Sounds like your issue may be pitch selection. Showdown will eat you alive if you are impatient. With those swing timing and results combined with getting 0 runs off Smith in 20 outs sounds like you are swinging at everything.

The bigger threat with Wagner is there are going to be periods where he won't even be available on the market.
@mitchhammond24 said in Why does everyone play at Shippet?:
@beanball0571 said in Why does everyone play at Shippet?:
I play at iron horse or date palm. But yes shippet is used the most because it allows the most bs homeruns of any stadium. Shippett specials that only go out in that park, any where else they are outs
It’s the most used because it’s the most rewarding. Some players don’t like lineout fests
Yeah it'd be a shame if those late oks didn't leave the yard.
@dbarmonstar said in Cody Bellinger POTM against the shift?:
@Steelerof3Rivers said in Cody Bellinger POTM against the shift?:
People that use the shift deserve to be taken advantage of. F’ing idiots.
I rather someone bunt for a single with a guy who has power, The next pitch is a double play no problem. The idiot is the guy who bunts with a power hitter cause they can not hit.
Agree 100%. I have no problem with people bunting against the shift with a player that should be putting it over the wall.
Yeah I usually rotate through 7/8 guys. Too many good starters I like using. I'll throw Mize, Maddux, Orel, Wood, Lieter, Saberhagen, Greinke, and Hammels. Occasionally with throw El Duque as well.
I would suggest looking at Mize as well. His repertoire is [censored] near perfect and I'm a big fan of his delivery when analog pitching.
@onnagood1 said in Thats NOT where I wanted it:
SDS missed the mark completely this year in terms of gameplay pitch accuracy.
It's no secret.
It doesn't matter who you throw it with, what their control attributes are, what pitch you throw, how perfect you locate your mark pre-pitch, and how perfect your release meter is, it feels like pitch accuracy has virtually been non-existant. I mean sure, you might have a game here and there where you feel like pitch control was pretty good, but those can easily be overshadowed for the majority of outings where you experience "forced pitches down the middle of the plate."
The only ones who may disagree with the above-statement are CPU players who play on Rookie or Veteran level (whom I have nothing against), where their "forced pitches down the middle of the plate" won't be felt much, if at all, because their opponent is unlikely to crush it out of the yard that everyone else experiences on other game modes, especially RS. That's facts.
I experienced this earlier in the season and still do in BR, but with the higher end cards especially Maddux I do not see this at all. Only time I see this is when I miss my meter and I am ok with that being a random outcome.
Cutter. If it's no on the corner it's getting slammed.
@squishiesgirl said in I want both flawless rewards...:
@raesONE said in I want both flawless rewards...:
@CRGDVD said in I want both flawless rewards...:
@Breadsticks21221 said in I want both flawless rewards...:
@SaveFarris said in I want both flawless rewards...:
They only dropped 1 more BR Reward after August 2019 (Sig Foxx on 11/15), so make your plans accordingly.
Foxx lol...I was gonna put Frank at 1st. I'm starting to think Alomar isn't worth 500k
Very few players are worth 500k. I'm hoping Foxx will be a boss this year.
And that he'll have a C secondary.
He barely played over a 100 games in his career at catcher
Pablo played like 10 games at catcher in the majors.
@the_dragon1912 said in Roberto Alomar:
@dogslax41 said in Roberto Alomar:
It does appear to be Lindor more than Alomar. New Nike jersey and what appears to be blonde hair.
Would make it a lock for me picking up Wags
While I agree that the blonde hair and Jersey says Lindor, the Wrist band and Glove say Alomar. Lindor doesn’t wear a wrist band or have a glove that looks like that.
Edit: Also the schedule says gold glove legend. Its AlomarExcellent point on the schedule. Completely forgot about that. Pretty much locks Alomar.
It does appear to be Lindor more than Alomar. New Nike jersey and what appears to be blonde hair.
Would make it a lock for me picking up Wags
I think I am going to hold onto mine. I strongly suspect they will be used in some way for stage 4. Most likely x points for collecting them or something to that effect.
Well the other one is Wagner so these are going to be two very expensive cards.
Probably going to take another week. Yeah he's hitting over 300 in his last couple games but his still hitting below 250 on the season and after hitting those two against the marlins is still only at 5 on the year.
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Problem with Tatis grand slam while up big?:
@Bozzman0109 said in Problem with Tatis grand slam while up big?:
hey they can do what they did with Barry just intentionally walk him with the bases loaded
.Yeah but to be honest with you that was more of a middle finger to him for be such a pompous jack***
No it absolutely was not. No one is going to walk a run in up by 2 because they think someone has a bad attitude. It was a sounds strategy against the best player in baseball at the time.
Placement skills B+. Ability to read a ball below the zone...F-
He will come down a bit as a large number of players wait until the end of the season to make the final world series push. I think he will drop down to around 240/250 then go back up.
Only problem is with him ignoring the take sign. I don't believe it should have been given, but it was and you know he saw it.
I don't think that would be a meh card at all. I do think for a 97 he will probably get over 100s in power. A great late game defensive sub that could still potentially scratch across a couple runs.
Probably going to look similar to the Trevor Story card with better defense.
If it's Indians Alomar then I am going to be tempted to sell Mize to pick him up. What's with SDS's timing this year? Musial then Ruth right after Hornsby then Alomar right after.
I hate showdown
Billy Wagner Price
Why does everyone play at Shippet?
Cody Bellinger POTM against the shift?
Sig Bob Feller
Sig Bob Feller
Thats NOT where I wanted it
Thats NOT where I wanted it
I want both flawless rewards...
Roberto Alomar
Roberto Alomar
Face of the Franchise
Roberto Alomar
SO Pete Alonso is going diamond again........
Problem with Tatis grand slam while up big?
Self-Assessment - PCI placement skills
Chris sale end game?
Problem with Tatis grand slam while up big?
Awards Matt Chapman
Roberto Alomar