It is disgusting how they are treating the NL players. They had to wait YEARS to get acknowledged by MLB, YEARS to get in The Show…And now they hide them away in a mode that everyone completed in a day while we get 99’s of minor leaguers who haven’t done ANYTHING!!! This pisses me off SO MUCH!

@TheGoaler_PSN said in Set 3:
@IrishFist412_MLBTS said in Set 3:
Nope, It’s not just you…I’m a whale, I admit it. I spend $2000 - $3000 on this game every year. I’m going to give SDS the benefit of the doubt to pivot and not make cards non usable online. If they don’t then I’ll be done after this season. I like my team, I like the cards I’ve grinded to P5. If all my work & money are going to be thrown away then I will take my money elsewhere. I refuse to be treated like this.
I admire you for admitting you spend that kind of money on The Show. I guess, if you have it, why not. If I was rich, I think I would. All I bought was a 50 pack bundle in April.
Everyone’s situation is different. Just because I spend money on the game, I don’t think everyone should. I’m 46, Have a successful career & a family. Video games are how I relax. I don’t have the time to grind 99 but I do have plenty of disposable income. And while some will say that I can just buy the next set of players - Yes I could, But I won’t. I spent 400k to get Mantle. I spent 400k to get Mauer. Now at Season 3’s end I’ll only be able to keep one on my team online…F that. I’m not gonna just keep paying for rentals. There are lots of other games I love playing too, I’d rather invest my time & money in those instead of playing this rental format SDS has decided to embrace. If enough whales stop buying stubs then SDS will change their tune.
Gerrit Cole Bay Bay! Massive respect to my opponent for allowing me to earn it & not bailing. Guy even messaged me congratulating me. 95% of players are scum but there are still a few good ones out there.
No limit…If I get up & my opponent quits I get the win. If I’m losing then I’m racking up innings for the program…RS truly is win/win now.
I’ve seen alot of people complaining about the steals mission in the father’s day program so I thought I’d share this…After I did all the moments I headed to play vs cpu, Rookie difficulty at Dutton Ranch (shortest fences & highest elevation) and started grinding the stats missions. Whenever I got one of the father’s day cards on base I immediately stole the next pitch. I got 6 steals in the game. All I do is press LT before the pitcher starts his windup and as long as my runner gets a descent jump I simply don’t swing and then hold my joystick to the right so my runner slides away from the tag. I got caught a few times but I was safe 6 times - In just ONE game. On rookie the catcher often drops the transfer or throws an inaccurate throw. Anyways I just wanted to share what I’m doing & how with the community. Good luck guys, Hope this helps.
@PAinPA_PSN said in Would removing Outlier improve the game?:
What would it do? it would be 99 instead of 101/102.i know there is a big difference,but you would get much relief from outlier removal.
just about everyone in the game is upper 90s now.I personally feel it’s a HUGE difference facing 99 mph without outlier than 103 with outlier…Like a monumental difference.
@Jacky-Chan1_XBL said in Has this game imploded already?:
The cards are not being removed. Just can't use them in RS as far as I know. You can still use core and live
To me THIS IS removing them from the game. Anybody can hang 30 runs on the cpu on rookie with a team of bronze players…Online is where you need the good players - The players you are comfortable with & you spent the time grinding them to P5.
SDS is a subsidiary of Sony. How subsidiaries work is they are told by the parent company what they want/expect. If Sony told them to make people buy more stubs then it is SDS’s job to do that. Just like if you were my manager and told me to complete the QED reports, That would be my job. And if I said no - you would discipline or fire me. So if you want to be mad about stubs, Be mad at Sony - Not SDS.
That being said - DD is BY FAR the best team building mode in sports games for NMS players.
I’m definitely not elite but I do make World Series sometimes…
Have a balanced lineup - Some power hitters, Some speedy players & I never use any player that isn’t at least a gold defender.
Be patient & take pitches…LOTS of pitches - Especially early in the game. And when you are in the early innings & get 2 strikes - Take another pitch. 75% of the time it’s another ball & this makes your opponent go “oh [censored], this guy has a great eye.” Even if you don’t…He’ll start throwing more strikes.
I’m going to wait until season 3 drops before I make any decisions on this game. I’ll say this though - If they go forward with rendering all set 1 cards useless except for the one WC spot then I’m out. There are several games coming out in July & August that I’m interested in & if SDS seriously is going to take away my cards & then expect me to grind again for the same player like some kind of hamster on a wheel - F that.
