Imagine getting suspended for throwing at dudes (one pitch was an off speed) and not getting suspended for electronically cheating to reach the World Series and winning, cheating in the postseason, maybe cheated for 3 years, and ruined the livelihoods of other players/pitchers because of their scumbag move. BS suspension, and I’m not even a dodger fan

Game was fun for one week/weekend now the game sucks and all you do is lineout. Rip MLB 20
2 Days! This must be a new milestone in gaming for the fastest muck up of gaming history. The hitting was great, all you had to do was make the pitch speeds a little faster and more consistent and fixed the defense and the game would’ve been perfect. Now the game is some cheeks and showdown is impossible unless you’re McGunksi. Thanks SDS, the d*ck punching masters
Has anyone pulled a diamond from a ballin is habit? I swear I’ve opened 25+ ballin is a habit pack and not a single diamond. Not even a diamond equipment. I honestly think ballin is a habit are the worst packs in the game besides headliners
@Scratch1977 said in A's and Astros not practicing social distancing:
Sigh... Yup.
Friggin’ A’s!
Hope the Stros turn it around...
#Stros4Lyfe #ForTheHYou’re a tool bro
I’ve already had enough with MLB 20 as it is probably the most broken game of the show I have ever played. I would take MLB 16’s bunt cheese, MLB 17’s just late and MLB 18’s hitting engine over MLB 20’s awful hitting and gameplay. The hitting is a disgrace, the fielding was made by snails, the pitching is the worst it has ever been, and the baserunning has taken 15 steps back from previous titles. How can SDS praise their hitting engine before the game is released then completely change it and f everything up? Imagine a game like COD developing a game then saying “nah let’s just change everything” that’s basically what SDS did. MLB 21 needs to have programs like 17, polished gameplay (fielding, baserunning, pitching, etc) and also needs to make the game less of a grind and actually have fun things to do. The moments, showdown, and other prestiges/player programs are not fun and are just a grind to make us play longer. The fact that SDS hasn’t fixed the homerun scoreboard glitch yet keeps releasing headliner packs is what this game and the gaming industry is in a whole. A greedy, grind filled “game” while releasing the game in a unfinished state with MAJOR issues. MLB 16 & 17>>>
Let’s go a 99 Jackie, too bad I’ll never get him cuz that program is aids!
72 Teoscar Hernandez, that is all.
I hated immortals, liked signatures better but I think the show 20 needs to go back to single year cards to make it the best year they’ve had so far. Mlb 16+17 are my favorite the show games because they didn’t have ridiculous godlike stats
Was 10-0 and lost to a guy who has gone 12-0 5x, level 45 prestige and was the best player I’ve ever seen. Dude hit two homeruns on low outside, on the black home runs, perfect/perfect too. I don’t think I’ll ever go 12-0 rip
So ironic this year has glorified the young prospects while the MLB has and still does treat all their minor leaguers like prisoners in a gulag
@onnagood1 said in SDS Please Stop Cheating For The Other Team On Selective Plays (Video):
After fielding the ball by my 1st baseman, he decides to take a nonchalant stroll stuck on stupid. It wouldn't let me run to first for the easy out. I even tried throwing to my pitcher knowing the throw was going to be late, but it wouldn't let me do that either. So instead of 3rd out to end the inning, his pitcher Kluber comes up and hits a blooper allowing the runner on 2nd to score. Subsequently, that one run decided the difference in this game...Wow, just wow.
That was rough to watch bro
@Scratch1977 said in A's and Astros not practicing social distancing:
@mjfc_363 said in A's and Astros not practicing social distancing:
Astros fans smh. Hey I’ll say one thing for ya, you’re loyal to a fault.
Dang straight. Like the band Heatwave said: "Always & Forever." Through the good times and dark. Go Stros.
#ForTheHAstros’s legacy in a nutshell:
-trade Joe Morgan for nobody
-trade Kenny Lofton for nobody-trade Curt Schilling for nobody
-trade Steve Finley and Ken Caminiti for nobody
-tank-get 20K’d by Kerry Wood
-tank-lose 2005 WS to the White Sox to break their 88 year long drought
-tank-release J.D Martinez
-draft Brady Aiken
-draft Mark Appel over Kris Bryant
-trade for Carlos Gomez (gave up Adrian Houser, Domingo Santana, Brett Phillips, and JOSH HADER)
-lose to Royals in ‘15
-devise complex cheating system that no team can defend against
-steal ‘17 MVP from Judge
-cheat to win 17’ WS
-celebrate that win by going out and trading for Wife beater Roberto Osuna
-get raped by the Red Sox in 18’
-trade J.D Davis to mets and becomes legit
-lose 2015 CY Young winner Dallas Keuchel
-trade entire farm system for Zach Greinke
-win the 19’ ALCS and have douchebag assistant GM Taubman yell at female reporters saying “thank god we got Osuna!”
