them
Lot more but the ramble is long. After how much I enjoyed last years version its disappointing to see the product this year. I trust SDS over the long haul. They might wanna bring back the tech test next year. My general feelings on this years game are that it's just "off".
Apr 10, 2024, 3:04 PM
@BuddyHightower lol to each his own. I personally love it and keep it cued up on spotify
Apr 10, 2024, 3:03 PM
I love online rated because I can just play and not really struggle against someone's DD God Squad. The competition is much less sweaty. As for cheaters I feel I've played plenty of the higher ranked guys. The Jimmy_Flourish guy has been there for years and beats me everytime I match against. Plays on legend, so he seems legit. The rest play on rookie and veteran which bores me to tears. They also bunt cheese and steal constantly, so I usually set to all star ir hall of fame difficulty to avoid the lame competition
The skill gap between DD players vs Online rated is severe. I can make world series, but it's super hard. I'm not even playing DD ranked until i get a solid squad. But I'm 20-1 I'm online rated and my only loss was due to awful lag for both of us. Love online rated for casual ranked play. DD is really what tests your skill though
Apr 9, 2024, 11:51 AM
45 years old this year. Made WS last 2 years. Noticed I'm struggling a bit more this year, but still play pretty competitively. I think it's still very possible for us old guys, just a bit tougher overall as reactions slow a tick
Apr 8, 2024, 11:36 PM
Am I the only one who thinks this is the best assemblage of music SDS ever put together? Seriously, I'm listening to this playlist at work, in the gym, on my morning commute. The vibes are just immaculate
Feb 3, 2024, 5:25 PM
@Blind_Bleeder said in I uninstalled today:
@rageincage007 said in I uninstalled today:
All 99's are not the same so I would say that every card that is called a 99 is not a 99. 99's should only be used for cards that REALLY deserve it. Some 99's may not really stack up to a 98 in some instances.
I do like the managers instead of captains. I could get Sparky Anderson or Jim Leland into the dugout.This is so true. I had 97s play better than some 99s this year, and some 99s that played like high 80s.
My hope for 24 is that they remove the perfect-perfect notification because too many people think they should get arcade results when they square a ball up. That just isn't baseball.
Just to address some of this.
I don't mind day 1 99s, it's simply the number of them. Never felt like I was grinding for any particular card as no card felt all the special. John Donaldson was a cheat code but basically free and Elly cycle card was insane. Other than those two, every card felt minimally different for me
Perfect perfect requires timing and Pci placement. I saw someone say you can perfectly time up a pitch off the handle which simply is not true. Im just talking about the frequency of lineouts. The frequency actually makes the game feel MORE arcadey at times. I had a game with 5 perfect perfects but I only got three total bases, 1 double, 1 single, 3 outs. As someone that has played this game for the last 5 years I recognize these changes in outcomes as compared to previous versions. Wasn't game breaking, just weird results that occurred very frequently. I'm not the best player by far, but I'm sure higher ranked players agree lineout frequency has increased significantly
Feb 3, 2024, 10:17 AM
I think I have wrung every ounce of entertainment out of Mlb the show this year. This is by far the longest I've stayed active playing. To me 23 was the best version of the show in the past 5 years. Had a great time playing. Didn't uninstall because of fatigue. Rather I just want to reset before 24 drops. I think I won't enjoy 24 as much if I'm still playing 23. That said a few things and maybe some ideas for next games:
No more day 1 99's. If everyone is elite, then no one is. Every card felt the same and lineups lost a lot of uniqueness.
Sets and seasons needs a rework. The grind 99 was already exhausting, but then I can't even use the card very long before it's restricted
Lineouts, lineouts, lineouts. I have never had so many perfect perfect lineouts ever. Also way too many perfect flyouts. Not sure why the frequency is so high, but it's frustrating flying out to the warning track on a perfect with Mike trout ( has happened to me multiple times)
Managers instead of captains.i loved the idea of captains, but in execution I was very disappointed. I never actually used the captain, I simply subbed in a 99. I think having manager cards could confer boosts to teams while not taking up a player slot. Like Bruce Bochy raising clutch and contact or Joe Maddon raising baserunning and defense. Rather that than a card I won't actually use anyway
Gave the show 23 a B+ this year. Had a blast playing and hope they continue to build off this iteration.
Where’s an honor to Pete Rose?!?!
Where’s an honor to Pete Rose?!?!
Franchise progressions
Any old farts good at this game?
More Stats Desired
Absolutely Terrible Game
Foul/fair pole
Games getting worse
Games getting worse
every one that’s good should play on hof and zone hitting
Can we please raise the speed and Steal attributes on Mookie Betts live series?!
This years version of The Show
The music this year is fire
Online Rated 2024
Can old people make World Series?
The music this year is fire
I uninstalled today
I uninstalled today