Apr 7, 2023, 5:14 PM@rageincage007 said in Hitting: I would agree with the timing being weird. I play on All Star and sometimes I feel like I swing before the ball leaves the pitcher's hand the I shown being late on the pitch. Very hard to time properly. Maybe I will fire up 22 also and see if it's just me. Let me know if you do and hitting seems more responsive! Like being able to actually track a pitch and swing when it is there and not have to swing early.
Apr 6, 2023, 2:52 PM@TubaTim90 said in Hitting: @KOTANK1334_PSN said in Hitting: @CDNmoneymaker93_MLBTS said in Hitting: Maybe and hear me out of this but SDS has made input and pci location matter as such those off PCI hits and being late and early aren't being reward in years past. In summary alot of people are learning a lesson that they aren't as good as they thought they were at this game For me it's not a matter of getting the PCI to the ball.... It's like I have to swing so early and the response time is way different this year ? Maybe you're just getting older... I'm not saying that to try to be a [censored], I just feel like nowadays when I start getting the least bit tired, I cant catch up to a fastball on veteran. Lol... While I appreciate you not trying to be a [censored].... I don't think that is it. I'm sure I could fire up 22 and the swing timing would be fine.
Apr 6, 2023, 1:45 PM@CDNmoneymaker93 said in Hitting: Maybe and hear me out of this but SDS has made input and pci location matter as such those off PCI hits and being late and early aren't being reward in years past. In summary alot of people are learning a lesson that they aren't as good as they thought they were at this game For me it's not a matter of getting the PCI to the ball.... It's like I have to swing so early and the response time is way different this year ?
Apr 6, 2023, 1:44 PM@TayZuuR_ said in Hitting: @Crimson_Monk_PSN said in Hitting: @TayZuuR__PSN said in Hitting: I honestly have been struggling hitting this year. It doesn't feel good in my opinion. PCI placement always seems to be off, even though I feel I place it where I want it, and then I end up being too early or too late on a lot of pitches that I feel like I've timed well. Not sure if it's me just playing bad, or if hitting is just that much different then the last couple years game. same here...i think it may be a PS4 thing for me. But i get super low exit Velo on hits as well. PP for like 88 MPH, etc That makes me curious tbh because I'm on ps4 too. Wonder if it feels better on the new generation consoles. I'm running a PS5 and it seems off. I feel like I have to start swinging right when the pitcher releases it. Literally nothing on my setup has changed from last year where I could track the ball and swing on it.
Apr 4, 2023, 1:39 PM
Thinking maybe with this being the first version that could focus more on next gen consoles maybe they changed a setting trying to implement the visuals over gameplay? Used to be a time we could set it to performance mode over graphics... Haven't had time today to check that.
Apr 4, 2023, 1:38 PM
I've been a PCI off guy for a while now. And with all things being equal I'm not sure how it feels so much different. Was just wondering if anyone knew of any default settings that might have been implemented or if anyone else had noticed ?
Apr 4, 2023, 1:09 PM
I picked up the game this weekend and I'm not sure if there has been many posts on this already so sorry if this is redundant....
But hitting feels like I am taking hacks underwater. I haven't changed any sort of settings from last years game ( although I hadn't played it regularly in probably 6 months ? )
Is there anything anyone can recommend I check? Input lag shouldn't be an issue. I am on an LG C1. Just wasn't sure if there were any in game settings I was unaware of.
Apr 3, 2023, 9:50 PM
I picked it up this weekend. hitting seems like I am swinging under water?
Dec 9, 2022, 7:11 PM
I would also accepted the best part of being in a freeze off is not having to play the game
Dec 9, 2022, 7:10 PM
I haven't played much lately , but god did that drive me crazy... smoking a ball down the line.... Having it picked up almost instantly and gunned down with a perfect throw. All with above average speed guys and no shift on....
Working as intended
Nov 3, 2022, 1:10 PM
Use it to grind missions and get free stuff / stubs along the way?
Oct 27, 2022, 3:53 PM
@the_dragon1912 said in Kluber:
Seager is more worth it than Kluber imo. Either way if you sell all the cards in the BR program is a million stubs
Yeah... Middle infield is locked with Rollins / Durham. Already sitting on 1 mil. stubbs so maybe I'll just save my sanity until tomorrow for when the new programs drops.
Oct 27, 2022, 3:48 PM
Haven't gotten very far in BR this season.... Wondering if Kluber is worth trying to grind here with 4 days left ?
Oct 24, 2022, 7:23 PM@TheGoaler said in God I love this game: Was the wind blowing in? No wind in online play
Oct 21, 2022, 9:08 PM@BIGPAPIx34x said in Guess my luck is just gonna be like this today... LOL: @KOTANK1334_PSN said in Guess my luck is just gonna be like this today... LOL: https://imgur.com/a/5qyxzn9 Balling is Extreme pack.... Scroll to the right. two diamonds.. OK nice !! Open first pack, standard diamond lights. Marlins logo. Chisolm maybe ? Nah, Alcantara. Ok. don't need him but a diamond is a diamond and I still have one to go. Next pack..standard diamond lights. Marlins logo... No way right ? They wouldn't... right ??? That's sucks. But a free 7500 in stubs is a free 7500 in stubs. Dont need the stubbs.... But keep it for exchanges.
Oct 21, 2022, 8:19 PM@cjhanz84 said in Guess my luck is just gonna be like this today... LOL: They did this to me with Luis Robert in the same type of pack Ouch... That's probably worse since I think everyone here has probably pulled about 37 Luis Roberts.
Oct 21, 2022, 8:10 PM
Balling is Extreme pack.... Scroll to the right. two diamonds.. OK nice !!
Open first pack, standard diamond lights. Marlins logo. Chisolm maybe ? Nah, Alcantara. Ok. don't need him but a diamond is a diamond and I still have one to go.
Next pack..standard diamond lights. Marlins logo... No way right ? They wouldn't... right ???
Oct 21, 2022, 8:07 PM
I'm not expecting every well hit ball to be gone.... But if I square up 2 like that against Ryan I would at least hope for a hit....
Oct 21, 2022, 7:09 PM
I love facing Nolan Ryan at Shippet only to get a Perfect/ Perfect with Jimmy Foxx (125/125) against righties for a lineout to Right field... Followed by a Good / 14 PCI on a high hanging change up with Nick Swisher that doesn't even make the track.
Then proceeding to give up a game tying HR on a Just Early / 12 PCI.
Had to turn it off. I know nothing is going to change and it's been like this forever. Just needed to vent.
Oct 14, 2022, 2:42 PM
Oh really ?!?!?!?
Best. Show. Ever... Except
Best part of being in a freeze off?
Field:Player Size is wrong and has ruined the game
Nation of Baseball Conquest
God I love this game
Guess my luck is just gonna be like this today... LOL
Guess my luck is just gonna be like this today... LOL
Guess my luck is just gonna be like this today... LOL
God I love this game
God I love this game
More home runs in this Event than the Moonshot