As a general rule, if it’s a feature on madden, FIFA or 2k. Keep it far away from mlb the show.
My friend and I were talking about the idea of roster limitations in RS today. I’d like to hear some more opinions on it but we both agreed it would be fun and interesting. I’m not talking about the way they do events with only switch hitters or only a certain series but an overall cap on the team rating. I think it would make utilizing the bench much more important than it is at this point and add lots of variety to RS
@thehungryhole said in Your favourite cards in 20:
nice thread
Trout, Honus, and Story have been a dream for me
And Larry Walker in RF for most of the game cycle - what a stud
Larry walker was a top 5 card on the game and no one can convince me otherwise. By far my best hitter.
@mcgalamaad_psn said in Ohtani's slider:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Ohtani's slider:
I’ve seen some people get lit up using him. Maybe we overpaid for him.
Yeah, his pitching is definitely underwhelming but as a hitter…absolute animal
It sure is awesome to have a hitter in your lineup 1/5th of the games you play for 6 innings
@Crimson_Monk said in Compared my pitching statistics from 19 to 20...:
I don’t know, my ERA is 3.04 but then again i never try for World Series and have only played 76 games (56-20). I normally stop around 600 bc I don’t feel like grinding. I may be able to get to WS but I have so many other games I play I don’t dedicate the time. I may not be able to either lol.
This game is a little wonky with hit feedback that helps and hurts, but I feel like as long as you mostly hit your spots and Change speeds consistently then you will pitch wel. But then again I played and coached college ball so I try and throw like a real game. It’s the forced hangers and odd hit feedback that get runs on me. If you learn how pitching works and strategies then you’re pitching will improve.
I disagree. I’m a college pitcher as well and pitching in this game is almost nothing like irl. High sinkers irl get BANGED. On this game for the first few months all you saw was high sinkers. If I throw an 0-2 breaking ball you can book it I’m not missing middle middle but on this game they autohang
@bjd10048842_psn said in Nerfed Stubs and No XP Reward for Collections!?:
Apparently I can't post pictures, but here are the rewards for going up divisions:
Wild Card - 1,500 Stubs (last year it was 6K stubs and 40,000XP)
DS - 2K Stubs (7K Stubs and 50,000XP)
CS - 3K stubs.....REALLY? (8K stubs and 60K XP last year)No XP for any of them so there's almost no rewards for going up in the divisions....
Also, the reward for collecting all 5 AL West players is Ricky Henderson (sweet) and a whole 2,000 stubs....why are these HELLA nerfed?
Basically doubling the player base by adding Xbox. It would cause some major inflation if double the amount of people had the amount of stubs everyone in 20 did
@go4stros25_psn said in HOF is absolutely no fun with 99+ sinkers:
I agree. It's not fun, it's not about winning or losing, I win plenty, it's about almost every game being 2-1,1-0 with both players getting 20 strikeouts. Then the winner is usually the player who gets the lucky hr with the ball not even in the pci.
Alot of the top streamers have been struggling with the speeds and pinpoint as well. Them complaining is the only chance for a change. The players who defend these pitch speeds are either the really good at the game or live in an area with better connections.
Hitting on higher difficulties vs top pitchers is absurd. Like you most of my games end low scoring with whoever got the benefit of some cheap homers
@mereel13_psn said in Did they do something to hitting in a update?:
if u stopped using contact swing those balls would probably be home runs
I don’t use contact swing and never had. Exit velo is down significantly in my personal opinion
@nucleareng2017 said in Hitting is off, and I can’t figure it out:
How is everyone hitting lately? I’m a pretty good player on mlb the show. I’m currently on a 1016 rating in ranked seasons but for the past 5 days I cannot buy a basehit, much less a home run. I was averaging at least 3-4 home runs on legend before this but now can’t hit. I constantly use normal swing because of exit velos and timing but nothing is working now. I’ve used power, contact normal and they all pop up or give routine fly balls. I see a lot of people saying the game is still the same so I want to see what everyone is doing. Is your guys timing and exit velos off? And if so what have you done to make it better!
I don’t think any online player says hitting is the same in the past few days. Wet noodles from everyone followed by off pci homers
@bhall09_PSN said in Ranked seasons:
@mrwonderful95 said in Ranked seasons:
Dude I just hit a PP single with Seager and got thrown out at 1st base lol
PP with Griffey in Coors was a flyout today. PP with Trout in Dodger Stadium was a flyout yesterday. Not that I expect every PP to be a hit, but those had good launch angle and everything. What else can I do?
I agree with the perfect thing. I get the perfect lineouts bc that happens irl. 125 power perfect fly outs [censored] me off.
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Market Question for the Wall Street Analysts:
Oooookay. Doesn't seem like a great card. Don't get it...
It still says Griffey on it
Found the sinker spam guy^
Probably the best offensive catcher you’ll ever get in DD
We’re just better than you
The problem with comparing the show to real life is it isn’t real life. I’m confident that if you charted how often weak contact resulted in hits it would far outpace real life
@raesone_psn said in Number of questions about DD mechanics:
@jacksonvance35 said in Number of questions about DD mechanics:
@raesone_psn said in Number of questions about DD mechanics:
Daily request for the mods to take a look at this thread and please provide information if possible. If you guys don't have the answers right away, that's totally fine- that's an answer too.
Does h/9 only impact how large an opponent’s pci is or also their exit velocity or squared up pitches? I feel like anything but perfect vs degrom and the like is hot with a pool noodle
I've added your question to the post.
Also I’d like to encourage you to keep pushing this thread. These are questions that the community would really appreciate being answered by sds instead of streamers anecdotal experience
Honus is the best shortstop in the game starting tomorrow
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in Has SDS gone full Madden mode:
@go4stros25_psn said in Has SDS gone full Madden mode:
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in Has SDS gone full Madden mode:
I mean when you have a forum full of people going NMS, NMS, NMS you didn't think the company didn't see that and go wait a minute.
I love how it's been set up alot no matter what you are moving forward on progress no matter where you play, it's a good system
That's all fine and good. But this game is a giant step towards pay to win and the show has never been about that. This is disheartening.
I am seeing alot of hurt feelings because SDS just wants you to play the game to get your cards not breeze through exchanges and showdown. Yes sure you can pay to get collections done today but where is the fun in that. I have had 5 great hours on this game and Jake barely made a scratch on the content available.
Change is good let's embrace it if we look back in 2 months and things go the other way them yes let's have that discussion but nothing right now say SDS is in anyways making thing more pay to win maybe more play to win but isn't that the point
Spend 3x the hours to get half the content as previous years*
@go4stros25_psn said in Online pitching is terrible!:
@jacksonvance35 said in Online pitching is terrible!:
@go4stros25_psn said in Online pitching is terrible!:
You might take some heat for this post. The people on here, myself included, absolutely love online play this year. It's probably the best it's ever been, except for the show 18, that game is goat.
Um wrong
Yeah obviously man
I think I got whooshed lol
things youd want to see no wrong answers
Gonna get roasted for this
Your favourite cards in 20
Ohtani's slider
Compared my pitching statistics from 19 to 20...
Nerfed Stubs and No XP Reward for Collections!?
HOF is absolutely no fun with 99+ sinkers
Did they do something to hitting in a update?
Hitting is off, and I can’t figure it out
Ranked seasons
Market Question for the Wall Street Analysts
Who’s your favorite pitchers right now?
MA Content
Is Schwarber actually worth it?
Xbox vs PlayStation Gameplay
Next time you want to get mad….
Number of questions about DD mechanics
Has SDS gone full Madden mode
Online pitching is terrible!