-lose to Nats in home ballpark
-beans spilled about cheating by Mike f**king Fiers, entire country and fan base hates you
-lose 1st and 2nd round draft picks, lose AJ Hinch, and Jeff Luhnow, get $5 million fine
-lose Gerrit Cole to Yankees
-lose Wil Harris to Nats
-lose Mchugh to Red Sox
-lose Marisnik to Mets
-lose Chrinios to Rangers
-lose Hector Rondon to DBacksRe-sign Joe Smith and Martin Maldanado
-give shitty, pathetic “apologies to the media”
-players defend themselves even after cheating
-go into 2020 and lose Verlander and Osuna
-Joe Smith opts out
-best players stink up in 2020 (Springer, Altuve, Bregman)
-no Yordan Alvarez yet
-Correa gets in fight with Joe Kelly and says stupid [censored]
-bench coach gets in fight with Ramon Laureano and (allegedly) talks trash about his mother and doesn’t even fight. (Astros players hate Cintron too)
-Springer, Brantley, Reddick, Gurriel, Peacock all 2021 Free Agents
-Verlander, Greinke, Joe Smith, Maldanado, Osuna, McCullers, Correa, Devinski all 2022 Free Agents. Future doesn’t look bright.
Delete this Organization
Showdown is impossible, every ball squared up is good okay contact. Literally put the ball in the middle of the pci with Stanton and got good okay 92 exit velo. Fix this trash game
@NOTandris said in Bro whats up with the commissioner:
Seriously, did y’all hear his voice change to slurred? I thought he was having a stroke. Hopefully not, but it was concerning.
I thought he was gonna have a stroke too
Lineout city in showdown, game still [censored]
Please let us exchange all 5 TA tickets at a time instead of one at a time. Why wouldn’t you just make the limit go up to five so people can choose either to exchange 1 or up to 5 instead of one at a time. Thank you SDS, I sometimes love you
@djnoelnyc said in Atrins Reveal:
People complain about anything.. they are giving us a bunch of variety this year, no one is forcing u to play, buy packs or buy any FS players
“A bunch of variety this year” yeah the same game where you face Corey Kluber and Hal Newhouser every other game
First it was the change to hitting after one week, then it was the plethora of future stars shoved down our booty holes, the awful hitting engine, the awful pitching, the awful fielding (fixed in like June), and now SDS managed to make one of the best cards in DD that comes out being trout, a disappointment to many. How does SDS manage to make the best player in baseball and could be the best player ever a massive disappointment. This whole collection seems like they said “f it, give em trout” (who also isn’t even the best CF in the game from a collection alone)
One thing I’m sad about this year is that unlike mlb 17 or 18, there really isn’t an abundance of silver and gold flashback cards. Yeah there’s the prospects and the free ones from the xp reward path but that’s about it. The 75-79 silver flashbacks and gold flashbacks really give BR and events some life. BR this year just feels like getting the 2 diamond rounds and just picking live series glitchy players and then maybe a couple gold/silver flashbacks. remember last year we had cards like 78 Logan Morrison? That card demolished in BR and he doesn’t have a card. Those little cards you get that are 75-79 flashback cards you take for granted. I like them personally because it gives more variety and they are actual baseball cards that reflect their year they had which I think is the biggest problem with mlb the show the past 3 years. Go back to single year cards and the game will be x10 better. (Oh yeah and maybe fix the gameplay too while you’re at it)
Joe Kelly Suspension
This game is not fun anymore
It’s been 2 days SDS
Ballin ain’t a habit
A's and Astros not practicing social distancing
What MLB the show 21 has to have
99 Jackie
Best card in the game
MLB 20 card format
Rip 12-0 dream
MiLB the show 20
SDS Please Stop Cheating For The Other Team On Selective Plays (Video)
A's and Astros not practicing social distancing
This game sucks
Bro whats up with the commissioner
Lineout city in showdown
Dear SDS
Atrins Reveal
SDS drops the ball for the 800th time
A minor problem with MLB 20