He has been my most dominant pitcher in H2H this year…Keep him!

@Stone-Cold-1970_XBL said in Buying stubs.:
@CordedJuggler_XBL thanks for the reply. I've checked my card & account everything is good on my side. How do I get this fixed?
CC companies limit the amount of sales from the same account within 24 hours. The way around this is go buy xbox gift cards in a physical store then add them to your account & you’re set to buy as many as you want.
It’s not SDS’s fault….It’s every content creator in the world telling the same strategy to all their followers. Probably like this “UNSTOPPABLE STUB MAKING METHOD! COMPLETE LIVE SERIES COLLECTION IN 1 WEEK!!!”
It must be something with the commentary in sports games. In CF25 the announcers call every running back Jordan or Barkley.
It’s not a bad grind. Just draft speed when available. The catchers in the showdowns will never throw out anyone with at least 75 speed & 50 steal.
@Dolenz_PSN said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
@IrishFist412_MLBTS said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
I swear you guys drive me nuts sometimes…I think people like saying “Let’s Grind!” But what they mean is “I want EVERYTHING completed & done day 1!”
And while it looks daunting, It’s really not. Once you start hitting milestone stats, It’s going to fly.
Well, in my defense I have never been one who wanted to see huge grinds come back. I don't mind some some grind but with the time I invest in the game each year (roughly 300 hours) I don't necessarily want 250+ hours to be spent grinding with cards and players I don't care about in order to earn a few cards that I do want.
While I mentioned mentioned Team Affinity, my post was not entirely about team affinity.
It is also not just about me as I have stuck with the game through the good and bad years (and will usually be called an SDS shill at some point every year).The point of the thread kind of boils down to 2 points for me.
I grow tired of grinding for cards that I want to use only to be asked to take them out if I want to efficiently grind for my next target. I am happy that I got my Jim Edmonds card, Cradinals Carlos Beltran, Bob Gibson, Quinn Mathews, etc. But now it is better if I take those guys out so that I can earn stats with other teams or PXP with other cards to earn JJ Weatherholt.
I see the starting programs and grinds as something new players will struggle with immensely. The moments, Showdown and Diamond Quest are difficult for beginners. New players who get the game on Tues will receive 5 packs (20 player cards) they will not have the player pool needed to grind Team Stat missions for the Spring Breakout program.
I totally understand what you’re saying bud. Just remember - You don’t have to have every card. There’s nothing wrong with letting a couple hard to earn cards go. What I love about DD is you can compete & win without needing the best cards. Play at your speed & what you enjoy playing and everything will fall into place. Try it & see! No need to get stressed, This is for fun & enjoyment!
I swear you guys drive me nuts sometimes…I think people like saying “Let’s Grind!” But what they mean is “I want EVERYTHING completed & done day 1!”
And while it looks daunting, It’s really not. Once you start hitting milestone stats, It’s going to fly.
@bostondirtdog21_PSN said in How do you get the Grays uniform?:
@IrishFist412_MLBTS said in How do you get the Grays uniform?:
I completed the Storylines 100% but I only have a Home Grays jersey but no Road Grays jersey. And it doesn’t bring up an auction listing when I click on it so it has to be something I need to earn but no clue what it is!
If I remember correctly it was a uniform choice pack. You could only get one right now and presumably get the others in 3.2 or 3.3 release.
If that’s correct…That stinks. I don’t want to wait until end game to get my jerseys! Lol
I completed the Storylines 100% but I only have a Home Grays jersey but no Road Grays jersey. And it doesn’t bring up an auction listing when I click on it so it has to be something I need to earn but no clue what it is!
SDS is a subsidiary of Sony. How subsidiaries work is they are told by the parent company what they want/expect. If Sony told them to make people buy more stubs then it is SDS’s job to do that. Just like if you were my manager and told me to complete the QED reports, That would be my job. And if I said no - you would discipline or fire me. So if you want to be mad about stubs, Be mad at Sony - Not SDS.
That being said - DD is BY FAR the best team building mode in sports games for NMS players.
That’s awesome man! Congrats!
I usually pull 2 diamonds a year…And they’re usually 85 or 86’s lol
@MagentaTundra97_XBL said in US Conquest = Huge Win:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN Absolutely not a win. They split it and now there are 0 repeatable conquest rewards. And It might be enough to make me abandon the game if one isn't added in the next week or so. That's what I play, Conquest. I played the US Map 150+ times last year and the year before. I see what they have done to conquest as a huge loss as there is no replay value at all anymore.
Dude…My condolences. While I personally just play each conquest map once, I totally understand just wanting to chill offline and play vs cpu. I’m sure you’re not the only one that is upset by this. Hopefully they fix it soon.
@Blind_Bleeder_PSN This fixed it..Thank you Sir!
I’m REALLY enjoying this game…But one minor issue that I am having is when a runner is on base it no longer shows me their speed/stealing numbers. I have to pause to look it up. I can’t find anything in settings but maybe I’m missing something. Anybody know how to fix it?
Same…I like watching the ball fly out of the park. Not sure why someone thought it would be better to just watch the player.
Gonna miss Fergie & Mariano, Those guys were always on my end game team.
I restarted the game and that fixed it.
Trying to do the Roger Clemons showdown and it just says loading moment for like 30 seconds before saying challenge failed.
For YEARS I have complained how it takes too long to restart moments. Well it’s fixed & it’s amazing…So fast & easy now!
I literally scheduled a vacation day the day after they announced sets & seasons were out lol
2nd diamond pull, Pauly Skenes, wonder if I should sell.
Buying stubs.
Dead Market
Play-by-Play Error
spring breakout players from showdown?
Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.
Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.
How do you get the Grays uniform?
How do you get the Grays uniform?
MLB The Buy Our Stubs
Should I go buy a lottery ticket?
US Conquest = Huge Win
Can’t see baserunner speed anymore
Can’t see baserunner speed anymore
New HR camera is awful
*List of Removed Legends for 2025*
Showdown not working
Showdown not working
Restarting Moments is AWESOME NOW!
Anyone else?