If they time lock some of the best free cards, it makes it more likely for you to spend money on the pack cards in the meantime. It’s just one example of them slowly making DD more pay to win.
![genopolanco_PSN genopolanco_PSN](https://theshownation-production.s3.amazonaws.com/forum_icons/mlb23/icon_col_cityconnect.webp)
Shooting is easy in 2k24 but there is definitely cheating. Not as often as people claim, but there is without a doubt some zen users in that community.
Might as well log on to 23. Same game, same cards, except you can actually use all of your cards.
Regions definitely were involved in matchmaking before.
Every sports game sucks now is the only reason they would win it while putting out a PS4 game in 2024.
They need to have restrictions on custom stadiums for online play. It’s been like this for years now.
Tone down the altitude effects in general.
Moments suck in general.
The Rockies got ANOTHER CJ Cron lmao. They are obsessed with giving the Rockies Cron diamonds. He got traded from them last year and it’s not like he’s some Rockies “legend”. Makes me think they planned this TA like June of last year.
If MLB players can read and react to a 100+mph pitch and swing a bat to hit it in real time. Then there’s no reason why there aren’t some goons out there that can make it seem like they’re predicting their pitches when all they have to do is move a cursor and hit a button.
This is just skill gap and people trying to find excuses for not having that skill level.
17 is when I started in DD. Skipped 18 and 24. Both have been good decisions.
I’ve been beyond critical of SDS and how they have slowly ruined DD, but I honestly can’t say this is a bad thing at all. It’s really the only way to get lineup diversity.
However, if they are going to go this route then it sounds like they need more programs and other playable content being released at a higher rate.
I’m just saying from an overall standpoint, the community was much more happy with SDS and their content during those times.
I don’t care about SDS’s income. They aren’t putting that money back in the game so I could really care less. Hardly any new legends, practically the same game as last year. If these players/uniforms whatever aren’t in the game because they cost money then why aren’t they getting bought? It’s just straight up greed. They want your money for their yachts and not using any of it to make a better product. People are sick of it and that bleeds into every aspect of the game, including hating every piece of content even certain cards are comparable to other years.
Those years were arguably the best years of DD from a content perspective. The content structure now is significantly different and for a lot of people, significantly worse. Add on to how SDS has treated the community since then, people are frustrated with all of it. There were a lot of people who praised SDS during that time and now a lot of those same people are just bitter and burned out with DD.
@chucky97___ It’s not even about what criticism here does or losing on flukes. It’s about defending a company who has slowly ruined what used to be a great game mode. Not only defending them, but going out of your way to do it. It’s the same people on nearly every negative post.
@b00std_mark_II that has nothing to do with it. Die hards should be more critical of this game/company to push for improvement. Not defend them on any post that has a negative tone towards them.
It’s these SDS simps that keep the door open for them to continue to run this game into the ground. DD is absolute garbage compared to what it used to be.
He’s just one of SDS’s knight in shining armor. If there is anything negative posted towards SDS he’s always gotta chime in defending them. Just look at his post history.
I swear SDS employs these guys from the way they defend this game like their life (or in this case career) is on the line.
I don’t own 24. Main reasons are bringing Seasons back. Seasons are cool with me in MUT… why? Because the cards I earn in that season don’t become useless when the season ends. I’ve been very vocal about this since last year so probably no surprise to anyone. If I do buy 24, it will be on-sale and in Season 3 so I don’t have cards being restricted. Seasons are 100% a money grab and it’s a lazy way to cover up their inability to structure a good power creep without being too extreme one way or the other.
Another reason is this is the same game as last year. I own a PS5. I want to play PS5 quality games. Im done paying full price for PS4 games. They didn’t show anything that made me think they weren’t completely selling this year. They didn’t even have big names for Legends. They are keeping all of their profits and not putting any of it back into the quality of the product. That’s not a company I want to support.
I actually like that they put the best cards in packs this year. Lineup diversity. It’s been a problem for years because they gave out top tier cards to everyone so everyone had the same team. There’s some positivity for you.
Why do I come on here occasionally and post on a game I don’t own? Because I loved DD in 17. It was the most fun I’ve ever had playing a game since I was in middle school. So I voice my opinion because it sucks seeing SDS destroy something I loved. They used to have great communication and I actually was probably one of the fanboys back in 17. But every year they have gotten stingier, almost zero communication, and now they are even cutting playable content. It just sucks to see.
@suzypuff14 if you bought 24 after seeing the pre-order info and what they did in 23… then you were/are also in denial.
The silver lining is it really doesn’t matter who you unlock when Season 2 comes around. The cards are either going to be dirt cheap or not worth using as a WC.
But that opens a different set of problems because for me personally, I don’t even want to play the game at all until Season 3 because of this. This game is really only good for 1 season. After that, it’s just recycled content and trying to unlock players who have just as good, if not better versions already in the game.
I haven’t played 24 but that would be a pleasant surprise. They used to have great soundtracks back in like 2009-2012ish but the last 3-4 years the soundtracks have been mid at best.
Has SDS ever explained the purpose of the XP cap?
No Tech Support
This game is so dead we are matching with players 3000 miles away
Back to back SG of the year?
I hope pitching actually matters in The Show 25
I love 6 TB moments 👎
i actually liked the ramp up this year and the gameplay, but the 0 creativity programs has me done.
At this point MLB 24 is the worst show ever released
More Shop packs today -- woohoo (SDS U SUCK)
If you think about it
If you think about it
This Is Not A Serious Game
This Is Not A Serious Game
This Is Not A Serious Game
The REAL state of this game
MLB The Pack 24
I am at 70K XP worth continuing?
The music this year is fire