I refuse to watch, what feels like a 5 minute cut scene interview after every game. Because it seems to take as long as the game. SDS really seems intent on ruining all the fun they can this year.

Except for last year, I normally would play this game between 1000-1250 hours per year. Last year I played only around 750 hours. It just seemed to be more money-focused, too much for me. Ever since it went from a PS exclusive to being on every console it just seems to have gotten more and more money and online focused every year. So far this year I have 153 hours played. I'm struggling mightily with staying interested in the game with the speed of a sloth xp progress. I hate online play. I'm just struggling to play because of the very things you have stated OP and the push of packs. It just doesn't feel rewarding to play for me. It's just not fun.
I have often criticized the BR program. I just wanted to say the changes to the BR Program are a win. You lowered many of the program requirements while keeping the 100-point reward no-sell. That is more than a fair trade-off. I have fussed a lot about BR and I think this is a good step and wanted to say thank you
@evanchance said in No Reward?:
@Firestormx I'm still waiting... hopefully soon.
That's why I came back and updated everyone, if they just got to me, maybe there is hope for all.
Just wanted to pop back in here and say they have gotten to my ticket and given me the missing packs I was missing from the 2nd storylines drop. I put my ticket in a few hours after the drop, since I did the 2nd set of storylines as soon as it dropped.
I'm hoping so as well
I have the same problem. Got the cards but none of the other rewards. Submitted a ticket about it
I'm not sure if people are not fully reading my posts or if I'm being gaslighted, so let me be clear one last time. I don't care if people are rewarded with a single 10-0 reward track and pack 1 time per program cycle. Just like you can only do the program once per cycle, you should only be able to go 10-0 once per cycle. It's the endless over and over to get endless stubs and top cards that is wrong. Every other method to generate stubs has been nerfed or eliminated. This 10-0 endless repeat needs to go or a grind method for the rest of us should be introduced.
@BJDUBBYAH said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
@Firestormx said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
@BJDUBBYAH said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
@BIG-DADDY-42 said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
You should be able to sell the card either way . Why you reward 10-0 but not a major grind is a slap in the face to a lot of players .
The sellable pack is the reward for going flawless, which is way more difficult than finishing a program. Thus deserves a “reward”
Then why is 10-0 repeatable and the program is not? The people who can go 10-0 do so over and over getting all the cards and millions of stubs from the great cards they get. In contrast, those who have to do the program have no grindable way like the top players to get a high amount of stubs and great cards easily.
Because top players deserve to be uniquely rewarded, and going flawless is extremely difficult to do.
Top players alone deserve infinite stubs and infinite top cards, BS
@Shauwn said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
@Firestormx said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
@Shauwn said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
Great cards? Most of the time u don't get the best cards. Going 10-0 is not super easy. I had a chance once, and my diamond was Strider, lol. Kinda bummed me out.
There are spreadsheets that show based on the first card you get what the last card will be and the people who routinely go 10-0 use to make sure they get trout or Othani or whoever the want or is selling the highest, so yes great cards
Interesting. Guess if my bronze 1st card is not one of the top 3, then it's best to quit and keep trying until I land the top 3 cards in the rotation. Good to know!
This will likely change in a few days and a new rotation will be set up.You must be new. Google MLB The Show 24 BR spreadsheet. They keep the spreadsheets up to date. If you can farm 10-0 you can feast while everyone else must settle for scraps and crumbs.
@Shauwn said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
Great cards? Most of the time u don't get the best cards. Going 10-0 is not super easy. I had a chance once, and my diamond was Strider, lol. Kinda bummed me out.
There are spreadsheets that show based on the first card you get what the last card will be and the people who routinely go 10-0 use to make sure they get trout or Othani or whoever the want or is selling the highest, so yes great cards
@BJDUBBYAH said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
@BIG-DADDY-42 said in No sell on battle royale pack?!:
You should be able to sell the card either way . Why you reward 10-0 but not a major grind is a slap in the face to a lot of players .
The sellable pack is the reward for going flawless, which is way more difficult than finishing a program. Thus deserves a “reward”
Then why is 10-0 repeatable and the program is not? The people who can go 10-0 do so over and over getting all the cards and millions of stubs from the great cards they get. In contrast, those who have to do the program have no grindable way like the top players to get a high amount of stubs and great cards easily.
Which leads to my biggest gripe. The boss pack as far as I am concerned is that 90+ diamond pack to help finish collections. With the wheel at 30k per spin and the xp cap, how many chances are the casual players really going to get at the real boss pack?