Only the people that follow the game streams & this forum know about Set 1 cards expiring. There is nothing in game, At least nothing obvious warning players about it coming. There are going to be ALOT of surprised people in a week.
@Bearsfan217_XBL said in Has this game imploded already?:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Has this game imploded already?:
@IrishFist412_MLBTS said in Has this game imploded already?:
I’m going to wait until season 3 drops before I make any decisions on this game. I’ll say this though - If they go forward with rendering all set 1 cards useless except for the one WC spot then I’m out. There are several games coming out in July & August that I’m interested in & if SDS seriously is going to take away my cards & then expect me to grind again for the same player like some kind of hamster on a wheel - F that.
They were very clear about this before launch, I don’t know how you guys missed all this info.
Clear to who? Average player doesnt check forums or watch youtube or streamers. I have a feeling large player base is about to be gone here in couple weeks. No coincidence they sent out that survey to try and save this years game. Game is hardly to be found on gamepass for Xbox its so far down on the list now. SDS is scrambling
100%…It’s all going to come down to pride. If SDS pivots and changes the original plan to what the vast majority of players want then the game can be saved. If they double down & don’t alter the original plan then it’s goodnight.
Some people are mature adults that play the game the way it’s meant to be played. And some people are extremely toxic. I have to believe that SDS can tell who the toxic players are and who the good players are. Maybe in the future you could match players based on their in game behavior. Let the toxic people bunt dance each other and let the good players have a normal game of baseball. Just a thought.
Just to be clear - I’m not wanting the toxic players banned. Most likely they’re mostly just kids who will mature as they get older. But until then - Let them just play each other.
Action Figure Series
This was probably my favorite thing in the game. They are so clean and the 3D artwork is spectacular. I’m in the 40’s and up club so these remind me of Starting Lineup figures from back in the day. This was one thing SDS knocked out of the park. Such a great idea!
I am in the 600’s currently and this morning it was taking longer than usual to find an opponent. Finally matched up & immediately knew I was in trouble lol…He had a record of approx 100-7 with the multiple WS icon. I paused to check the difficulty aa I always do - Legend. This was my first game online on legend this year & by the 3rd inning I was using contact swing exclusively that’s how tiny my pci was!
…I ended up with 3 hits and scored a run - Honestly I did better than I thought I would…My opponent however had ZERO problem squaring up, laying off, ect - Dude was SO GOOD it was surreal. Didn’t matter what I threw at him, There was no fooling him. And his entire team was hitting around.500. I ended up quitting in the 8th inning when my starter got tired and lost 10-2. No need to waste the pen. But yeah, It’s amazing how good some people’s hand/eye coordination and reflexes are, Just incredible.
He ended up being ranked like 990 lol
I used to be a consistent WS player and spent Willie Nillie on my squad. Well last year my skill diminished. My hands are a mess with arthritis & tendinitis. I have to apply CBD cream and take Ibuprofen just to play for a few hours. I am now just a 650-750 player. Since I can no longer compete at the top level, I’m giving myself a new challenge…Build a great team being NMS. And I’m really looking forward to it!
I feel like I’m beating a dead horse…Good players don’t matter if you can’t hit.
I swear you guys drive me nuts sometimes…I think people like saying “Let’s Grind!” But what they mean is “I want EVERYTHING completed & done day 1!”
And while it looks daunting, It’s really not. Once you start hitting milestone stats, It’s going to fly.
Before I begin - I understand this will never happen. SDS loves outlier & continues to only increase it’s effectiveness every year. Next year’s game you’ll probably be able to hit 108 regularly lol. This post is simply asking the question “What if?”
Last year Madden removed Escape Artist as an ability & by all accounts it drastically improved the game (the game is still garbage but this was a big improvement). I feel that outlier is the same as escape artist in that it is a crutch quirk for people that can’t pitch well…Would removing it from the game improve the online gameplay? My opinion is yes. What are your thoughts?
I start in with the Northwest and then work my way down the coast then just work west to east and only play the strongholds. Don’t waste time stealing fans.
Still no word on better NLB cards?
Set 3
Just threw a perfect game in RS!
What’s your limit?
10 steals mission
Would removing Outlier improve the game?
Has this game imploded already?
MLB The Buy Our Stubs
Question for Elite players
Has this game imploded already?
1 thing to remember about Set 1 expiring
Has this game imploded already?
I wish they would match us with similar players
One thing about The Show 24 that is fire 🔥
It’s truly amazing how good some people are
Looking forward to my first DD as NMS
It’s not power creep if there are ANY day 1 99s
Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.
Would removing Outlier improve the game?
Stuck on nation of baseball conquest mode