Is anyone else having trouble switching players on the app?

Come on SDS get better servers! Spend the money
Either get rid of the stupid cool down penalty or fix freeze off! You can’t expect people to quit then get penalized for not wanting to sit in a stupid freeze off. Please fix freeze offs already!
When are we gonna have the abilities to call for replays in DD? Got M’fers doing 360 in the box and ump calls it no swing and how bout close plays on the bases? Not like replay just got implemented in MLB. It’s been a thing for a few years now.
This game is a close 2nd to being the worst as 18. The rating system puts you at such a disadvantage and matches you up with people that are much better than you. I don’t think I’ve seen a losing record on this game yet. Wish they would match people up that are on the same level. I don’t mind losing but lopsided unrealistic games are no bueno. I just want to play a fair even game for once. Put the pitch a little outside the corner and it still gets jacked out. #Unrealistic
@b9murphy_xbl said in Freddy Peralta moment:
I got the same thing earlier thought it was weird. Now I'm doing the June Topps moments with James teilon and same thing. Except this time it won't let me finish the challenge
I luckily got passed it but it was by luck cause the game didn’t end. I finished the brew crew program and June moments. Luckily it didn’t happen again
So in the brew crew Freddy moment of striking out 5 guys and it has me starting in the 12th inning with no way to finish the moment. Anyone else run into this problem??
@easy_duhz_it__mlbts said in Mike Piazza:
Pretty sure thats a setting in your DD team uniform.
Yeah that’s wrong. You can only edit bats and socks
Why does he wear a goalie mask? He always wore a regular mask
@arvcpa_psn said in Just can't get comfortable this year:
Man, my timing is off on every game mode, online and off. It took me way longer than normal to get through the BR program. I struggle with Mini Seasons. Even Conquest.
I went back into MLB 21 last night to see if maybe my settings are off. I entered a Conquest game with a bunch of 42-Series guys, and lit everything up.
So... I don't know what's wrong. I just can't get comfortable this year. Maybe my old eyes are trying to tell me something. Ugh.
Time to get those Peepers checked
@raesone_psn said in FOTF Casey Mize:
I'm not a big fan of him either, but if you are referring to online play I just wanna point out that there are players who will hit any pitcher. Including 99 Randy Johnson.
Yeah online. I haven’t used him vs the computer yet but idk there’s like no movement on his pitches and he seems to just get
@bearsfan217_xbl said in FOTF Casey Mize:
You doing it wrong then
Not really. I know how to pitch and pitch great with anyone else but this card just gets bombed on. I’ll hit the corners and people still hit the pitch. 84 gold Smoltz feels better to pitch with than this card
This has to be the worst one outta all of them. Doesn’t even feel like a Diamond. Straight Dud
Anyone else having problems going from one game to the next? Once I finish one game I press enter game and it won’t go
@kdkalita7_ttv_psn said in Bring in another pitcher:
Same here! The game crashes whenever a new pitcher is brought in!
Exactly brother! Wtf!
Co op freezes when you bring in another pitcher! Please fix
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in Problems I’ve Encountered so Far:
Anyone else getting the conquest tutorials every time you start up the game? Flipping annoying.
Yes! every [censored] time! so annoying
I'm tired of "Bo Jackson anyone?" I heard that at least 50 times this past weekend
I'm getting tired of "BO Jackson anyone?" This might be the first year I turn off the Commentary. They should've kept Matty V and Pleasac and just updated their lines
@saintleo14_psn said in Twitch packs:
Where did you have to claim them? I kept checking inventory in twitch and couldn’t find them anywhere, though I had the message saying I had packs available.
Why can’t they do it how they used to and they just auto populate. Having to go in after and redeem them in a specific time is dumb.
Was on twitch. I was watching on the app
Can’t switch players
Freeze off
They really need a new rating system
Freddy Peralta moment
Freddy Peralta moment
Mike Piazza
Mike Piazza
Just can't get comfortable this year
FOTF Casey Mize
FOTF Casey Mize
FOTF Casey Mize
Mini seasons
Bring in another pitcher
Bring in another pitcher
Problems I’ve Encountered so Far (Report Your Issues Here!)
I Might Be the Only One
Anyone else heard this? Too funny
Twitch packs