Any who thinks it is Betts.. based on the clues.. how would you assume so? Whoever that is in the outfield is wearing low pants.. betts doesn't wear low pants... can't be him

The name itself that I originally posted isn't that funny, but I think it is hilarious when they announce him coming up to bat lol
For some reason whenever I have to play a "Big Daddy D**K" it gets me every time lol
@the_dragon1912 said in Free 99 Luis Giolito card in the my pack shop:
It has been there since friday, there are only 24 hours left
I somehow haven't had any disocnnects this year... wired connection... however lately I have gotten a lot of wins from people losing connection.. there is absolutely no reason someone should lose connection when hard wired unless their internet has a hiccup on all of their devices
Today is the last day for it? Both happy and disappointed if that's the case.... just finally cracked 800 last night
@Desolator78 said in Smoltz CP vs FotF:
I think I actually like his FotF card better, personally. Last event I used golds to close and him for mop up duty as he's super inconsistent. Too many hanging sliders on perfect timing pitches.
That’s my fear. I do that with his 99 all the time so probably should just stay away from 96 smoltz.. thanks!
@DiddyKlunk said in TA grinding:
I’m probably very late to the party, but with the stub sale and flash sale I basically need just Face of the franchise and future stars to get Trout. What’s the best way to grind these TAs?
If you have the stubs just place a bunch of
Buy orders for any 76-79 of the rival teams. And by a bunch I mean a bunch.. don’t quick buy them... place buy orders and if you don’t already know that you’ll be amazed at how fast you can complete the order and in turn complete the TAs. Also sorry if you’re already aware but when you do a buy order all you do is make the price 1-5 or so stubs MORE THAN the highest sell now price. -
Anyone used the CP version that would recommend me picking him up and replace the FotF version. I have very little success with his FotF version. I’m too inconsistent with him after the first 2-3 innings. Thinking maybe that CP card is the Smoltz I really need. I can be easily talked out of that with feedback though.
@arvcpa said in Race to 900 stars in 7th inning program:
I posted about this when the 7th inning program came out... I was going to try really hard to get to 900. I've played a TON. I've got all the challenges done except Cruz HR's (1 of 3 - he's the bane of my existence).
And... I'm not even going to come close. I crossed 600, but I there's no way to grind 300 stars by Thursday.
Did any of you come even close?
You, or anyone, have an clue how they dish out the program stars? Besides the obvious stuff like missions, programs, etc. like what determines why I randomly get 1,2,3 stars here and there? I have never paid attention to that to know why after one game I don’t move in stars and the next one I have 2 more all a sudden.
@SchnauzerFace said in Love the White Sox content, but NO program stars for Conquest? C'mon, SDS.:
Agreed. I lost countless hours of my life trying to get 2 XBH + 1 SB with Jackie. I wish I had just waited.
I gave up on that one lol might have to do the conquest now that I’ll be past that point
Had that happen for 46 and many others too... very disappointing when it does.. but like your soon to be critics will tell you "DoNt BuY pAcKs!!!"
@Boneman05 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
@jimjones9989 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
They've had to be silent a lot this year on social media. It's gut wrenching how often the police murder unarmed black folks while letting white 17 year olds walk towards them with a loaded rifle after killing 2.
Thankfully SDS is bringing it to your attention, even if your eyes are closed.
Jacob Blake wasn't unarmed he did have a knife on him and told the police he had one. Also after a taser was he was still stand and walked around to the driver side of his car.
Now I'm not condoning what happened and some of the instances are over the line but some in the past have actually by fighting with police and reached for their gun. I watched a video when ferguson happened of a former inmate who was black and had spent 10 years in prison they asked him his thoughts about everything going on and he said I know I will never have an issue with the police because if they tell me something I'm going to do it when they say it. If your calm and do what they are asking you to do you will have no problem.
I have no problem with protesting because that is the right people have in the USA unlike most other countries where you will be arrested or killed for speaking your mind but there is no reason when ever there is a protest or something happens that people have to start setting cars and buildings on fire and looting. It makes no sense what is setting a building on fire going to do for you. All it does is effect and hurt the owner of that business or property maybe it is a single mother and the car the torch is the only way to get to work to feed her kids. It is uncalled for to steal and damage stuff that isn't your property.
Crazy that what you said is technically insensitive and wrong these days but you get an Amen from me.
@Bozzman0109 said in Lack of Hints from SDS:
Wait what jackie robinson day today. How did I not know this. Every April 15th I tell my kids that it is not tax day today but Jackie Robinson day. They tell me that all the players will be wearing 42.
Its a Mock JR day because there was no season april 15 and it's the march on washington remembrance today/this weekend
@jimjones9989 said in Walter Johnson Final Showdown Tips:
I've beat it 10 or so times for packs, he's not bad as long as you're ready for the fast stuff.
He only has two speeds, so sit fast, adjust to slow. I don't swing at the off speed stuff unless there are two strikes.
don't worry about jjsmith, he/she is a troll that can't beat showdown.
Great advice, you have learned a lot in your 14 hours of DD. But yes I was trolling... If you were able to get to 8 runs you probably/hopefully have decent perks and players.. just be patient, sit fastball, and don't panic if you still need 6-7 runs through the first 10 outs... once they start getting tired there will be more fastballs down the middle
Score 8 runs
The fact that all they focus on is police brutality and police reform is a little mind boggling. There has to be accountability on all sides. No doubt about it that those that are put in charge of law and order need to have the very best training and be held to a higher standard, but to Totally ignore the other side of things and paint all Police as bad loses a lot of people. These athletes, and I don't blame them because its not their responsibility to "fix" the seemingly unfixable, will get on a stage and say some words and then go right back to their luxurious lives in their gated communities. While the real world continues to spin. Spending time and effort on police reform, or the craziness of de-funding police, literally does nothing at all to stop crime from happening. They need to spend equally as much time going into these areas where crime is happening most and do what they can to help people out mentally, physically, and financially so that they feel they have options. Lebron needs to use his platform for more than fanning the flame too. He spends a lot of time and money helping people, but then goes and hurts them mentally by acting as if police and white people are hunting black people. Creates a massive mistrust and divide among people, and it is just blatantly not true.
He gets crushed by anyone decent. Just doesn't have the pitch mix necessary to be successful at that level.... imo
On a side note, which is probably why my question was all jacked up, I was typing it after having giving up back to back home runs to a World Series banner 12-0 battle Royale icon guy on HOF. I prematurely ruled it a loss. 6 run bottom of the 8th and now I’m up 8-3 with one out in 9th and dudes pause timer is about to expire.
@OceanBubbles000 said in Ranked Season match making:
+7 - 2 / 0.5 x you lost genius?
Let me clarify. Because I realize how that question came across. I was clearly asking about match making and not how they give pts but anyways why am I facing someone over 800 when I just cracked 700?
8th inning bosses
Best CAP Names you've come across (or your own)
Best CAP Names you've come across (or your own)
Free 99 Luis Giolito card in the my pack shop
All the money people spend
Officially hardest Ranked Season to date
Smoltz CP vs FotF
TA grinding
Smoltz CP vs FotF
Race to 900 stars in 7th inning program
Love the White Sox content, but NO program stars for Conquest? C'mon, SDS.
Talk about a gut punch!
Lack of Hints from SDS
Lack of Hints from SDS
Walter Johnson Final Showdown Tips
Walter Johnson Final Showdown Tips
I hear you 😁
Jim Palmer reviews
Ranked Season match making
Ranked Season match making