Too late, I already spent $300 today. Wish you had told me what to do with my money sooner so I would have known.
Yeah I know. Why work for cards you can use now when you can unlock them in a week or two when their attributes have been passed by with the next round of cards and they are useless. Who would want to do something like that.
@pootiecat said in What happened to being decent to your opponent....cmon man:
While I did walk Belli and didi yes, I never walked Snyder. I walked them to set up the force at home and to try and make a pitching change. And yes I did tell you I IBBed them this was after you were very toxic basically telling me just how much better you were and that I walked them on purpose. I played the game straight up.
@MVPSIZZL said in What happened to being decent to your opponent....cmon man:
Nope, it was me and I'll own up to it, and share my side of the story, I've got nothin to hide.
pootiecat got butthurt that he was losing in the event and intentionally walked bellinger, didi, and snyder to keep me from getting prestige stats; Even admitted so in a psn message after the fact.
Then he goes and replays a homerun while down 9-0, which by itself aint a problem- though it's definitely silly.
But, you do BOTH those things in a stupid event game meant to grind prestige stats, and I'm gonna let you know about it and rub it in a little.
Yea, I def let pootiecat know I beat him after that [censored].
Was I decent to pootiecat, definitely not because pootiecat wasn't being decent to me.
Was I being childish? Yea, most definitely. But that's what you get for being childish yourself pootiecat. You aint innocent in this.
I've said my peace...feel free to keep sharing one side of the story pootiecat
You intentionally walked two batters immediately after a pitching change to set up a force at home down 6-0? Just stop already. You tried to get support and got called on it.
Why does everyone think everything has to be catered to them? They chose to spend time grinding those areas. There should be some reward for that and give them some use and advantage out of their efforts. As said above don't like it don't play it. BR caters to skill above all else go play that.
Earn it.
Placement skills B+. Ability to read a ball below the zone...F-
Wow. SDS fixes a couple exploits and this forum community really starts to shine.
@lucas8181 said in To the guy that I just played...:
@PennStateFencer said in To the guy that I just played...:
Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?
so close! Make like a tree and know, when it's spring and leaves appear on a tree....its a pun, and you punted it
It's a back to the future reference so you are the one that fluxed up.
@raesONE said in 8xp per homerun in HRD:
Play showdowns, tons of XP to be earned there.
Not an option for them. That takes at least some skill.
First time around they were. Now that the pool is more diluted so no. Odds are too low for your to make back your stubs.
@AlanThaGreat1 said in Cody Bellinger prestige:
@AlanThaGreat1 said in Cody Bellinger prestige:
@dogslax41 said in Cody Bellinger prestige:
Dude all your games with you as the visitor show you quitting after first batter. BS on giving other people help. You are a mooch.
Not everyone ask for help towards the prestige card , some just be like ok . You can’t really speak on it if you don’t know the facts
It looks like a lot of people took this personally , I love that you guys shared ya opinion just like I did on mine. You can be toxic and all that but I always reply to you in good manner and respectful way thank you bro.
Because you are wasting other people's time logging into a game taking what you want and then quitting. You are the one that is toxic in this situation and a bad member of the community. The fact that you are so selfish you can't see this and then try to play the victim is a joke.
@Nanthrax_1 said in 97 Awards Bret Saberhagen incoming!:
@dogslax41 said in 97 Awards Bret Saberhagen incoming!:
Going to be tough to use him with the tendency for the curve to hang.
His Royals cards used sliders generally. His Mets cards were curves instead.. just in the past..
Be interesting to see. If its from his 89 Cy Young year he had already abandoned his slider by that point. Not that SDS is bound by reality though.
Do this so when I click down twice and up twice you can be surprised when you face Kluber instead of my #5.
Sounds like your issue may be pitch selection. Showdown will eat you alive if you are impatient. With those swing timing and results combined with getting 0 runs off Smith in 20 outs sounds like you are swinging at everything.
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Directional for events?:
Why did you keep throwing pitches in the same location if he hit 14 homeruns there?
This was my takeaway as well. How did you not notice this the first 13 times it happened.
I thought Friday's release is a breakout veteran not a Future Star.
Edit nevermind thats the player program. Why are we still doing the future stars? I didn't mind it but was kind of hoping to move past it sooner rather than later.
Great, I already have a nightmare of a time hitting the FOTF due to that funky motion.
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Players leagues program?:
@maskedgrappler said in Players leagues program?:
This is dumb, but no dumber than those all star cards from last year.
What can you do.
This is truly a direct result of no season being played though, so I don’t have much of an issue with it.
No issue at all, the content team is doing a great job in my opinion creating something out of nothing until the season gets going.
This entire thread makes zero sense. You say you are going to have him prestiged by the weekend and then say you don't play online. Felix does very well against the CPU. In RS he gets lit up like a Christmas Tree. The CPU isn't thrown off by tunneling pitches, users are and that is where Kluber shines. Felix is a decent card online but not on the level of Kluber.
Just play the CPU on AS with an all Mariners team and score 10 runs. If you can't score 10 on AS just beat it on AS then load up rookie and get the remaining RBIs done and quit. That will give you the 10 points you need.
Before you rush to buy packs!
Guys That Rushed for 5 or 6 TA2 Players Already
What happened to being decent to your opponent....cmon man
This Event
Cody Bellinger prestige
Self-Assessment - PCI placement skills
RIP Double MTO...
To the guy that I just played...
8xp per homerun in HRD
Are Ducks on The Pond Packs Worth it?
Cody Bellinger prestige
97 Awards Bret Saberhagen incoming!
Way to avoid Kluber
I hate showdown
Directional for events?
Friday’s Future Star in the Headliner Pack?
Players leagues program?
Players leagues program?
King Felix sinker
Is the Mariners players and Catchers exchange worth it?