Because he has a sinker......a better version in-game of the same exact pitch

@DarthKDog09 said in Prestige card grinding:
@AftershockFx said in Prestige card grinding:
@DarthKDog09 said in Prestige card grinding:
@AftershockFx said in Prestige card grinding:
To be fair this online fiasco wouldn't be a problem if SDS didn't prevent offline only players from having the chance to prestige players offline. They could have easily made an offline grind with 3x the amount of stats requiring AS difficulty or something. Poor planning on their part.
Nah offline "grinding"is for the 90's. Play online or beat it!
No way. This community is incredibly toxic. If I didn't have to play online I probably wouldn't honestly.
What fun is playing the cpu? Where's the gratification? Its like playing checkers vs yourself.
No, it's like playing checkers vs a CPU programmed to play checkers. People feel different ways about what they want from the game and work long weeks where they aren't always down to spend 45 min playing against Kluber at Shippett for the 100th time and worrying about an RS score.
@SchnauzerFace said in Need some knuckleballers:
@olivegarden2 said in Need some knuckleballers:
@Renz2003 said in Need some knuckleballers:
I miss the days of mlb 18 when the bronze Nekro and silver wright were some of the best pitchers. Maybe a gold Tim Wakefield or silver Tom candiotti
I hate people that play like this. They have no skill, they use common knuckleballers to win games. Watch this and you will see why you are hated using knuckleballers:
Son, if you ever try to trick me into watching a Koogs video again I’m going to defecate in your bucket of LEGO.
He made me want the knuckleballer to win
I mean Mantle is going to still be better, and cheaper.
Because he can't be sold for 30,001
Me and that one other guy tried to tell y'all he is ELITE but no one listened......
I don't care what y'all say I will trot my Fauci card with 79 mph Sinker and 45 mph Sweeping Curve any day. Dude has put in decades fighting crazy diseases and he actually follows science.
Hi I'm Chandler, I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable.
Pretty sure they only did it because they are SD fans and they want to troll after the Rangers fiasco.
I demand more Kyle Lewis hype.
@TlmEleSs_Jsaac said in Should I sell Walker and buy back after the event?:
Sell this piece of trash game
Sell your body for cheeseburgers
They enter the Shadow Realm.
The first nameplate is 30 Future Stars and the second is 30 FOTF
@ArmyND said in 3rd base option?:
Nolan Jones....tried Chipper but his defense was a liability for me
Lol he's playing SS for me right now
@buttmuncher150 said in Hitting slump:
Don’t be to down on yourself. I’m currently in a slump that started a month into 2019. It’s time to stop calling it a slump, but I need to keep some of my pride don’t I?
I've been in a slump since 1993.....
I love when Rodney gets a good card, heavy fastballs and stupid nasty changeups are the most fun pitches to throw. Everyone whiffs or hits a groundball lol. There is always a good amount of risk with him but when he's on it's a blast.
@Yankee_Nation said in Another 2 ducks and another 2 minimal pulls:
I can afford to blow stubs because I can just buy more but I just feel for kids that grind & grind only to have that happen to them. It’s not something they should have to deal with yet. The world will have its way with them soon enough.
Well said lol.
By threshold do you mean 80 Power? I've heard YT guys mention it but have never seen any confirmation that 80 Power helps with home runs on Perfect or whatever.
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Disservice to Larry Walker:
Bonds better than Walker?!?! He’s lost it.
Bonds literally has more than DOUBLE the career WAR than Walker. And Walker played at Coors. That's just asinine
I quit playing Madden as soon as The Show 20 came out, and I've had no desire to go back. Now that I know that they are AGAIN not touching Franchise I might just get some updated rosters and play Franchise in 20 whenever I get the itch to play. I'm so tired of the lack of diversity in playcalling, who has fun running the same HB Stretch and whatever blitz is cool at the time over and over and over.
I like the lineup diversity, and how you can pitch however the hell you want and be successful without just copying how some streamer plays.
Why Doesn't Maddux Have 2 Seam?
Prestige card grinding
Need some knuckleballers
Collection reward or mantle
Why is the gold andruw jones selling for 30k?
Why did Hamels price skyrocket??
Wake me when it's 2021
Could Showdown be any more cheap???
99 FOTF Tatis
what players in the mlb are people sleeping on
Should I sell Walker and buy back after the event?
What happens to cards after they're exchanged?
Mike trout collection
3rd base option?
Hitting slump
Rodney is NASTY
Another 2 ducks and another 2 minimal pulls
Are you gonna use 99 Jackie?
Disservice to Larry Walker
Underrated Aspect of the Show