I edited my original post to say say I am done with BR ( thank God ) and thanks for all the advice and tips
baseball is just very different than it used to be. Pitchers used to be around 100 pitches thrown in the 8-9th inning every single start. Today most pitchers seem to be around 100 pitches thrown around the 5th inning. That's a big difference. With that said some arguments you will never win, and an argument with someone much older about the way things used to be is a lost cause.
@arvcpa said in How are low skilled people suppose to complete BR?:
I sit in the 600's for ranked. I win 4-5 games per BR entry, so I was able to get it done for a reasonable amount of stubs. So, I'm not sure what to say. How are you in Ranked? Do you play over there?
That said... I really struggle in events, especially early in the cycle. Keep your chin up.
I don't play ranked. I used to suffer through BR when it first dropped. I would be deeply withdrawn and depressed for a few days after but I could get it done, sell the card high, and buy it back low at the end of the month. I used to do that until it was changed to no sell. It just gets so old, losing over and over with no end in sight.
@arvcpa said in How are low skilled people suppose to complete BR?:
@Firestormx said in How are low skilled people suppose to complete BR?:
How is BR suppose to be completed?
Where do you sit on the 15k/25k point missions?
15k is done and 17,852 on 25k. But that will take another 10k-15k stubs of which I currently have about 500
I had 20k stubs when I started yesterday. I have about 400 stubs now. Sitting at 81 points. All player missions are done except for 1 and I just need 1 at bat with him. I lost 2 times in a row more times than I can count. Which is taking the entry fee which might as well be 1 million stubs and flushing it down the drain. If I pitch the ball 1 millimeter out of the zone then nobody swings, anywhere in the zone and the ball is destroyed. I have no idea how I'm supposed to pitch. I feel so worthless since all I seem to do is lose. Because in this game only the rich and top pvp players are rewarded. How are low-skilled people supposed to complete BR? Why do the elite players get to farm cheap and easy wins against stupid and worthless people like me? This game makes it very clear, Be perfect ( Be rich enough to buy the pack or be a top PVP player) or get nothing like the trash you are. How is BR suppose to be completed?
EDIT: I finished the BR program for anyone interested. I would lose sometimes by 1 other times by 10. I did win a few here and there. Somebody in this thread advised me to look for duplicate cards to sell. I had none but I did have some Diamond RTTS perks to sell which gave me the stubs to finish, so thank you. It takes me 3-4 days 6-10 hours a day to complete BR. I firmly believe the final reward should be sellable for that kinda time investment. Thank you for all the advice and comments.
@xxfrystealerxx said in Account Reset? 4/4/24:
@Firestormx I thought about that too tbh but like I've said in a few different threads now it was after midnight and I was tired so I just decided not to pick either option and go to bed, then this morning both were at 0 anyway so idk. Think I'm gonna log off from here for a bit cuz I keep getting frustrated as we're all just going in circles here and no update from SDS yet... Thank you all for your input though and I'm glad that many of you are okay, hopefully those of us who aren't will be soon
No worries. Frustrating day for sure. As I said, I think it's terrible wording. Your account suddenly has 0 level and 0 stubs and needs to be reset to where it was. But the way they go about it gives you a heart attack if you don't realize what it's actually saying.
@xxfrystealerxx said in Account Reset? 4/4/24:
@Sngambit- here's my issue with this: when my account was still showing up last night with the correct stubs and level, that was the one that had the disclaimer below it "selecting this account will reset", and the other one that was at 0 had no disclaimer. Why would anyone in their right mind willfully pick the account, even if correct on stubs and level, when it comes with that warning of resetting everything?!?
While I think it's very bad wording, the reason to choose resetting the account is this. The account currently has 0 stubs and 0 level so you are resetting it to the previous place.
Turn off interview
SDS: Pushing me towards online play is pushing me away from the game
BR Program change
No Reward?
No Reward?
Derek Jeter Storylines tomorrow hopefully!?
No Reward?
No sell on battle royale pack?!
No sell on battle royale pack?!
No sell on battle royale pack?!
No sell on battle royale pack?!
No sell on battle royale pack?!
End of XP Reward Path Wheel
How are low skilled people suppose to complete BR?
Changes in baseball now then compared to a long time ago
How are low skilled people suppose to complete BR?
How are low skilled people suppose to complete BR?
How are low skilled people suppose to complete BR?
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24